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India always needs Pakistan



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Nov 28, 2009
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Hi Dears,
I wonder when someone says that India is Pakistan enemy and wants to destroy it.
Its very funny.
Lets see at the historical facts in 3 steps:
1) Almost all major foreign armies ( Alexander the great, Turk, Persian, Afghan) attacked and captured India through Afghan ( Afghanistan and Pakistan) areas. Afghan areas are gateway to India.
All these attacks were firstly, faced by Afghans( Pashtuns ). After long the wars the foreign armies agreed with Afghans to leave their lands but in response they should help them to capture India. These attacks had long living effects.
Only the British and Arab captured Indian from sea-side. Therefore they were not for long time.
This is the historical fact.

2) Now we come to the the India partition time. British was going to leave India but they did not want to leave it for USSR and other upside nations (according to the history).
Therefore the Indians and British agreed to create Pakistan who will safeguard India from upside attacks.
Even for this purpose Indians left their political partners (Pashtuns, Khan abdul Ghafar Khan) to the imperialist planing.

3) After 40 years of the partition of India, we saw that USSR attack was retreated through this planing.
Therefore India needs Pakistan for its defence because its safety from upside invasions.
Even the people of Punjab and Sindh till this time consider Afghans as big enemy rather than India . Its natural.
All this Hindu-Muslim, 2 nations propaganda is made to use, eat and finish Pashtuns and Afghan.

Open your eyes. India never wants Pakistan should be damaged or destroyed.
I again say that it was and is the same game which is continued by Indian Imperialism.
Since 1947,under the table, Indians are supporting Pakistani regime against the Upside Terror.
Till this time Indian lobby is very strong, all the media, intelligentsia and bureaucracy of Pakistan is under their pressure.

Hindu-Muslim game is only for eating Pashtuns and other Pakistan nations. Indian are spread all over the world and they are doing same. All of Africa is captured by these guys. Pakistan was the same target. But here the difference is that the people of Pakistan (specially Pashtun) ruled them.
But very sadly that these Indians could use us ( Pashtun, Punjabi, Sindhi, Baloch, Saraiki) using our faith, our religion. In 1947, they gave hands to International imperialism.
But hope that now the time is passed. New sun is on the horizon.
International imperialism, is not going to provide facilities to Indian Imperialism.
Indian lobby in Pakistan is smart enough and capable of playing double game. At this time Indian races of Pakistan(Punjabi, Sindhi and Saraiki) have to decide, they are with India or with their brothers Pashtuns and Baloch.
I hope they will choose Brothers rather than Indian Imperialism.
very smart way of debuting to get noticed righyaway... welcome..........:cheers:
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New theory comes to market. I think India will be better of having direct link to Afganistan.
another nut case...do you expect pakistanis and indians to believe this theory?
I had to read your article twice, but its ok.

I think that India needs Pakistan to fight terror since they're so new at fighting it themselves
i.e Mumbai attacks vs Pak's Sri lankan attack

Suicide bombings are a different matter.
Hi Dears,
I wonder when someone says that India is Pakistan enemy and wants to destroy it.
Its very funny.
Lets see at the historical facts in 3 steps:
1) Almost all major foreign armies ( Alexander the great, Turk, Persian, Afghan) attacked and captured India through Afghan ( Afghanistan and Pakistan) areas. Afghan areas are gateway to India.
All these attacks were firstly, faced by Afghans( Pashtuns ). After long the wars the foreign armies agreed with Afghans to leave their lands but in response they should help them to capture India. These attacks had long living effects.
Only the British and Arab captured Indian from sea-side. Therefore they were not for long time.
This is the historical fact.

You are right, except that: In that period, only India existed. India was an amalgamation of many different states ruled by different royalities. Pakistan did not exist then. So, India was attacked. India's gateways existed at the present day Khyber Pass. So, no question of India needing Pakistan before Pakistan was created.

2) Now we come to the the India partition time. British was going to leave India but they did not want to leave it for USSR and other upside nations (according to the history).
Therefore the Indians and British agreed to create Pakistan who will safeguard India from upside attacks.

