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India agrees to train up to 600 ANA officers annually.

Shut up kid! He's a professional!

So What???
Have you gone through that illogical post
You wont find threads like top Christian/Buddhist army/navy in any forum
The problem is you guys bringing religion every where
World is moving ahead, societies are evolving, people are leaving barbaric traditions but some Muslims are still living in 7th century
Good more should be done to Boost Indo-Afghan relations
1.That report needs to be verified. ANA doesn't have so many officer cadets. And Afghans are not too happy with the treatment they got in one course where tension erupted because of cultural differences. "Motivation" and ideological refinement are important items in officer training. A Hindu dominated environment will be wrong place to send young Afghans.

2. It is pretty usual for Indian media to come up with such speculative reports which end up to be untrue. We in BD are quite used to this RAW antic.

3. BMA Bhatiari would be the ideal place to send ANA cadets. We have trained officers from many Muslim nations including Bosnia, Palestine and many others. A Muslim officer cadet must not be exposed to secular / ant- Islamic environment in a society that looks at Afghans as the inevitable invader. Ahmed Shah Baba is a hero to Afghans and Muslims all over the world. To Indians and Hindus he is evil and is ridiculed as such in their plays and media. Afghans are popular in BD. After Pakistanis ours was the largest number of volunteers that had responded to the call of Jihad when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan.

Bangladesh Military Academy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you guys look at everything from the point of religion? To get training we have to choose a country which has a professional military.

It has nothing to do with Hindu Muslim. As yes Bangladesh should offer its services to the ANA all help is welcome to them at the current point of time.
Good job India!

Some photos of ANSF:

ANA officers under training in Germany


ANA officers under training in UK


Afghan Counter-Terrorist Unit


Afghan Air Force, Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police, all in action


ANA trainees


ANA commandos carrying a wounded fellow commando in Zhari district Kandahar


ANA preparing for a night raid


ANA in Nuristan

Got the look of proper soldiers.Good combat gear too.

Do you guys look at everything from the point of religion? To get training we have to choose a country which has a professional military.

It has nothing to do with Hindu Muslim. As yes Bangladesh should offer its services to the ANA all help is welcome to them at the current point of time.

Forget him bro,he's a core jamati.Its his nature.His day begins with religious discrimination and ends the same way.

Btw i doubt ANA would really bother sending recruits to BMA,which has ZERO experience in counter terror ops or mountain/hill warfare.IA has exp in both and actually is the mother of the bangladeshi army.
Wherever you got that idea from? India did provide us with infrastructures for the training but we trained our fighters ourselves. They were in thousands. Two short officer courses were conducted by IA - but that too, under strict monitoring by Col Osmain.
we can expect this from the ungrateful bongs like you :taz:
1.That report needs to be verified. ANA doesn't have so many officer cadets. And Afghans are not too happy with the treatment they got in one course where tension erupted because of cultural differences. "Motivation" and ideological refinement are important items in officer training. A Hindu dominated environment will be wrong place to send young Afghans.

2. It is pretty usual for Indian media to come up with such speculative reports which end up to be untrue. We in BD are quite used to this RAW antic.

3. BMA Bhatiari would be the ideal place to send ANA cadets. We have trained officers from many Muslim nations including Bosnia, Palestine and many others. A Muslim officer cadet must not be exposed to secular / ant- Islamic environment in a society that looks at Afghans as the inevitable invader. Ahmed Shah Baba is a hero to Afghans and Muslims all over the world. To Indians and Hindus he is evil and is ridiculed as such in their plays and media. Afghans are popular in BD. After Pakistanis ours was the largest number of volunteers that had responded to the call of Jihad when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan.

Bangladesh Military Academy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I appreciate your honesty in the bold statement....Rest of the statement is all BS out of frustration....Just for your FYI...In this today's world, it is the Muslim world who is fighting with each other and killing each other rather than any one is coming and killing them..So try to learn and follow at least good developed countries like Turkey and Indonesia rather than following nations with different objectives....
And the point of this thread is? We have been training Afghan BDS for a while now......one of our TT gave the training to those guys himself at NPA,......
Off topic, but I really want to know what is the criterion & process of getting a "Professional" tag? And how does PDF verify the authenticity of the claim?
afghan army chief is also trained in india and he know how is indian military training. even armys of US, Uk, France, Russia had visited various indian army institutions only because its is the best in the world and it shows that the best armys in the world accept this fact. during initial stage of 'war on terror' US, UK, and french armys visited the CIAJW school and HAWS of indian army. and this help them a lot.
First they collaborated with the USSR, then the USA and now India, Nothing surprising from the sellout puppet, they will get the same fate their fathers got, shame and failure.
1. Political secularism and religion to a soldier must not be confused. All nations accept the importance of religion to the fighting man. That's why there are Religious Teachers, Priests and Rabbis even in the Western armies. War cries of Hindu and Sikh soldiers are totally religion related. Sat Sri Akal, Hara Hara Mahadev and Ma Kali Ki Jai will not come out of the throat of any Muslim soldier. His war cry is Allak O Akbar. Even the GOI prescription of introducing Bharat Mata Ki Jai has not been accepted by the regiments. But that too sounds Hinduish.

2. Look at the formation shields on the left shoulders of ANA cadets. They are round. They are Saracen battle shields worn by all Muslim armies - PA, BA, Turkish Army, the Saudis all. And their war cry is Allah O Akbar which sounds inimical to the Hindu ear.

3. Afghans are unhappy in a nation that remembers them as raiders, looters, killers, and invaders who have married their women by force, who caused the establishment of the institution of Jauhar, who converted them by force, etc. These are all in Indian literature, Hindu history and in their songs, TV serials and films. The Hindus know the meaning of the word Hindu Kush. There is a vast cultural gap brought down through history. Hindus cannot forget the Battles of Panipath where the Afghans massacred them. Even in modern times the Sikh soldiers in the British expeditionary force was massacred to a man by the Afghans.The Sikh Regt still celebrates the Sargarhi Day when an entire picket of 4th Sikhs were killed by the Afghans.

4. I can't locate the media report which mentioned Afghanistan withdrawing a batch of trainees because their religious beliefs were unacceptable to the IA institution. But there has been trouble with other students also:
Afghans in trouble in Indian universities - thenews.com.pk

5. The name of the country is the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. In the center of the national flag there is an image of an ancient mosque. Once the invaders are expelled Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan will re-emerge.

6. And we haven't talked about Mulla Umar who is waiting for the invaders to clear out. Nope, Afghans will eventually not train with a nation that their ancestors had used as a seasonal raiding ground. It is best that they come to BD, a fellow Muslim nation whose pre-British rulers had roots in Afghanistan.That would also be an interim arrangement as they have already signed up with UK to set up a military academy on the lines of Sandhurst. Ma'ash Allah!
This will be bad for India I think.... The insider attacks US is facing, now India will face... And as usual, indian media will go bezerk
I am ready for a truce if Indians agree to train the Afghan Navy.
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