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In Thailand, Being Black or Looking Dark is ‘Ugly’: Racist, or just misguided?

I admit what you said is true for some Thai. But not all Thai are like that. Xenophobic is everywhere. Class or caste is everywhere. Discrimination is not unique to Thailand . In India, our cultural ancient model,is heavily caste. Siam was a caste society until 150 years ago. You can see mass exodus of Huo Chinese from South Vietnam. That was also discrimination. Same can be said for Indonesian Chinese and Malaysian Chinese. Look at Europe Muslims are ghettoed into area. Now you have tons of racists in US whise mouth speak N word. I hope you see Thai Society through an eyeglass of normal human society and not to compare Thai society to a imagined Utopia one and blame us based on that differences.

indeed it is. racism is in human's mentality. however, it's up to each individuals to get educations for social harmony among other races. however it's quite rare for me to see any ASEAN country would discriminate against black people as there are Native Black people in ASEAN countries.

also where do the Maniq (Native Black) people lives? i've been to Thailand (Phuket exactly) 30 times and i never see the supposed Maniq Thailand residents. are they considered as The people of Thailand or not? are they integrated into the society or not? what are the problem that causes their numbers to become so low?
indeed it is. racism is in human's mentality. however, it's up to each individuals to get educations for social harmony among other races. however it's quite rare for me to see any ASEAN country would discriminate against black people as there are Native Black people in ASEAN countries.

also where do the Maniq (Native Black) people lives? i've been to Thailand (Phuket exactly) 30 times and i never see the supposed Maniq Thailand residents. are they considered as The people of Thailand or not? are they integrated into the society or not? what are the problem that causes their numbers to become so low?
This is my first time to know the name Maniq. Normal Thai would give you a reference to Sagai people instead. They are written in a story telling on a princess chose to marry a savage Sagai man who has black skin and curly hair and big lips. Her father the King demoted her from all ranks because of such decision. That was a really story from long time ago.
Today these people are Thai. Thai ethnicity is actually recently invented. You can see on the picture A newly married Sagai holding Thai marriage registration issued by government.
This is my first time to know the name Maniq. Normal Thai would give you a reference to Sagai people instead. They are written in a story telling on a princess chose to marry a savage Sagai man who has black skin and curly hair and big lips. Her father the King demoted her from all ranks because of such decision. That was a really story from long time ago.
Today these people are Thai. Thai ethnicity is actually recently invented. You can see on the picture A newly married Sagai holding Thai marriage registration issued by government.

i got the name Maniq from wikipedia.

Maniq people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

they seems to be different ethnics. but i don't know much since i don't live with/near them.

like the Maniq, they're also going to be extinct. just look at how they live.

and according to this article they're facing discrimination. past and present

Indigenous Peoples of Thailand | ヒューライツ大阪

Stereotyping and Discrimination
The official term chao khao has been used since the late 1950s, earlier called chao pa (forest people), to refer to non-Thai minority groups.
For the Thais, pa – meaning “forest” – has the connotation of “wild,” which is generally conceived as opposite to “civilized.”

can Thailand into Diversity? or better yet, isn't it time to end this Discrimination against Black Ethnics?
OK I give up. Next week I’ll give a new argument, Viets are most similar to......East Timorese.

I tell you this, Thais are a lot more difficult to figure out than anybody else in the region.

Nearly everything you and other people said here in this thread, applies to Viet as well.

Viets are easy to figure out? Maybe in the city you come from, maybe. But Viets are as tricky and can put on a good mask. You know the Chinese members and people giving stereotype that Viets are cunning and sly? They have some merits with that view (eventhough they never admit Chinese are also just as cunning and sly). We have extreme cases of viet people scamming and screwing each other, and I have heard some really nasty real life stories from family friends, the kind of stuff where someone lost their whole lifesaving because of another viet friend or aquaintance. I fear for you and your wealth if you think Vietnamese are easy to figure out or that most of us are some kind of generally good and honest folks. Im just being honest here, and probably some other viet members wont like what I’ve just said.