Ha ha ...Absurd. British believed that Pakistan would be a strong country that would stand the test of time(because of one religion) while India would get divided into many smaller nations(because of different religions). British favoured Pakistan for this reason. British did not intend Pakistan to be sacrificed for India.

Even for this purpose Indians left their political partners (Pashtuns, Khan abdul Ghafar Khan) to the imperialist planing.

Indians had no choice. Remember, we were under foreign rule. If Indians had the choice then we would have stopped the partition itself.

3) After 40 years of the partition of India, we saw that USSR attack was retreated through this planing.

At that time, USSR was India's ally.

Therefore India needs Pakistan for its defence because its safety from upside invasions.

Not really.

Even the people of Punjab and Sindh till this time consider Afghans as big enemy rather than India . Its natural.

That explains the shoddy treatment of Pashtuns.

All this Hindu-Muslim, 2 nations propaganda is made to use, eat and finish Pashtuns and Afghan.

Not really, but you may be correct that this had a negative effect on the Pashtuns and Afghanistan. Its time Pashtuns reasserted themselves in the martial way, they are famous for.

Open your eyes. India never wants Pakistan should be damaged or destroyed.


I again say that it was and is the same game which is continued by Indian Imperialism.

You are saying Pakistan is a part of Indian imperialism on Pashtuns!!:rofl:

If anything, Pashtuns are suffering from Punjabi imperialism. Infact, all the folks in Paksitan: Sindhis, Balochis, Pashtuns, Seriakis...etc are suffering from Punjabis imperialism. No point blaming India. India is ever ready to help the victims, just like it helped the bengalis escape the genocide.

Since 1947,under the table, Indians are supporting Pakistani regime against the Upside Terror.


Till this time Indian lobby is very strong, all the media, intelligentsia and bureaucracy of Pakistan is under their pressure.


All of Africa is captured by these guys.

Where did Africa come from!!:what:

We have not captured Africa, we are competing with China for Africa's resources and are offering them good money, jobs and tech in response to it. We are merely doing business.
very smart way of debuting to get noticed righyaway... welcome..........:cheers:

Thanks dear for the welcome.
My ideas are not very clear. Therefore i post this message. That could know the other sides of my idea.
Pakistan and Afghanistan are in fire today. They want the solution but its not there. As they both are refusing the historical facts. History is the experience of generation. If we can not find solution for our current problem than we have to search in history.
That's all am doing.
You are right, except that: In that period, only India existed. India was an amalgamation of many different states ruled by different royalities. Pakistan did not exist then. So, India was attacked. India's gateways existed at the present day Khyber Pass. So, no question of India needing Pakistan before Pakistan was created.

Thanks dear for taking interest in my idea.
By the help of Pakistan, India gateway is moved to Mazare-Sharif, Afghanistan :) So India is more secure.

Ha ha ...Absurd. British believed that Pakistan would be a strong country that would stand the test of time(because of one religion) while India would get divided into many smaller nations(because of different religions). British favoured Pakistan for this reason. British did not intend Pakistan to be sacrificed for India.

You are absolutely right. British did not plan for the good of India. They were planing for USSR.
By accepting Paksitan, at that time, India was getting rid of British and also getting a better idea for securing India. Therefore not British but Indian sacrificed today Pakistan nations and specially Pashtuns.

Indians had no choice. Remember, we were under foreign rule. If Indians had the choice then we would have stopped the partition itself.

At that time, USSR was India's ally.

Not really.

That explains the shoddy treatment of Pashtuns.

Not really, but you may be correct that this had a negative effect on the Pashtuns and Afghanistan. Its time Pashtuns reasserted themselves in the martial way, they are famous for.


You are saying Pakistan is a part of Indian imperialism on Pashtuns!!:rofl:

If anything, Pashtuns are suffering from Punjabi imperialism. Infact, all the folks in Paksitan: Sindhis, Balochis, Pashtuns, Seriakis...etc are suffering from Punjabis imperialism. No point blaming India. India is ever ready to help the victims, just like it helped the bengalis escape the genocide.

