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Incumbents (Awami League) need to back out of TICFA with US


Dec 14, 2008
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United States
Incumbents (Awami League) need to back out of TICFA with US

THE way that the draft Trade and Investment Cooperation Forum Agreement literally whizzed through the cabinet on Monday tends to suggest that the Awami League-led government is in a hurry to enter into a bilateral treaty with the United States before the upcoming general elections, thereby raising suspicion that it may be seeking Washington’s blessings to retain power.

Such suspicion may not seem far-fetched if the push for TICFA is juxtaposed with the passage of certain amendments to the anti-terrorism law in parliament last week. As we have argued in these columns, the definition of ‘terrorism’ in the law and certain provisions incorporated therein through the latest amendments, e.g. the stipulation that photographs, and video and audio clips used in Facebook, Twitter, Skype and other online social networks would permissible as evidences in the court of laws, seem dangerously aligned with the US perception of terrorism and its so-called global war on terror.

The amendments also authorise the Bangladesh Bank to suspend bank account/s of any person upon request from foreign countries, which could only pave the way for undue external interference.
[Note: could have major impact on remittance inflow)

Then, of course, there is the possibility that the AL-government may be trying to pacify Washington, especially given the latter’s express disapproval and indignation with the way the former essentially muscled out Professor Muhammad Yunus from the Grameen Bank. Overall, there seems to be a strong case against the incumbents of currying favour with the US at expense of undermining the concept of a state’s sovereign equality.

Almost predictably, the government has cited similar agreements that the US signed with 90 countries and Bangladesh signed with 42 countries in defence of its push for the agreement. The commerce secretary was quoted in a report published in New Age on Tuesday as claiming that, when the bilateral forum was set up in line with the agreement, the authority of a country to take unilateral decision over any trade-related issues would be reduced. The argument sounds somewhat tenuous, given Washington’s predilection for unilateralism in respect of economic sanctions to accounts freeze to even invasion of a sovereign country.

Moreover, such bilateral agreements appear to strengthen Washington’s hands when it comes to bypassing multilateral arrangements such as the World Trade Organisation. Although its own brainchild, Washington does sometimes finds the WTO restricting, to a significant extent, its unilateral tendencies when it comes to issues related to global trade and investment.

What’s worse, TICFA, as and when signed, would certainly weaken Bangladesh’s capacity to bargain, and also undermine its legitimacy to represent the least developed countries, at WTO negotiations.

Worse still, the TICFA provision for protection of intellectual property rights under the WTO could have a devastating impact on many sectors in Bangladesh, particularly its pharmaceutical industry.

It is difficult to believe that the incumbents are not aware of adverse geopolitical and economic consequence that TICFA poses for Bangladesh; after all, these issues have been debated over and over since the initiative was first taken in 2002. Therefore, its apparent eagerness to sign the agreement could only be explained as its willingness to compromise national sovereignty, perhaps in the hope that it would help retain power for another term, especially when its popularity has started eroding like anything. Yet, the incumbents literally froth at the mouth when talking about its commitment to protecting national sovereignty. If they really mean what they profess, the incumbents should back out of TICFA and also scrap the latest amendments to the anti-terrorism law, if not the law itself, so that Bangladesh does not get dragged into the US’s war on terrorism.

Incumbents need to back out of TICFA with US
What is your idea, @idune? The incumbents should come out of Ticfa and the next incumbent should join it? Please explain your own position.
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What is your idea, @idune? The incumbents should come out of Ticfa and the next incumbent should join it? Please explain your own position.

Past incumbents almost signed it. Present incumbents protested then. Now present incumbents signing it.
If not next incumbents would surely sign it :Taz:
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What is your idea, @idune? The incumbents should come out of Ticfa and the next incumbent should join it? Please explain your own position.

"next incumbent should join" that is your idea. Issue here is national interest but as the editorial rightly mentioned Awami League giving away national interest to buy political capital by pacifying Washington. In a time when Awami League is completely rejected by population it is opting for Washington favor.
Regardless who is in power, Bangladesh should not sign this agreement, not without striking those conditions that will prevent Bangladesh getting benefit form WTO facility, pose threat to remittance inflow and infringe on our rights by Washington or anyone else impositions. BNP during its last tenure suffered politically but successfully thwart Washington pressure on same treaty. It is utter shame that you could not think and or see through national interest and what should be done when it comes to Awami League surrendering Bangladesh national interest.
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"next incumbent should join" that is your idea. Issue here is national interest but as the editorial rightly mentioned Awami League giving away national interest to buy political capital by pacifying Washington. In a time when Awami League is completely rejected by population it is opting for Washington favor.