They have very particular characteristics that are only present in Thai culture. From a social perspective, I find them incredibly different than Viet and chinese. They are much closer to the others in the region in my opinion.

If you are referring to Myanmar, Cambodian and Laos then I dont have much real life experience with them so I cant comment much on this.

I can also say that if I just think about the Thai friends that I used to have while living in USA (Thai chinese mostly), that would be a very different perception than while living in Thailand, so have to watch out if your experience is limited to a few people in a limited interaction, its not the full experience.

The Thai I know are Thai-Chinese, also some Thai from Chiang mai that looks no different from the thai-chinese but insist they have nothing to do with Chinese and one or two dark thai that I never asked exactly where they from. Im aware there are different type of Thai, particular from the poorer area where their attitudes are different from the city. But this is just the same for VN, and the city viet would be prejudice against those from the poor country side, just like the Thai. Even my home province get some stereotype and prejudice from other area.

Also about Thai being obssessed with light skins and westerner having an easier time getting local thai ggirl, this is just the same for VN (and for much of Asia). I’ve even made threads about this as I find these mentality annoying and widespread. Just look at that Valkrie guy in this thread, when someone said he want to be “tan” like Viet, he got his pantie in a bunch and ready to show the world that Viets are light skin. And cant you see how obssess viet women are about their skins when they wear those ninja gear on hot humid days in the sun?

And Thai look down on everyone in Asia except for SK and JP? Cant you see its the same for Vietnamese? A Viet member here even admit he dont care about Chinese people and if there is an Asian race that viet wants to imitate/look up to, its the Japanese (he said this without realizing he has shown his inferiority complex and how embarassing that is).

And I can go on and on and apply what was said about the Thai here to VN. When I said Thai are most similar to Viet, I was not just thinking about the positive sides, but also the negative sides. The difference between Viet and Thai are in degrees, the quantity in the characteristics, not the quality.

But OK, I give up. I will just now argue that Viets.....are most similar to East Timorese. Viva Timore leste. :yahoo:

That's very interesting, I didn't know that. How did they end up there?

They are ethnic minority group from the mountain who settled their a.long time ago. Their attitude and mentality would not be the same as the Thai from Thailand.

Your taking past threads way out of context. I was explaining facts to correct those who are unaware or make up shit that are untrue.

And your using personal experience, survey via Subjective vs Facts via Objective to determine social values.

No it looks more like you just want to find acceptance from them. You keep posting that annoying Tet music video to try to show the Chinese members that Viets are similar to them. A pop music video has nothing to do with “correcting” made up s**t.

I’ve browsed some forums where oversea Viets like you hang out and it seems this is a common attitude. You guys have some kind of obssession with the Chinese and have some kind of inferiority complex and insecurity towards them. You guys seem to love to post genetic charts, music videos and some other kind of video/picture about Viet-China similarity.

In Viet Nam today, the young people have different attitude and dont have this insecurity and obssession for the Chinese. Anytime we talk about China on the internet, it would mostly be about politics or trade....and usually not positive about it. Other than that, we dont care much about Chinese and dont care about these genetic charts that some of you oversea viets seem to be obssessed about.

Ignoring the Kpop/Kdrama fangirls and anime/manga addicts, people in VN are generally more interested in South east asian stuff rather than the north east. We are more interested in things like AFF cup or Sea games than the Asian games dominated by north east. We are more interested in say Thai coup or Filipino SCS court case than China-Japan shrine/apology debate. On facebook, the teenagers troll wars are usually with the Thai or Indonesia/Malaysia while they dont interact much with the Nprth east Asians. But I noticed oversea viets on internet are more obssessed with China/north east asia stuff than south east asian stuff.
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No, unfortunately. On the sun, I become as red as a tomato.

