The state has a duty to make clear what the basic rights and obligations of citizens of the country are. And if there are people that would deny others those basic rights, the state can (and should) act upon that.
Anyway, you did read this segment?
"Initiated by a Muslim activist for women’s rights, Shirin Musa, the posters are part of a municipal initiative in support of women, mostly Muslim, who face abuse if they choose spouses their communities disapprove of. "
The above mentioned abuse is against the law of the land. End of story.
Good one.
Caned in public (like they do in Singapore)?
Spoken like someone totally unfamilitar with Dutch society. Perhaps you should at some point explore the topic 'pillerization' in relation to our wonderfull country (why do people want to live here again? because it is so BAD here?
NOBODY expects the
Spanish Inquisition! [modify by replacing SPANISH with another word as you see fit]
It is interesting to look at all these four variations of the poster and then at where all the outrage is coming from. I think that says something about the necessity of such a campaign.