Ticfa is a formula that will keep BD swimming instead of drowning into the sea of unlimited poverty. Have uou forgotten the impact of Rana Plaza and Tanzeen fire? So, unless Bd signs a treaty, USA will withdraw GSP and other facilities one by one.

The incumbent govt waited for a long time and was delaying to sign it. But, Rana Plaza has proved so difficult for the govt to keep on rejecting it any longer.

So, ticfa is not to get political mileage by the ruling party, but it has turned into a survival tool for the country.

But, I wonder, do you guys really think the US govt will send millions of black Americans to vote for AL in the next election? If not why you term it a "political capital?"
Ticfa is a formula that will keep BD swimming instead of drowning into the sea of unlimited poverty. Have uou forgotten the impact of Rana Plaza and Tanzeen fire? So, unless Bd signs a treaty, USA will withdraw GSP and other facilities one by one.

The incumbent govt waited for a long time and was delaying to sign it. But, Rana Plaza has proved so difficult for the govt to keep on rejecting it any longer.

So, ticfa is not to get political mileage by the ruling party, but it has turned into a survival tool for the country.

But, I wonder, do you guys really think the US govt will send millions of black Americans to vote for AL in the next election? If not why you term it a "political capital?"

We should had signed TIFCA long time ago...
Ticfa is a formula that will keep BD swimming instead of drowning into the sea of unlimited poverty. Have uou forgotten the impact of Rana Plaza and Tanzeen fire? So, unless Bd signs a treaty, USA will withdraw GSP and other facilities one by one.

Tifca will not give Bangladesh anything that Bangladesh is not entitled under WTO as least developed country. Just like Bangladesh got duty free access in EU and in China and elsewhere. US wants to curtail these previlages using different treaty bypassing WTO. Offcourse these are going over your head. By the way US has signed tifca type agreements with 90 some countries, show us an example that beacuse of Tifca a country is basking in wealth??????

But, I wonder, do you guys really think the US govt will send millions of black Americans to vote for AL in the next election? If not why you term it a "political capital?"

If this is the level of your understanding then you have disqualified yourself from this type of discussion. You need to seek remedial course from adults on geo politics, Washington influence in Bangladesh power circle specially in defense forces-UN troops, sushils, business etc. Once you do, read the following lines and it will make sense what political capital means and how.

"Awami League-led government is in a hurry to enter into a bilateral treaty with the United States before the upcoming general elections, thereby raising suspicion that it may be seeking Washington’s blessings to retain power.

Then, of course, there is the possibility that the AL-government may be trying to pacify Washington, especially given the latter’s express disapproval and indignation with the way the former essentially muscled out Professor Muhammad Yunus from the Grameen Bank. Overall, there seems to be a strong case against the incumbents of currying favour with the US at expense of undermining the concept of a state’s sovereign equality."
it is normal we would sell our country for a grain of rice
Tifca will not give Bangladesh anything that Bangladesh is not entitled under WTO as least developed country. Just like Bangladesh got duty free access in EU and in China and elsewhere. US wants to curtail these previlages using different treaty bypassing WTO. Offcourse these are going over your head. By the way US has signed tifca type agreements with 90 some countries, show us an example that beacuse of Tifca a country is basking in wealth??????

If this is the level of your understanding then you have disqualified yourself from this type of discussion. You need to seek remedial course from adults on geo politics, Washington influence in Bangladesh power circle specially in defense forces-UN troops, sushils, business etc. Once you do, read the following lines and it will make sense what political capital means and how.

"Awami League-led government is in a hurry to enter into a bilateral treaty with the United States before the upcoming general elections, thereby raising suspicion that it may be seeking Washington’s blessings to retain power.

Then, of course, there is the possibility that the AL-government may be trying to pacify Washington, especially given the latter’s express disapproval and indignation with the way the former essentially muscled out Professor Muhammad Yunus from the Grameen Bank. Overall, there seems to be a strong case against the incumbents of currying favour with the US at expense of undermining the concept of a state’s sovereign equality."

You seem to live on the Moon, think like a Martian and talk like a Spaceman without leaving any clue to what you really mean to say. Instead of adding so many zigzags, better make your statements straight and easy for others to understand.
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