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In Houston he gave a threat and our response?

US nuked Japan because they didn't have nukes.

But Pakistan won't become super power after nuking India
Pakistan would nuke India and India will nuke Pakistan but destruction will be much higher on Pakistani side because Pakistan is much smaller than India and fewer bombs will be needed to completely destroy Pakistan

if you nuke india now, india would not nuke you back
if you nuke india now, india would not nuke you back
How you know that and we are not afraid of anyone's nukes
Jo hoga dekha Jaye ga
جس دھج سے کوٸی مقتل میں گیا وہ شان سلامت رہتی ہے
یہ جان تو آنی جانی ہے اس جان کی کوٸی بات نہیں​
How you know that and we are not afraid of anyone's nukes
Jo hoga dekha Jaye ga
جس دھج سے کوٸی مقتل میں گیا وہ شان سلامت رہتی ہے
یہ جان تو آنی جانی ہے اس جان کی کوٸی بات نہیں​

The world Economy which india depends upon will not let their investments go into nuclear ash.

Pakistans 2nd Strike capability is documented and respected across the globe.
The world Economy which india depends upon will not let their investments go into nuclear ash.
Pakistans 2nd Strike capability is documented and respected across the globe.
You want Pakistan to attack India
Then you say Pakistan can't afford a conventional war with India it will be a nuclear war and then you say international community won't allow a nuclear war
It means you want Pakistan to threaten India with nukes and then world powers will solve Kashmir issue right
You want Pakistan to attack India
Then you say Pakistan can't afford a conventional war with India it will be a nuclear war and then you say international community won't allow a nuclear war
It means you want Pakistan to threaten India with nukes and then world powers will solve Kashmir issue right

Nuke them first so people have your attention.
I can assure you Kashmiris/Pakistanis will wage war upon you.

Dont take pacifist approach too seriously. Its a charade for Populist consumption to the world.
It would be a very bad and eventually self defeating tactic if Pakistan decides to initiate one.

It's not about taking a pacifist approach, just common sense.

India didn't accept them (kashmir being internationally disputed area and still is as per UN)....why didn't India move on accepting it?
I know, but maybe they should, as should Pakistan.
Fully agree. But what I worry about is that Pakistan will not move further than a proxy war. That would be detrimental to our cause.

It will be like Na Khuda Mila Na hi Wisaal e Sanam... If Pakistan has a plan of a full scale conflict, then she will have to somehow force the Indians to play our game and enter a war of our choosing.

A war of Pakistan's own choosing should be a war in indian Punjab for Sikh homeland Khalistan, this is where Pakistan will not be facing any kind of involvement based on "religious fanaticism" as the main guys in question would be from another faith "Sikhism".
One thing I love what IK said in front if the the US audience. He was audacious to say that i wish that Pakistan hadn't joined the US war on terror. American are not our friends and we should never trust them.
War is your favorite option
How an India Pakistan war would look like would there be electricity supply during war I don't think you will be able to comment at PDF during war if you are in Pakistan
And if it lasts only for 17 or 13 days then it won't make any difference except destroying Pakistan and killing few thousand low rank officers and soldiers to make a difference it should last at least for a year
India and Indians will be safe during war ??
No they shouldnt...Coz india is terrorizing a whole state. Us backing off is not only insulting for our religion but also humanity!
Yes they should. Both sides will have to make a compromise and swallow their pride for the sake of the greater good. War will not solve it. Arguing about who has moral ascendancy over the issue will also not help. It has not helped since all these decades and both sides have been parroting their respective talking points.

Things are OK in Jammu and Laddakh, the valley is only part of it. The curfew and lockdown is temporary.
Both sides will have to make a compromise and swallow their pride for the sake of the greater good.
The only side needing to swallow pride is india who has done nothing but gone against humanity and become a terrorist state!

Where are your balls to ask it to chill it first and restore the much promised and awaited return of normalcy to IOK?

Things are OK in Jammu and Laddakh, the valley is only part of it. The curfew and lockdown is temporary.
The temporary deadline for restoration has been moved too often! only delusional can lie to themselves that this is to hide their shame!
The only side needing to swallow pride is india who has done nothing but gone against humanity and become a terrorist state!

Where are your balls to ask it to chill it first and restore the much promised and awaited return of normalcy to IOK?

The temporary deadline for restoration has been moved too often! only delusional can lie to themselves that this is to hide their shame!
You've slid back to hyperbole.

No more tolerance for separatism or for militancy and terrorism. Integration, investment and development, that's the Indian plan for Kashmir.

Not genocide and ethnic cleansing or any of that.
No more tolerance for separatism or for militancy and terrorism. Integration, investment and development, that's the Indian plan for Kashmir.
When did they tolerate? Kashmir has always been in pain!

Not genocide and ethnic cleansing or any of that.
And that is exactly what is happening whether indian close their eyes or opens it!
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