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In indias kerala, congress and Muslim league are allies

The intent of doing the things(genocide) is extermination of certain group ...... But I doubt that is the motive at that time.

For 3 days, in Delhi and elsewhere Sikhs were burnt alive with tyres around there neck, property burnt, mothers and daughters being raped. If this is not Genocide for you, I can't help it.

If you ain't aware of what happened in 84 genocide, then do look at this video:

Lets not discuss this here ..... we will discuss in another relevant thread or in a chat thread.

wow... demonstration of true secularism by true secular flag bearers flying the true secular flags! It can only happen in India...:tup:
Then go and delete all your post from this post, as i've told you not to reply to my post but you didn't refrain yourself.

They have some relevance to this thread, I stopped when the discussion is getting side tracked.
They have some relevance to this thread, I stopped when the discussion is getting side tracked.

They don't have any relevance to the thread...I knew this discussion will turn into 84 genocide, not the actual one. That is why, I was telling you not to quote me...

@Srinivas I've stopped visiting Chit Chat threads. If you want to discuss 84 Genocide post in this thread or start a new one.
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They don't have any relevance to the thread...I knew this discussion will turn into 84 genocide, not the actual one. That is why, I was telling you not to quote me...

@Srinivas I've stopped visiting Chit Chat threads. If you want to discuss 84 Genocide post in this thread or start a new one.

Oh really ...... Then we can discuss later ..... :tup:
For 3 days, in Delhi and elsewhere Sikhs were burnt alive with tyres around there neck, property burnt, mothers and daughters being raped. If this is not Genocide for you, I can't help it.

If you ain't aware of what happened in 84 genocide, then do look at this video:

I feel so angry watching that video.
Indian Muslims should support Congress Party en mass. It is a matter of Life and Death for the Indian Muslims because the "Murderous Thug" named Modi is gunning for them.

leave Indian Muslims alone.They are much safer than muslims in Pakistan...
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