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India among 'high-risk' nations facing hefty visa fee to UK

India is in a kind of strange spot here. Unlike the other countrues which only have low quality of people to be exported , India has some low quality people but also mostly high quality professionals like many on this forum and who have raised the profile of india positively in the last 2-3 decades. These stars also now get lumped with the dredge from other countries and thats unfortunate. There should be a mechanism to circumvent this and there should be no visa for these professional indians like singapore citizens have.

ohhh no!! looks like my cousins wont be coming over this summer :(

you should rather say, looks like they wont be going back.. lol.
Same-day visa for Indian businessmen, no cap on students: UK PM Cameron

MUMBAI: Out to woo Indian businesses and students, British Prime Minister David Cameron on Monday announced his country would introduce same-day visa services for investors and said there would be no limit on the number of students from here studying there.

"We have the biggest visa operations anywhere else in the world right here in India. I announce that we are going to introduce for businesses a same-day visa service to those who want to come to our country and invest ..." Cameron told India Inc at Hotel Taj, the country's hospitality icon.

Same-day visa for Indian businessmen, no cap on students: UK PM Cameron - Times Of India

can we take this as a joke now?
No one is disputing that Indians have made considerable contributions to the UK. British defence industries had a number of engineers designing missiles, torpedoes and other defence related material and Indians figured prominently among the designers.
But there have also been numerous illegals in Britain with some estimates being nearly a million(total illegals).
Among these there are a lot of Indians as the study from the LSE has shown. The Home Office says the top five countries from which the illegals have arrived are believed to be India, Nigeria, Pakistan, China, and Bangladesh.

If the UK did not take steps to stop this flood of illegals then it would be considered derelict in executing its duties. Simple.

A nation that over stayed 200 years in India now feels the pinch when a handful over stay?
Colonialism was an ugly episode in history. The UK is not unique in lording it over on the indigenous peoples ( The Mongols, the Romans, India's good friend, Russia, in the form of the USSR, Spain et al ). This is a fact of life, get over it.
Numerous illegals adding to the overburdened social services is not the way to go.
Illegals should be deported immediately and stricter entry requirements should be enforced.

However, many in the establishment deplore this decision to demand a bond upfront.

London Mayor Boris Johnson attacked the decision saying it would harm the capital’s economy which benefited hugely from high-spending Indian visitors.

Last year alone, we had 2,32,000 visitors from India and they spent something like £177 million.
Perhaps I am wrong in my analysis...mea culpa.
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