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In Germany, are anti-Muslim terrorists the real threat? - Washington Post

Romanian soldiers didn't go there because the talibans were a threat,nor because they cared about democracy in A'stan but because these was the price for NATO admission.You have your problems,fears,we have our own.Our are the Russians,they were a plague for us in the last 200 years (from genocide,to thefy,to rape,you name it).You see,as one of our politicians put it in the 1930's,"Romania is not strong enough to do what it wants,Romania must dowhat it can".So,we play the game ,to our level and in our league and that meant wasted lives in Iraq and A'stan.But we accept it,we don't see it as fair/unfair,we try to get by within our means.The world is not fair and just because others were unfair it doesn't mean I should suffer as pennance.

I know Flamer, I know ....
I don't blame Romania joining NATO and fighting a a stupid war. That was price of admission as a security against Russians. I understand. But don't expect USA to stop with it's own strategic imperatives. Like Romania has it's own USA has it's larger perspective on the world order and their eyes are fixated on Russia and the other on China.

America will lead NATO ( including your country ) in the direction it feels neccassry to secure itself against Russian and over the horizon the even bigger threat from China. America is planning for a future when Chinese carrier fleets will sail around the Mediteranean and looking for bases to establish along the Mediteraneanm littoral that is Morroco, Alegiers, Tunisia, Alexandria in Eygpt or even Syria.

These will be on the soft undervbelly of Europe and trust me when that happens European planners will be glad they have Muslim allies in the Mediteranean to outflank the Chinese. The American's did not get to where they are by being stupid and neither did the previous Anglo-Saxon power Britain get there by being stupid.

The Germans with their narrow minded views are the people who got busted in both wars. I expect that same Anglo saxon world to stear Europe and prevent insanity like the Germans went down in 1930s and 1940s.
I agreed with A'stan because they harboured Bin Laden,not Iraq,not Libia.And yes,it's done to create chaos,not that i agree with it,i really think that's the motive.I can criticize who i want,just like others do.You can use little bitch with your mother not with me ,btw..

Well,this is where i get confused.We toppled a crazy dictator to but we didn't succumb to endless civil war.Yougoslavia had its war to but "chilled" in the end.But the ME.......sometimes people have to wonder about themselves to,instead of constantly blaming others.
If you think that’s the motive then wouldn’t you consider that being evil? Definitely more evil then economical migrants that were invited by their former colonists who were needed because they had shortage of labor? Tell me what would Jesus say :D and you did agree with it.

Afghanistan was and still is a nonfunctional state. The fact that the greatest power in the world struggled to locate him. I doubt the Taliban would have had any chance. Anyways most of the war was spent fighting locals that weren't any threat to the US.
If you think that’s the motive then wouldn’t you consider that being evil? Definitely more evil then economical migrants that were invited by their former colonists who were needed because they had shortage of labor? Tell me what would Jesus say :D and you did agree with it.

No,it's called powers playing the game for their interests.And the ordinary European interest is to curb unchecked immigration.By all means,let it continue,my crystal ball tells me that it will lead to ethnic cleansing in Europe in the end.If this is what you want for those people it's your choice,i would prefere that it doesn't get so far.
No,it's called powers playing the game for their interests.And the ordinary European interest is to curb unchecked immigration.By all means,let it continue,my crystal ball tells me that it will lead to ethnic cleansing in Europe in the end.If this is what you want for those people it's your choice,i would prefere that it doesn't get so far.
What a change of tune from you before it was moaning like a little b!itch about immigration that's not even in your own country and now its power play were millions of innocents suffer and shoulder shrugs from you. Yep definitely the good guys here.

When is this ethnic cleansing going to happen? Before or after they start caring more about politics then they do with iphones and reality shows? Don't hold your breath.

Well,this is where i get confused.We toppled a crazy dictator to but we didn't succumb to endless civil war.Yougoslavia had its war to but "chilled" in the end.But the ME.......sometimes people have to wonder about themselves to,instead of constantly blaming others.

