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In Krishna's land, Muslims help in Janmashtami preparations

MATHURA: Thousands of Muslim artisans in the region have been working round the clock to make countless bejewelled costumes and accessories for the idols of Krishna and other Hindu deities for the Janmashtami festival on Wednesday.

The VHP's controversial yatra from Ayodhya has not had any impact as the Muslims join Hindus in preparation for the celebration of Lord Krishna's birth.

"We are working beyond our scheduled time in order to prepare maximum 'poshak' (dresses) of Thakur ji (Lord Krishna)," said Ikram, one of the artisans.

Another worker Iqbal, who is known for his expertise in preparing crowns for the idols, says he feels ecstatic whenever he comes up with a new design.

Preparing attractive dresses and accessories for idols has taken shape of a cottage industry in Mathura, Vrindavan and Goverdhan which employs roughly six thousand Muslim families.

"Since there is huge demand of 'poshak' of 'Laddu Gopal' (Krishna) on the occasion of Janmastami, so we have to work round the clock," Mohit Mukutwala, who owns a unit, said.

In many families, the womenfolk work on these dresses at their homes after they are provided the raw material, Vikas, who also runs a unit, said.

In yet another example of communal harmony, the artisans say any communal tension elsewhere, including the controversial VHP yatra from Ayodhya on the Ram temple issue which was banned by UP government, has never impacted the relationship between the two communities.

"Only politicians directly or indirectly are associated in such activities. We work like a family here. There is no exploitation," said Azlan.

"Our relations have never been strained in spite of communal riots that have taken place elsewhere in the country," said his co-worker Zaheer

In Krishna's land, Muslims help in Janmashtami preparations - The Times of India

It happens only in India.....
Come up with data showing there are MORE Muslims in Govt institutions than Hindu majority and other minorities.?

How Much Muslim vote count? What about Gujarat ?? :))))

Muslim representation in government is higher in Gujarat. Traditionally reservation (quota) is as per the SC/ST, OBC. Not according to religion. Quota as per religion does not exist.

The Muslim votebank is critical in UP, Bihar and Kerala. You won't find Kerala Muslims screaming discrimination. The main problem is economic status. UP and Bihar being overall more backward and the concentration of Muslims being higher in these 2 states increases the problem.
They are making a profit and people here are rejoicing at the so called secular nature of Muslims :D. If I could make a few bucks out of some Muslim festival then I would also add my weight to it. Doesn't make me a lover of the festival

Exactly, this is something was going in my mind and wanted say this. BTW the biggest industry in the whole world is Religion. No other industry gives so much employment like religion. Apart from extremist activities people from all faith are making quick bucks, thanks to religion. Many cottage industry thrives like making small idols, symbols, printing of books, selling different types of goods used in prayer..etc. Even atheist country like China prepares and idols, symbols and other small things for people of all religion and makes money. I think the money made by religion all over the world would surpass even the biggest business house by many times.
There is nothing unfair against Hindus there in such cases so blaming Congress is just so funny and at the same time Anti-Congress hardline Hindu groups and their supporters are creating anti-Hindu feelings by terming "Muslim" word something a slang to abuse Congress.

Bang on target your reply
bwahahahahh and when was the last time Ali (RA) becomes a God or even a god???

That's why VHP Hindu extremist organization arranged thousands march towards Ayodhya.

Wish if Hindu majority also rolled like Muslims there.

I am sorry!! could u be a lil more specific on what do you exactly meant by that??
this is the difference between 2 nations.


A picture is worth more than thousand words indeed !
Thanks so much .....No problem at all , you can use it as you like !

There is a malayalam film song from 72 along the same idea .

" Manushyan mathangale srishtichoo
mathangal dhaivangale srishtichoo
manushyanum mathangalumdhaivangalum koodee
mannu panku vachu manassu panku vachu

which means

Man created religions
Religions created gods
Man and religions and gods, together
Divided the land
Divided the mind .
Quoted for truth .

If you have no objection , this will become my signature .

If you do so, the mods will remove it for being "highly objectionable". They did that to my signature, even though it was a reposte to the signature of a certain PDF veteran.

On topic, it is great to see this religious harmony in a state that, just two decades ago, was one of the most polarized in the country. Babri demolition, rampant riots, neighbours slaughtering neighbours - all of that seems so far off now. That state (and India in general) seems to have matured in that regard. The present generation will not be persuaded to take arms against their neighbours by godmen or sadhus or maulvis. Hopefully that breed of unwanted hate mongers will go the way of the dodo.

I agree with other posters above that India needs less religion and more of productive human endeavours, to progress. Fewer temples, more schools. Fewer churches, more hospitals. Fewer mosques, more power plants. Fewer prophets and sadhus, more scientists and engineers. After all, these communal godmen and muftis will not help reduce our fiscal deficit or increase industrial output, or contribute in any way to the wel being of society. Only hard work and industrialization will. There is a reason that Nehru called hydroelectric projects the "Temples of modern India". Those are the sort of temples we need.

Remember that old patriotic song?

"aao mehnat ko apna iman banaye
apne hathon ko apna bhagwan banaye
ram kee iss dharatee ko gautam kee bhumee ko
sapnon se bhee pyara hindustan banaye
naya khun hai, nayee umangein, abb hai nayee jawanee
ham hindustani."

(Note that I don't mean to take away the festive spirit. I am all for seeing people celebrate and enjoy life, whether for religious reasons or secular ones.)

In the matchless voice of Mohammed Rafi:

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