Hahaha we are same then , comrade. Russian folks are seem to be so pale skinned I see. :)

This is my first time to know the name Maniq. Normal Thai would give you a reference to Sagai people instead. They are written in a story telling on a princess chose to marry a savage Sagai man who has black skin and curly hair and big lips. Her father the King demoted her from all ranks because of such decision. That was a really story from long time ago.
Today these people are Thai. Thai ethnicity is actually recently invented. You can see on the picture A newly married Sagai holding Thai marriage registration issued by government.

These look like Papuan people or Pygmy Negritos , I think.
Nearly everything you and other people said here in this thread, applies to Viet as well.

Viets are easy to figure out? Maybe in the city you come from, maybe. But Viets are as tricky and can put on a good mask. You know the Chinese members and people giving stereotype that Viets are cunning and sly? They have some merits with that view (eventhough they never admit Chinese are also just as cunning and sly). We have extreme cases of viet people scamming and screwing each other, and I have heard some really nasty real life stories from family friends, the kind of stuff where someone lost their whole lifesaving because of another viet friend or aquaintance. I fear for you and your wealth if you think Vietnamese are easy to figure out or that most of us are some kind of generally good and honest folks. Im just being honest here, and probably some other viet members wont like what I’ve just said..

Ok, lets go in steps here. Don't give up man, this is an interesting subject and a learning opportunity.

Yes, Viets are a lot easier to figure out than Thais, by far. Viets don't have the cloaking device, that's a Thai specialty, but you are not aware of it, so you are not going to understand it. Only experienced residents of Thailand can figure that one out. It takes time to pick it up. You need to get very close into Thai people and Thai culture in order to get it. Your experience with Thailand is typical of newcomers and you have the typical response to it, its normal.

The cloaking device used by Thai people is not just about covering negative things, it goes much further than that, its a whole cultural mindset with negative and positive aspects. Its actually quite complex. Just being cunning and sly is not what I'm talking about. Actually, the fact that you interpret it that way, also tells me that you really have no idea of what I'm talking about, which is what I expect anyway. Cunning and sly would be in addition to what I'm talking about.

I'm very aware about the cunning and sly in Vietnam. I'm not wearing the pink glasses in Vietnam. There is a reason why westerners call Vietnam "the wild west". Just look at the feedback from foreign tourists that go to Vietnam, they get ripped off right and left. 90% of them say that they will never come back to Vietnam. There are a lot of nice people in Vietnam and there are a lot of very bad people also, often capable of the most despicable things that you can think of. Vietnam is not high in my list of nice countries. There is too much of the negative. As I often say when people ask me why I moved to Vietnam, I say because of Da Nang, not because of Vietnam. It will take several generations for Vietnam to become more of a civilized country alongs the lines of a Singapore or Taiwan, etc. I see China at about the same level as Vietnam in that regard.

I also heard a lot of bad stories about vietnamese people screwing their friends or family. Actually, I don't trust anybody in Vietnam except a few family members and a couple of good friends.

Again, what you are talking about has nothing to do with what I was talking about regarding Thai people.

The Thai I know are Thai-Chinese, also some Thai from Chiang mai that looks no different from the thai-chinese but insist they have nothing to do with Chinese and one or two dark thai that I never asked exactly where they from. Im aware there are different type of Thai, particular from the poorer area where their attitudes are different from the city. But this is just the same for VN, and the city viet would be prejudice against those from the poor country side, just like the Thai. Even my home province get some stereotype and prejudice from other area..

Well, there you go, if your friends are mostly Thai chinese, which is actually an ethnic subgroup in Thailand and the most different one with respect to native Thais, then your experience is very partial and also, that's the ethnic group that would be closer to vietnamese although still different because of the Thai qualities that they picked up.

Typical Chiang Mai people look similar to Thai chinese because they originally came from China, that's just history whether they like it or not. They are a different ethnic group called Lanna and the Lanna Kingdom was independent until not long ago, so they see themselves as quite different from regular Thais. I used to live in Chiang Mai by the way.

