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In the militancy plagued valley, joining Indian Army is a new craze

What is unacceptable to you is your and your family's problem . Yaha rone se kuch nae hoga .

What is unacceptable to you is your and your family's problem . Yaha rone se kuch nae hoga .

Your right complaining gets you no where this is why support the muslims in kashmir in their struggle for freedom against hindus this is why the Kashmiris mock your soldiers and attempt to harm them when they are fighting Mujahadeen
Yet the same muslims stoned your soldiers and supported the fighters trying to kill indians

What you are doing here is perfect example of a hindi slang :D . R**DI-RONA :D


Your right complaining gets you no where this is why support the muslims in kashmir in their struggle for freedom against hindus this is why the Kashmiris mock your soldiers and attempt to harm them when they are fighting Mujahadeen

How can anyone be so stupid . Darsheel safari is that you ??
Hey why shoot the messenger???

All i am doing is shining a spot light on the propaganda articles that after so many years, subsidies, dead indian soldiers the people of kashmir stoned the very soldiers your saying are there to protect them and mosques full of people sang out in support of the fighters.

You are only deluding yourselves
Muslims dont give up so easily especially when we have haq on our side.

First of all, I do not accept your self proclaimed spokesperson-ship of all muslims, so this constant "we muslims" bit doesn't really fly. Your proclamation that "we muslims" will keep fighting in Kashmir is as invalid as your previous proclamation that "we muslims" always hate hindus. On that, I'm pretty sure even many Pakistanis will disagree with you. I'm curious though, do you hate all the hindus in Pakistan too? You don't have to answer that if it makes you uncomfortable.

Kashmir a Muslim majority state being occupied by a hindu majority state is unacceptable to us.

Yea well, that's tough - because there is not a thing you can do about it. Hindus and muslims in India know how to co-exist with each other, despite the occasional flare up in certain places. (Which by the way is nothing compared to the religious hatred in Pakistan.)

Kashmir, the muslim majority state, has its own political institutions, and democratic machinery. Panchayats, municipal councils, assemblies and the state legislature and executive. They elect their rulers, like any other state in India. And they send their representatives to New Delhi, like any other state in India. By the way, Kashmiris have more representation in parliament than quite a few other states. So there is no question of Kashmiris being ruled by anybody. They are only as much ruled as other Indian states.

This is why regardless of the propaganda when the time came and indian soldiers were in a live operation against Mujahadeen

In a so called part of india, the people without prompting stoned indian soldiers, mocked their deaths, raised pro fighter slogans, the mosques of the faithfully on their loud speakers no less, at full blast hailed the fighters, and sang out pro freedom songs.

These people also benefit from indian subsidies but when the time came they are muslim first and could never side with a hindu soldier over a Muslim Mujahadeen

Yet the same muslims stoned your soldiers and supported the fighters trying to kill indians

Some muslims did. Do you seriously not understand the difference? I'm not quite sure how to explain it - it's a pretty simple thing. As I said before, the number of people who are anti-India is miniscule today, compared to those who are whole heartedly part of India. The people participating in local, state and national elections in Kashmir is much higher than the rest of India. That should tell you something. Or just visit Kashmir, and ask around. Except in some small pockets, most other Kashmiris only care for their day to day lives, which are intrinsically bound to being part of India.

(The situation was different, 20 years ago.)

These people also benefit from indian subsidies but when the time came they are muslim first and could never side with a hindu soldier over a Muslim Mujahadeen

This line really takes the cake. Are you sure you are not letting your passion cloud your judgement? Or do you really, sincerely believe this? If it's the latter, I can't help you.

There are 180 million muslims in India. If what you say is true, thats a very large army of partisans/collaborators that you can have in any war with India. It should be a cakewalk to split India into pieces. But only one of our countries has been split into pieces, and it's not India.

This same delusion is what caused your army to paradrop commandos into Kashmir in '65, in the expectation that they would be greeted as heroes, and the locals would fight with them. The commandos ended up in jail. The same delusion in '99, that simply sending a few thousand mujahideen, with no armor or air support, would be enough, because the local would side with them. Didn't happen again. Ah well, believe it if it makes you happy.

There are a lot more Muslims in the rest of India. Bihar, UP, Kerala etc have millions of Muslims. Eighteen times more Muslims in the rest of Indian than in Kashmir. Do you really think all of the would side with a glorious Islamic "mujahid" from Pakistan? Well, what can I say, except that that theory failed the test of reality several times in the past.

BTW, just take a look at the world and think about your constant "we muslims" card. Muslims are not a single, united entity - far from it. Muslims are the most divided people on the planet, if you want to make it a religious issue.
Hey why shoot the messenger???

All i am doing is shining a spot light on the propaganda articles that after so many years, subsidies, dead indian soldiers the people of kashmir stoned the very soldiers your saying are there to protect them and mosques full of people sang out in support of the fighters.

You are only deluding yourselves

You know what -- The "bharey ka tatoos" from across the borders are being wrapped in pig skins and buried in unmarked graves.

Guess who's doing it? Guess Guess??

The JAKLI .. thats Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry for you.

Our muslim brothers in the arms are slaughtering the mongrel jihadis every damn day. By the dozen. The army has a free hand you see...

Don't believe it?? Pick up an AK and jump over if you dare ..:coffee:
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