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Independent #dravidanadu top twitter trend in India

She is doing a pranaaam ? :D Did Periyar roll in his grave? :D

Must have. Imagine doing a Dharmic Salute to a hard core Adharmic.
Jaya killed periyar even after he died, again :D

In another fantastic news, not for Dalits though is that 2 dalit girls, brutally assaulted by 12 muslims in UP - Covered up by Muslim media. A Dalit e-rickshaw driver brutally killed by Muslims for asking them not to pee in public.
Yet, the dravidanadu supporters here bring in Dalit + Muslim identity to justify their move.
Go to Dalits today and ask them who they prefer, Hindus or Muslims and u will get the answer. OOPS, they already gave the answer in UP :D
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