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India, Afghanistan involved in terrorism, NA body told


Feb 2, 2007
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An official of the Interior Ministry on Wednesday disclosed that India with the connivance of Afghanistan initiated a cold war against Pakistan to take revenge of its support to the Kashmir cause. The official gave a detailed briefing to the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Interior chaired by Rana Shamim Ahmed.
The body was informed that terrorists were sneaking into Pakistan through the eastern and western borders. The committee was informed that foreign agencies were funding the terrorists and insurgents in Balochistan to fulfil their nefarious designs.

The Taliban, al Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) are engaged in subversive activities in FATA and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where as LeJ and other sectarian outfits were engaged in fanning sectarianism in Gilgit Baltistan.
Islamabad has been declared ‘extremely dangerous’ city, reasoning the existence and functioning of banned outfits besides other factors.
It was further informed that Islamabad was at high risk and has become the sleeper cell of the banned terrorist outfits such as al Qaeda, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and LeJ.
Banned outfits of TTP and LeJ are a real threat in Punjab while the target killers, al Qaeda and LeJ are targeting Sindh.
FIA Director General Ghalib Bandesha said that FIA despite shortage of force, vehicles, weapons and paucity of funds had recovered Rs 1 billion during the last year. He said, “We are facing hardships to dispose of the pending cases owing to shortage of manpower.” He said Red Warrants were issued against 141 most wanted human traffickers.
During the meeting, PML-N lawmaker Tehmina Daultana and MQM parliamentarian Nabeel Gabol exchanged harsh words.
Both the lawmakers criticised each other’s party heads during a discussion on law and order. Daultana said the MQM was insisting on emergency for personal gains, while Gabol insisted that an emergency should be imposed in the country in view of prevailing law and order situation. He went on to say that the government should wear bangles and keep itself indulged in one-sided dialogue while terrorists would continue targeting citizens on the other side.
Gabol said the PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif ran from the country a decade ago. Daultana retorted that Altaf Hussain was also out of the country and questioned why he had not returned to the country.

India, Afghanistan involved in terrorism, NA body told | Pakistan Today
And what is the name of this official from the Interior ministry.

its all true
his name is Khalifa bin Abdali, his roomate's cousin's grandfather is the direct descendant of the shopkeeper who used to sell comics to Mohammad Bin Qasim and Ahmad Shah Abdali which made them invade India and inspired us for Ghazwa e Hind.

India is guilty by association.

you see, Indian embassy in Islamabad is about 13 KM away from Red Mosque which is the permanent guest house of Wahabi cannibals, molesters and butchers which means RAW is supporting them . now you people will say so is Pakistani Parliament , and ISI office but they are all Muslims whereas Indian Embassy is Hindu (yes , even buildings have a religion)

hence the proof that this report is right .


India is a nation like every other. It has it's ambitions, and supporting insurgents against Pakistan wouldn't be too farfetched, considering the two nations' history. You guys did it in Afghanistan by supporting the NA, before they became the government of Afghanistan, and Pakistan did it in Kashmir against Indian forces, what makes this situation any different? Pro tip: It doesn't.

If we take our pride and nationalism out of the argument, we can get a clear picture of the situation. Every major military power has done dirty deeds, even India.
its all true
his name is Khalifa bin Abdali, his roomate's cousin's grandfather is the direct descendant of the shopkeeper who used to sell comics to Mohammad Bin Qasim and Ahmad Shah Abdali which made them invade India and inspired us for Ghazwa e Hind.

India is guilty by association.

you see, Indian embassy in Islamabad is about 13 KM away from Red Mosque which is the permanent guest house of Wahabi cannibals, molesters and butchers which means RAW is supporting them . now you people will say so is Pakistani Parliament , and ISI office but they are all Muslims whereas Indian Embassy is Hindu (yes , even buildings have a religion)

hence the proof that this report is right .
I really hope that this entire thing was a joke.
its all true
his name is Khalifa bin Abdali, his roomate's cousin's grandfather is the direct descendant of the shopkeeper who used to sell comics to Mohammad Bin Qasim and Ahmad Shah Abdali which made them invade India and inspired us for Ghazwa e Hind.

India is guilty by association.

you see, Indian embassy in Islamabad is about 13 KM away from Red Mosque which is the permanent guest house of Wahabi cannibals, molesters and butchers which means RAW is supporting them . now you people will say so is Pakistani Parliament , and ISI office but they are all Muslims whereas Indian Embassy is Hindu (yes , even buildings have a religion)

hence the proof that this report is right .

Irfan bhai kya mast post mara hai :p:

Khali thank karne se kaam nahi chalega :D
100% true...I love the cartoon.

Indians are terrorists, sending terrorists from Afghan lands.

Let's also talk about the LeT, JeM, HM etc etc that Pakistan's establishment has raised and nurtured to spread terror in India especially Kashmir. Yep! That proxy war is being fought on behalf of the PA since the late 1980s - that's 25 years and counting! And the whole wide world knows it!

But that clown in the Interior Ministry didn't mention it? He's painted Pakistan as lily white! :P

Welcome to the land of conspiracies - a transformation from the Land of the Pure!

The fact is that India is a convenient scape goat to cover the incompetence and inefficiency of the Establishment. I wonder how many will fall for this red herring? The PTB need to get their act together instead of bellyaching and pointing fingers at others.
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The only terrorist we sent to pakistan eas maulana madoodi ji
confession at last :dance3:

Deoband is in India. all anti State terrorism has Deobandi roots. the Deobandi Madrassahs churning out foot soldiers and all.
Modoodi ji only hated Pakistan and called it a sin, Deobandi ideology has taken it to next level.
India is as much responsible for this as much King Kong is for loss of vegetation in Amazon
I also suspect that India founded and is funding the TTP. This was confirmed by that breakaway group from the TTP who has Hind as part of their name. These TTP guys are all Hindus dressed as Muslim extremists. Pakistan has yet to announce it but some of my friends claim to have seen bearded TTP members doing pooja at the Ganges. I am certain that once this is announced to the Pakistani parliament, a thread will be opened on PDF for further discussion
We should first start with Afghans they are the root cause of all the evils happening to us. We should start a crack down on their illegal *** and send them back to their stone age country where they really belong and seal the borders FOREVER. Afghans are such thankless parasites, I can bet they will bite any hand that feeds them.
I also suspect that India founded and is funding the TTP. This was confirmed by that breakaway group from the TTP who has Hind as part of their name. These TTP guys are all Hindus dressed as Muslim extremists. Pakistan has yet to announce it but some of my friends claim to have seen bearded TTP members doing pooja at the Ganges. I am certain that once this is announced to the Pakistani parliament, a thread will be opened on PDF for further discussion
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