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In historic decision, India opens opium market to private players


Sep 20, 2014
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This has good export potential to China.
Chinese law expressly stipulates that smuggling and trafficking more than 50g of heroin, or more than 50g of methamphetamine, or more than 1000g of opium, or more than 15kg of marijuana will be sentenced to death.

The proportion of drug addicts in China is very low, and there is no need to import drugs. As far as I know, India is one of the largest drug consumers in the world, and one in seven Indians is using drugs.

................. As far as I know, India is one of the largest drug consumers in the world, and one in seven Indians is using drugs.

If india data says 1 in 7 take drugs. the reality must be much higher.
Being born into a country like india alone is enough to push most into drugs.
Chinese law expressly stipulates that smuggling and trafficking more than 50g of heroin, or more than 50g of methamphetamine, or more than 1000g of opium, or more than 15kg of marijuana will be sentenced to death.

The proportion of drug addicts in China is very low, and there is no need to import drugs. As far as I know, India is one of the largest drug consumers in the world, and one in seven Indians is using drugs.

Punjab is not India. Punjab is 2.2 percent of Indian population.

However 8% of chinese are alcohol addicts.

Study Finds That 8% Of Chinese Men Are Problem Drinkers

Considering the situation with drugs and drug use in India, this is not a good idea.

lol. What is the situation with drugs and drug use in India ?
Punjab is not India. Punjab is 2.2 percent of Indian population.

However 8% of chinese are alcohol addicts.

Study Finds That 8% Of Chinese Men Are Problem Drinkers

lol. What is the situation with drugs and drug use in India ?
We're fucking talking about drugs, not problem drinkers.

All you need to know about drugs, substance abuse in India​

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We're fucking talking about drugs, not problem drinkers.

India has widespread drug problem, report says​

We are talking about Substance Abuse. Alcohol, drugs, etc.

Why are you in denial ?

Your own link says only 0.002 % Indians have drug abuse problem.

Compare that to 8% alcoholics and addicts in China.
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We are talking about Substance Abuse. Alcohol, drugs, etc.

Why are you in denial ?

Your own link says only 0.002 % Indians have drug abuse problem.

Compare that to 8% alcoholics and addicts in China.


wtf, that is drugs!
Poppy plant is used by the pharmaceutical industry to produce various narcotic drugs that are used in hospitals and elsewhere in the medical field...
...besides the plain old use of this plant for illicit drugs.
Well alcohol problem can mean alot of things, one thing for sure we don't go raping people after getting drunk
Or rather your country does not report rape and silence anyone who reports sexual violence as a state policy

I wish I could say "lol" but then I am not a low born poor and broken chinese like you. Hope your mother mixed eggs well before giving birth to you, Han Bastard.
Or rather your country does not report rape and silence anyone who reports sexual violence as a state policy

I wish I could say "lol" but then I am not a low born poor and broken chinese like you. Hope your mother mixed eggs well before giving birth to you, Han Bastard.
Don't report rape? I can't stand for all but ask anyone if as a lady you prefer walking at night in Delhi or Shnaghai or any tier 1 city in China. Hell any tier 2 or 3. Just common sense mate.

In India, those blockbuster gangrapes get reported, how many are kept quiet due to casteist shame? We don't have that shame baggage in China mate, you can sue for money in China.
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