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India Ahead : How will PAF counter IAF - FGFA/PAKFA ?

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no one can argue with who cant able to accept truth

i think we are talking about weapons not military ....(in 1971 wht ur army did in bangladesh we all know )

but being stupid cant help ...please stick to weapons if u can :lol:

You need three conditions to win a war actually.

1 A civil war on the enemy side.

2 Inept leaders on the enemy side

3 Country divided in two wings separated by a big geographical distance.

In absence of these you need Russia and United Nations.

Having many more fighters and advanced weapons do not guarantee a victory during a war. The decisive factors which are who's war, where, when, must be taken into account.
^^^ Yes sir, i agree ...

BTW too many threads are there on such issues...can atleast this be closed now..
listen man author is not using the desperate tone you are using.He said BVRs did provide a advantage but he also said that whenever F-16s were present border violations would decrease notably meaning your M2K even with BVRs didn't had the guts to face F-16s.

First of all, M2ks will get BVR capabilities only with the new upgrade and MICA EM and were not even in offensive missions, only recon. The Russian Mig 23, 29 had this capabilities and as the author said, that advantage would have reduced the succsess of any offensive missions of PAF and why they were only patroling in their own air spaces. He also said:

It also must be highlighted that other than the F-16s, PAF did not have a capable enough fighter for patrolling, as the minimum requirement

in the scenario under discussion was an on-board airborne intercept radar, exceptional agility and sufficient staying power. The F-7s had reasonably good manoeuvrability but lacked an intercept radar as well as endurance, while the Mirage-III/5 were sitting ducks for the air combat mission (even though an odd squadron had been retrofitted with a first-class radar which made it fit for the night interceptor role).

So even for patroling the own airspace PAF was more than limited in capabilities.

And BVR is highly over rated.Its not like that once loaded you just push a button and Boooom.You only have one shot of BVR before you come into line of sight.(Don't ask me who told me this because i dont remember all i remember that this thing was also said by a professional pilot).And if your shot misses or enemy takes evasive maneuver your element of surprise is gone.

It is correct that not every shot means also a kill, but the chances are more than good and even if it fails, the one who shot first is still in the better position to shoot a 2nd time, than the one who tried to counter the first attack, because he is still in defense.

BVR is a clear advantage, today with AWACS and data link guidance, low RCS and even stealth even much more than during Kargil, because the capablities have improved. The US even coun't completely on techs and capabilites like this now and for future, instead of pilot skills, or manouverability of the fighters. Just look at F 18SH, or F35, designwise more a bomb truck than a air superiority fighter. They completely hope on long range radar and missiles, as well on JHMCS and AIM9X for defense. WVR combats in their point of view will not happen anymore and with the addition of stealth, the focus is even more on BVR.
Imo this is very dangerous, because sooner or later even these fighters will be detected, then their chances against highly manouverable fighters like Flankers, Euro canards, of future eastern 5. gen fighters, will fall dramatically. But that is about the US, not about PAF and IAF.
First of all, M2ks will get BVR capabilities only with the new upgrade and MICA EM and were not even in offensive missions, only recon.....

And all along this time I thought the Matra Super-530Ds arming the M2Ks was for BVR purposes.:what:
Why do you bring religion in to everything ? It is unfortunate to see educated Pakistanis see the world within the narrow realm of a Jew, Hindu or a Muslim.


What we se this world is our concern and not Ramu's

U opn the oother hand see it the HIndu way but try to hide it and use reverse psychology instead.

Very cunning, but not clever.
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