Punjabi imperialism is the son of Indian imperialism :)



Where did Africa come from!!:what:

We have not captured Africa, we are competing with China for Africa's resources and are offering them good money, jobs and tech in response to it. We are merely doing business.

You are right. Indians ( not now days Indians but people from subcontinent) played a good role in the development of African countries. But in response they sucked this continent. Please tell me, why hate against the Indians in Africa is on high? Why they are living their homes in Africa , moving to western countries?
Gandhi jee India was destroyed when India accepted Pakistan and gave hands to western imperialism.
But at the moment, Indian Gateway is planing to move near to Indian borders. That why India is more tense from American policy towards Afghanistan-Pakistan. Same armies of Alexander the grate are on the borders. History is repeating.
smart ???? lolzzz NO
We dont want to join our enemy India.
Thanks dear for the comments.
Indians are our brother but Indian Imperialism is doing wrong. Its not very smart and decisive. It knows how to make money but does not care people. It sacrifices the nations for other living in its rule. Its blind. So we dont have to join it. Otherwise it will bring us to the deep cave.
I dont care India and Pakistan are enemies but its high time they put their differences aside and fight against the common enemy terrorism...too much innocent blood is spilled by those bastards..its high time we need to work together and face this menace.After that we got enough time for balme games and petty politics :angry:
I had to read your article twice, but its ok.

I think that India needs Pakistan to fight terror since they're so new at fighting it themselves
i.e Mumbai attacks vs Pak's Sri lankan attack

Suicide bombings are a different matter.

Thanks dear for the comments.
This is the main phobia of Indian imperialism. From the childhood they are learnt " dont cry, otherwise Pathan will come".
They always think negativly about Pashtun. Why they dont think that Pashtun are the guards at their gateway?
During the struggle against British rule, Khan Abdul Ghafar Khan provided India with a good chance to make a secure and independent country. But what to do with Indian imperialism TERROR phobia. Every fear kills your sense. Therefore they accepted British formula of division. If they heard Gandhijee and Ghaffar Khan it could be more better. We could be at the top of the nations.
Dear we are living in modern world and everything is open. Pashtun need jobs, business, education and a good life style. They are looking for the change to the best. Every human has the right for it.
Its high time India and Pakistan put their small diffrences aside. End of the day the people are one blood of the same sub continent.

They should assist one another and fight against terrorism which is the worst enemy in the world today. Imagine if the 2 nations were friends with open boders. The potential for a booming economy for pakistan is imense.
Thanks dear for the comments.
This is the main phobia of Indian imperialism. From the childhood they are learnt " dont cry, otherwise Pathan will come".
They always think negativly about Pashtun. Why they dont think that Pashtun are the guards at their gateway?
During the struggle against British rule, Khan Abdul Ghafar Khan provided India with a good chance to make a secure and independent country. But what to do with Indian imperialism TERROR phobia. Every fear kills your sense. Therefore they accepted British formula of division. If they heard Gandhijee and Ghaffar Khan it could be more better. We could be at the top of the nations.
Dear we are living in modern world and everything is open. Pashtun need jobs, business, education and a good life style. They are looking for the change to the best. Every human has the right for it.

Man nobody here says dont cry pathan will come...its the main problem in both of our countries..always tell some thinh nonsense about each others country..Our media,politicians etc doing their share on this..And also Ghaaffer Khan is known in India as Frontier gandhi and we learned about him and what were his involvement in Freedom movement..Gandi dont want to divide India..but Jinnah wanted a seperate country for muslims..Inorder to avoid partition gandi advocated Nehru to give PM seat to Jinnah..It was Nehru who refused it ..Any way its history..Now Pakistan is a seperate country and we have our reasons to be terror phobiac..I dont want to go to that because it will again turn in to Indo-Pakistan mud slinging contest..

Your intention was good in the begining but later it turn in to India accusing thread as the usual
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