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Incredible Bangladesh

all my nanial and dadial lived in bangla till '71!!!, my father and mother always talk abt the beauty of bangla all those flowers and greenery!!!m hope i visit the places some times where my dadiyal(chitagong) and nanyial(dhaka) use to live!!!, actually two of my mamus graduated from dhaka university and my father from chittagong university and my father has told me bengali students of his tym were very hard working and intelligent, very studious!!, one of my mamu who used to top in dhaka uni completed Phd in electrical eng from US, he alwys admires the bangla education system which was of very high standard(actually better than west pakistan i-e present pakistan), my father loves bangla sweets and cheese very much!!!

thats what i also hear from my elders...not only that time, u'll find all the students brilliant and intellegent in Dhaka Universty...
Imran Bhai, I really appretitiate for your back up...:)...:cheers:
Thanks again bro...
Imran Bhai, I really appretitiate for your back up...:)...:cheers:
Thanks again bro...:cheers:
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