The fact that vietnamese share the liking of white skin, etc same as Thais is not the point. The thread is about those 2 subjects in Thailand and only in Thailand and those 2 subjects are very real in Thailand and that's what the thread is about. Your point is that Thai and vietnamese are very similar when it comes to deep substance and my position is not, they are not. They are very different in terms of culture and mind set. We are talking about difference of substance as you said. Similar preference for white skin, easier for westerners to get girls are not the type of substance that we are talking about since that's common to most or all asians.

Viets looking down on everybody in the region same as Thais? Not as much, except the animosity with china, I see Viets preferring most other countries as well as the products from other countries over Viet. Viets are always talking super nice about Thailand and see everything there as better than in vietnam. No such thing in Thailand. You might think is similar, but you don't really understand to what degree the Thais take that concept and how it fits into their cultural mindset, which is very different than the Viet mindset.

By the way, the way white skin Thais look down on dark skin Thais is far more serious than what I have seen in Vietnam and in other countries in the region in my opinion.

Since you mentioned your interaction with visiting Thai friends coming home for dinner, well, let me make you aware of something. When you talk with a Thai person, particularly face to face, take everything they tell you with a grain of salt. A Thai person most often will tell you "yes" "you are right" "I agree with you" even if they totally disagree with you, because Thai culture emphasizes that they have to please you, they have to let you save face and always avoid conflict and to tell you that they disagree with you is to be impolite and confrontational. Thai people seldom talk straight and the ones that do talk straight often happen to be Thai chinese actually. This is basic Thai culture 101, but most people are not aware of it.

Somsak already told you, no such thing as Thais and Viets being similar. Most Thais will tell you the same thing. They know themselves.

Hahaha we are same then , comrade. Russian folks are seem to be so pale skinned I see. :).

@vostok I'm the same man, I'll look like a tomato if I get under the sun, I can't handle it.
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Even if you have been to Thailand way longer than I have, I am a Vietnamese so I understand more about the Vietnamese social values and mentality. Which also means that when I see someone similar to my own people, I can identify them more easier and more quicker.

And the survey data has shown the Thai and Viet to almost be exactly in the same place. So my personal claim has merits. The survey does not consider trivial things like whether the people eat with chopstick or whether they celebrate a certain holiday. They ask more important questions that reveals the social values and attitude of the people.

OK this is a more serious reply. Yes my holiday experience is only superficial. But I have many personal Thai friends here, get invited to their house often, interact with their family and elders often. They are almost exactly like Viet. I have some Chinese friends too, and no, they have different social values and attitude compared to the Thai. Yes Chinese is quite similar to Viet compared to other ethnicities, but Thai are even more similar.

I dont care about superficial “cultural” stuff like eating with chopstick or spoon, celebrating certain kind of traditional holidays, form of govt, etc. Or superficial habits and civility like spitting on the street or refusal to stand in line, talk loud, corruption and disregard for civil law, etc (in this respect, China would be more similar to India than say, Japan). So habits and civility does not mean much to me in terms of “culture”.

I am more interested in looking at people’s attitude, social values, etc. when it comes to “culture”. And that survey supports my view. And my personal view is from a Vietnamese perspective.

