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India Acts Stern On China, Deploys Bofors Guns At LAC

May 20, 2011
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While Dr Sawhney is talking little sense, a rare commodity among Indians, their news channels are engaged in propaganda battles.

In this episode of propaganda, a video is played in which they claim that ISI agents on the bikes are following an Indian diplomat , harassing them.

Oh boy, I think it is a common practice all around the world. Diplomats are followed, kept an eye on.

Secondly, the bravado against China continues. Indians are moving heavy Bofors guns to LAC. Indians matching China troops to troops , Guns to Guns.

While Dr Sawhney is talking little sense, a rare commodity among Indians, their news channels are engaged in propaganda battles.

In this episode of propaganda, a video is played in which they claim that ISI agents on the bikes are following an Indian diplomat , harassing them.

Oh boy, I think it is a common practice all around the world. Diplomats are followed, kept an eye on.

Secondly, the bravado against China continues. Indians are moving heavy Bofors guns to LAC. Indians matching China troops to troops , Guns to Guns.

when are they opening fire?
Source please.

One of China’s previous tanks, the Type 96, performed well in shooting in the International Army Games held by Russia every year, and the more advanced Type 99A and Type 15 are believed to be even better, the expert said, noting the Chinese technologies should be considered advanced at an international level.

The Type 15 tank made its debut to the general public during China’s National Day military parade on October 1, 2019. It is listed in China’s 2019 edition of defense white paper as one of the country’s most advanced weapons.

As a lightweight tank, it is significantly lighter than the Type 96 and Type 99A, making it operate effectively in difficult terrains that may be inaccessible to heavier tanks including plateaus, forest and water-intensive areas, analysts said.

Some Type 15 tanks have been deployed in the plateau areas of Southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, CCTV reported in January.

The Monday report by Weihutang also showcased a Type 15 in jungle camouflage, which analysts believe could be used in China’s mountainous southern areas. The tanks displayed at China's 2019 national day military parade were in desert camouflage.
Here's a list of territorial changes of Pakistan going back to 1958:
  1. PM Muhammad Ali Bogra started four year long negotiations to purchase Gwadar from Oman, eventually acquired on 7th September 1958.
  2. General Ayub Khan surrendred Shaksgam Valley to China on 2nd March 1963.
  3. General Yahya Khan lost East Pakistan on 16th December 1971.
  4. General Zia-ul-Haq lost Siachin Glacier on 13th April 1984.
  5. Brigadier Pervez Musharraf lost Quaid Post on 26th June 1987.
  6. General Pervez Musharraf lost the Kargil War on 26th July 1999.
  7. General Pervez Musharraf lost Waziristan on 5th September 2006.
  8. PM Nawaz Sharif increased Pakistan's seabed territory by 50,000 sq km on 19th March 2015.
  9. PM Nawaz Sharif's Operation Zarb-e-Azb liberates and annexes Waziristan on 3rd June 2016.
  10. PM Imran Khan lost / allowed annexation of Kashmir on 5th August 2019.
If anyone has any information on the border settlement between Iran-Pakistan, I would appreciate it and also any information on Pakistani claim of the territory on Antartica would be a good read.
How is this related to the thread?
Here's a list of territorial changes of Pakistan going back to 1958:
  1. PM Muhammad Ali Bogra started four year long negotiations to purchase Gwadar from Oman, eventually acquired on 7th September 1958.
  2. General Ayub Khan surrendred Shaksgam Valley to China on 2nd March 1963.
  3. General Yahya Khan lost East Pakistan on 16th December 1971.
  4. General Zia-ul-Haq lost Siachin Glacier on 13th April 1984.
  5. Brigadier Pervez Musharraf lost Quaid Post on 26th June 1987.
  6. General Pervez Musharraf lost the Kargil War on 26th July 1999.
  7. General Pervez Musharraf lost Waziristan on 5th September 2006.
  8. PM Nawaz Sharif increased Pakistan's seabed territory by 50,000 sq km on 19th March 2015.
  9. PM Nawaz Sharif's Operation Zarb-e-Azb liberates and annexes Waziristan on 3rd June 2016.
  10. PM Imran Khan lost / allowed annexation of Kashmir on 5th August 2019.
If anyone has any information on the border settlement between Iran-Pakistan, I would appreciate it and also any information on Pakistani claim of the territory on Antartica would be a good read.
Jumme ke din bhi chars phooko ge ab?
I am not sure how Bafors is anything to be proud of when China Type 15 tanks are moving in large number
Type-15 are Will be Pitted Against T-90 in Ladakh

Never the Less India Has Large numbers of ATGM's
Kornet E
Konkurs M
And Spike ER

Then there is Apache-AH-64 E And Hellfire Combo

And The Most Potent Weapon Anti Armour Weapon US CBU-105

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