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In Hong Kong, It’s the Fans Who Protest During the National Anthem (New York Times)

That's a non-issue in the thread. If you want, you can start another thread about success of China and failure of India on the part. The thread is not about India, it was opened by an Indian. While most of you, as usual are targeting the nationality of OP.

This is a perfect place because it is swarmed by Indians. It is better you give me credible sources; otherwise, the current picture reveals a very bad image of India in terms of MDGs' 15-year long development plan.

This is also related to the topic, because, normally, if a regime continues to fail to deliver good governance, it should be thrown out by revolution (the system produces similar result every elections cycle, so the entire system must be thrown), and India's entire system, as my initial findings on MDGs show, should have already been thrown

As for Mainland China and China's Hong Kong, the UN MDGs report indicate China as the crown jewel of success. In fact, China is so successful, it constitutes and (positive) outlier, hence, it is classified as (China only) in statistics. Otherwise, the statistics is skewed.
Expressing your views is not treason. Maybe in communist countries it is but in civilized democracies, this is not the case.
But I heard that in India, if a pariah expressed his opinion, he would be killed by a brahmin. Muslims and Sikhs will be slaughtered. Really?

HK people can express their point of view, but they can not add their views to everyone. Occupy central street for 59 days, Drink, play games, barbecue... What are their views?

If they were in India... Democracies will be civilized. Will not endure like China for 59 days.
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This is a perfect place because it is swarmed by Indians. It is better you give me credible sources; otherwise, the current picture reveals a very bad image of India in terms of MDGs' 15-year long development plan.

This is also related to the topic, because, normally, if a regime continues to fail to deliver good governance, it should be thrown out by revolution (the system produces similar result every elections cycle, so the entire system must be thrown), and India's entire system, as my initial findings on MDGs show, should have already been thrown
Like I already said, I'm not going to start a discussion on India in this thread.
As for Mainland China and China's Hong Kong, the UN MDGs report indicate China as the crown jewel of success. In fact, China is so successful, it constitutes and (positive) outlier, hence, it is classified as (China only) in statistics. Otherwise, the statistics is skewed.
Good for you then.

So, this is a minor hiccups like the Catalan referendum.
Like I already said, I'm not going to start a discussion on India in this thread.

India should already have imploded, given that it is a governance disaster. No wonder, so many of its regions are kept together by brute force.

If I was living in India, I would either move overseas, or join the rebels for independence.

I guess, India's disintegration is just waiting for the trigger (internal or external).
Why does every Chinese thread here gets derailed about India. On topic is Twitter blocked in China ? Lot of protest pics are getting leaked.
Why does every Chinese thread here gets derailed about India. On topic is Twitter blocked in China ? Lot of protest pics are getting leaked.

Poster it appears have to follow "directions".
Why are Indians so ignorant about the state of their own existence and deflect their own miseries on others?

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Again why are you bringing India into this lol talk about insecurity.

Poster it appears have to follow "directions".
Its just desperation they can't handle criticism

They are trying to pretend this didn't happen just few days ago

More sad is Hongkong people working in the mainland, earn us money, but returned to HK to support independent.

They are respected in the mainland. This is totally different from the 1 billion Untouchables in India!!!
They are different from Muslims or sikhs! No one forced them to manually take shit.
Similarly, HK is also different from Kashmir, Manipur, Assam, Tamil nadu. HK is peaceful.

Of course, there are more HK people and Taiwanese opposed to independence. This is what the West doesn't want to see, so the West doesn't say it. The West does not say, how will indiapigs know?. So it's not surprising.

Indians need to save themselves from the whole country.
View attachment 430917
@Zen0 The 90% areas are against India, this is really
Seriously bro,
You have some high quality weed up your sleeve....
India should already have imploded, given that it is a governance disaster. No wonder, so many of its regions are kept together by brute force.

If I was living in India, I would either move overseas, or join the rebels for independence.

I guess, India's disintegration is just waiting for the trigger (internal or external).

:blah: Yeah yea.... whatever...
Its just desperation they can't handle criticism

They are trying to pretend this didn't happen just few days ago


The fact that they can even do that shows they have freedom of expression, just not democracy. Did the CPC send their police to beat them up like the Spaniards did to the Catalonians?
The fact that they can even do that shows they have freedom of expression, just not democracy. Did the CPC send their police to beat them up like the Spaniards did to the Catalonians?
China already learnt you can't use force with a separatist support this big

Doing do will cripple Hong Kong aka bread & butter of China

You can find videos of Tibetan separatists being clobbered black & blue on Twitter , why because they are out numbered & have no voice or support . Hk is self reliant .
China already learnt you can't use force with a separatist support this big

Doing do will cripple Hong Kong aka bread & butter of China

You can find videos of Tibetan separatists being clobbered black & blue on Twitter , why because they are out numbered & have no voice or support . Hk is self reliant .

Which contradicts your claim that China cracks down on dissidents in HK. And it's largely because of the two systems, not about the numbers. Try this in Beijing regardless of the number and see what happens.

HK can't call itself self-reliant when it doesn't even have its own military.
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