lol check yourself. Chinese cities are way cleaner than any other Asian cities except Singapore and maybe Tokyo, and that's a maybe. Wuhan looks like fking Seoul and that's just Wuhan. Vietnamese cities aren't even on the list. I don't view standing in line vs. not as culture, real culture is literature, art and science. A top scientist or Olympic athlete not standing in line, you gonna tell them they're uncultured? Thats the main difference. We think about 内涵 - someone's inner values. That means even some ugly girls can be considered attractive due to their 气质 - demeanor. Not looking at trivial external shit. Extends to everything in life.
lol check yourself. Chinese cities are way cleaner than any other Asian cities except Singapore and maybe Tokyo, and that's a maybe. Wuhan looks like fking Seoul and that's just Wuhan. Vietnamese cities aren't even on the list. I don't view standing in line vs. not as culture, real culture is literature, art and science. A top scientist or Olympic athlete not standing in line, you gonna tell them they're uncultured? Thats the main difference. We think about 内涵 - someone's inner values. That means even some ugly girls can be considered attractive due to their 气质 - demeanor. Not looking at trivial external shit. Extends to everything in life.
making impromptu line is a civilizational achievement if not cultural. I have lot of respect for such society. literature, art, science are primarily individual achievement although society should take some credit for nurturing/empowering such talent.
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lol check yourself. Chinese cities are way cleaner than any other Asian cities except Singapore and maybe Tokyo, and that's a maybe. Wuhan looks like fking Seoul and that's just Wuhan. Vietnamese cities aren't even on the list. I don't view standing in line vs. not as culture, real culture is literature, art and science. A top scientist or Olympic athlete not standing in line, you gonna tell them they're uncultured? Thats the main difference. We think about 内涵 - someone's inner values. That means even some ugly girls can be considered attractive due to their 气质 - demeanor. Not looking at trivial external shit. Extends to everything in life.

No, you go check your reading comprehension again. I essentially said that about culture and you trying to teach me the same thing. Read my post again:

I dont care about superficial “cultural” stuff like eating with chopstick or spoon...... Or superficial habits and civility like spitting on the street or refusal to stand in line.....So habits and civility does not mean much to me in terms of “culture”.

As for Chinese cities being as clean or cleaner than other cities, did I even mention anything about that? Check your reading comprehension before telling me to check myself.
No, you go check your reading comprehension again. I essentially said that about culture and you trying to teach me the same thing. Read my post again:

As for Chinese cities being as clean or cleaner than other cities, did I even mention anything about that? Check your reading comprehension before telling me to check myself.

you said Chinese were like Indians. I disagree with that. And don't compare Chinese and Viets in terms of "being civilized". We invented civilization.
you said Chinese were like Indians. I disagree with that. And don't compare Chinese and Viets in terms of "being civilized". We invented civilization.

Did I said anthing about keeping cities clean? I said Chinese would be closer to Indians than Japanese in reference to talking loud, standing in line, corruption, etc.

Did I mentioned anything about civilization/being civilized? and “civility”, which I mentioned, is not identical to the notion of civilization.
Did I said anthing about keeping cities clean? I said Chinese would be closer to Indians than Japanese in reference to talking loud, standing in line, corruption, etc.

Did I mentioned anything about civilization/being civilized? and “civility” is not identical to the notion of civilization.

Japanese are also corrupt. 1.3 trillion yen that was to go to helping earthquake victims and rebuilding devastated areas has been stolen and used for illegal whaling.

Audit Board: 1.3 trillion yen in post-quake recovery funds diverted elsewhere - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun

Japanese earthquake recovery money going to whaling - Telegraph

The difference between Chinese and Japanese is that we tell it straight while Japanese are much better at public relations and making themselves look way better than they actually are. Japanese have shame culture while Chinese have guilt culture. The difference is that shame cultures believe that you are wrong only if others say you are wrong, while guilt cultures believe that some things are just inherently wrong. Chinese have the concept of 愧疚 while there's no such concept in Japanese.
The difference between Chinese and Japanese is that we tell it straight while Japanese are much better at public relations and making themselves look way better than they actually are.

I don't know enough about Japanese to say that that's correct or not, but I will say that that's one of the key differences between Thais and Viets although I did notice that Japanese have a number of characteristics in common with Thais including the importance of saving face, which is after all a very typical Asian trait although Thais take it to an extreme and I've seen some elements of that in Japanese people also.
I don't know enough about Japanese to say that that's correct or not, but I will say that that's one of the key differences between Thais and Viets although I did notice that Japanese have a number of characteristics in common with Thais including the importance of saving face, which is after all a very typical Asian trait although Thais take it to an extreme and I've seen some elements of that in Japanese people also.

And your counter claim against me was that Viets are similar to the Chinese so I’ll let you debate this with @FairAndUnbiased cos he probably doesnt agree with this either.

Im off to have my lunch.
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