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India 1 China 0


Jun 29, 2015
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Forgive the Chinese if they start feeling a certain amount of OS envy.

For more than 15 years, China has unsuccessfully attempted to come up with a homegrown operating system that would be loved by the masses and allow the country to be freed from the shackles of Western technological imperialism.

India has achieved that feat in less than two years.

Indus OS is now India's second-most popular smartphone platform with a 6.3 percent market share, behind Alphabet's Android. The multilingual system, one of many based on Android itself, reached No. 2 at the end of 2015 and maintained that position in the first two quarters, according to data released this week by Counterpoint Research. It leads iOS and other Android variants including Xiaomi's MIUI andCyanogen.

China's path toward operating system nationalism is littered with the shells of failures including China OS (COS), Kylin, Red Flag and YunOS. They were all unsuccessful in getting traction for varying but similar reasons that include being pushed by the government or by a corporation with skin in the game. It matters little whether they're for desktop or mobile devices, China has failed at both.

Originally called Firstouch, Indus OS got its big break in mid-2015 when local smartphone giant Micromax decided to start using it for some models instead of Alphabet's Android.

With at least 12 major Indian languages supported, Indus OS has tapped into what the market needs, not what a government wants. That's powerful because it means the software is developing and pivoting according to demand. For example, it offers simplified predictive typing and translation between regional languages.

Make in India
India's homegrown Indus OS overtook iOS in the fourth quarter and has extended its lead, proving interest in the local alternative remains strong
Source: Counterpoint Research
Indus OS also offers carrier billing in its App Bazaar, which means users can pay for downloads via their phone bill, for which network providers likely take a cut. This is a big motivator not only for consumers and app publishers but also for the operators themselves, who are less than happy about being left out of a smartphone party where Android and iOS drink more than their fair share of the champagne.

Since it's in their best interests to have more phones on their networks that will bill through their payment systems, operators have an incentive to promote Indus OS devices. And in turn, smartphone makers have a good reason to develop Indus OS models over Android.

Getting Smarter
India's smartphone market is expected to grow by 68 percent over the next two years
Source: Counterpoint Research
Such success shows how market forces can trump government directives, and the outcome also ends up playing out well for Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Make in India campaign. In theory, a Chinese-made smartphone could have Indus OS installed -- and that'll probably happen one day -- yet the reality is that any foreign company that wants to capture this part of the market will need to set up operations locally.

While Beijing has done a lot to try and wean the country off the dominance of American software makers, India shows that all it really takes is a good product and market forces.

hmm...I would have though China would have developed their own OS which is popular in China..

Can some one confirm if the article is true?
Is there any way to try it out? Using Cyanogen variant for now since 3-4 years.
Never heard of an 'Indus OS'; why did they name it Indus OS when they only own 5% of the Indus? Why not Ganga OS?
Its yet another bogus customized Android OS....move on.
I don't understand how Pakistanis who proudly claim Indus as their own also deiy anything to do with India.

Fact is, you all are descendents of early pagans or so called "idol worshippers" of today's India.

Indus = Sindhu =India/Sindh are all part of vedic/ sanskrit culture for last thousands and thousands of years :)
wow, I can't believe this is the actual title and the first line is not added on. I thought bloomberg would be at least somewhat serious publication. I was mistaken.

I'm speechless. What's weirder, it's an actual Indian member that posted this, not that Rising moron who I ignored years ago.
Indus OS (formerly known as Firstouch) is a multi-lingual mobile operating system based on Android.[1] In India, the operating system has gained popularity ranking above iOS & Windows and only behind Android.[2] Indus OS’s technology team has developed the world’s first regional Operating System made especially for the regional language user. The operating system also has its own app market place called 'App Bazaar'.[3]

The operating system is currently available in 12 Indian languages and has an active user base of over 2 Million. Indus OS has partnered with the phone brands Micromax and Elite.[4]


I am afraid, the day this OS poses a serious competition to already established western OS, it will be taken over for few million dollars...
we dont use name of shittiest ganga for our products..

Its you gangalanders who kicked your most holy ganga on arse and start worshiping our Indus..

Is it really needed.. why you have to reply with so much hatred for a name ..
River name can be anything and can be used for any product.. but definitely post is in bad taste.

Why second hand arabs are worried about something South Asian.

If he went down the wrong line, why you also have to go the same way. Is it necessary to give such a reply

who said we are Arabs? We are Punjabi, Sindh, Baloch, Pashtun..

And what civilization less bhangi slaves from gangaland have to do with mighty Indus (Pakistan)?
Again why you have to ridicule.. your insinuating post earlier was already over the top. Yet you want to add more oil to fire?

:lol: Well said, Madrassa graduate.

@Mugwop so you think these comments deserve positive ratings. Which I reported. @Oscar @waz
You know already he is posting in a wrong way and you quote and continue this conversation.

Was it not the first cardinal rule not to quote any troll post and stay away from such flame baiting stuff.
Report and move on..

@WebMaster @Horus @Oscar @waz @HRK plz remove unjust ratings by Indian TTA.. @SpArK

and @Kaptaan dear, can you rate those Bhartis who are calling us Pakistanis second hand Arabs..

Ok.. RSS Patshala graduate :D

None of my post use disrespect towards bhartis or bharat.. until you call us Pakistanis second hand Arabs..

Ganga is shittiest, dirtiest river in the world according to media.. no one can deny that..

Gangalanders means those who live around ganga.. again not offensive.. you can call me Indus'lander i will not take it as offence..

You should learn to tone down sentiments .. even though you might not understand but your approach is purely a flame baiting, troll wars mongering as well as hating. Which I believe you should refrain.

Rest is upto PDF management. I hope good sense prevail upon you..
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