Things from afar can look simple and clear. Your comparison is apple with oranges. Romania ( my understanding ) is one country, one ethnic group, one history, one people whereas Iraq was couple of opposing peoples welded togather by Iraq's Tito Saddam Hussain. As soon as that order was broken all hell broke loose.

What happened was Americans made a terrible mistake. They did not just invade. They dismantled the entire Iraqi state machine. What they should have done is just remove the senior military and political leadership and replaced with new appointees. That is kept the system intact however by dismantling everything they created recipe for chaos and since then they have failed to build up another viable structure and we have had spiraling chaos.

Your comaprison with former yugoslavia is flawed. Yugoslavia was not invaded but dissolved with most state structures just evolving or reconfiguring within new political units furthermore Yugoslavia was not the subject of a massive invading force with mass bombing that oblitereated most of the command and control structures of the state. In other words in Iraq by end of the invasion there was no Iraqi state left but just ,millions of people roaming about without any order.

You might recall how banks in Baghdad and museums were looted because there was no authority left. Weapons from military barracks were broken into and ended up in hands of everybody even prisons were let out which meant rapists, murderers were loose. Iraq has still not recovered because outsiders have moved in to secure their interests like Iran, Saudia Arabia and turkey and their competing interests is feeding even more trouble.
What a change of tune from you before it was moaning like a little b!itch about immigration that's not even in your own country and now its power play were millions of innocents suffer and shoulder shrugs from you. Yep definitely the good guys here.

You obviously have some understanding issues,it's not moaning,it's called debating,actually painting you a picture of what's happenning.And i'm not a lone wolf in here ,this is the mindset in Europe today,this is how the majority thinks regardless of your cheap attempts at taking shots at me or my country.Joke and try to take cheap shots all you want,this reality doesn't go away.A


Well,this is where i get confused.We toppled a crazy dictator to but we didn't succumb to endless civil war.Yougoslavia had its war to but "chilled" in the end.But the ME.......sometimes people have to wonder about themselves to,instead of constantly blaming others.

Things from afar can look simple and clear. Your comparison is apple with oranges. Romania ( my understanding ) is one country, one ethnic group, one history, one people whereas Iraq was couple of opposing peoples welded togather by Iraq's Tito Saddam Hussain. As soon as that order was broken all hell broke loose.

What happened was Americans made a terrible mistake. They did not just invade. They dismantled the entire Iraqi state machine. What they should have done is just remove the senior military and political leadership and replaced with new appointees. That is kept the system intact however by dismantling everything they created recipe for chaos and since then they have failed to build up another viable structure and we have had spiraling chaos.

Your comaprison with former yugoslavia is flawed. Yugoslavia was not invaded but dissolved with most state structures just evolving or reconfiguring within new political units furthermore Yugoslavia was not the subject of a massive invading force with mass bombing that oblitereated most of the command and control structures of the state. In other words in Iraq by end of the invasion there was no Iraqi state left but just ,millions of people roaming about without any order.

You might recall how banks in Baghdad and museums were looted because there was no authority left. Weapons from military barracks were broken into and ended up in hands of everybody even prisons were let out which meant rapists, murderers were loose. Iraq has still not recovered because outsiders have moved in to secure their interests like Iran, Saudia Arabia and turkey and their competing interests is feeding even more trouble.

No,Romania is not an ethnic monolithic state,there's the Hungarian minority and you can check about that bad blood and the crimes perpetrated against each other in the past.WW2 was specifically brutal ,they butchered us,we butchered them.Still,there was some violence in the 90's but we worked it out in the end.And there's the gypsie minority,now those are so hated that they even managed to make the Romanians and Hungarians unite when they burned down gypsie homes in the early 90's.But,again,we sat down and despite grudges present even today we're managing it out without slaughtering each other.
You obviously have some understanding issues,it's not moaning,it's called debating,actually painting you a picture of what's happenning.And i'm not a lone wolf in here ,this is the mindset in Europe today,this is how the majority thinks regardless of your cheap attempts at taking shots at me or my country.Joke and try to take cheap shots all you want,this reality doesn't go away.A

No,Romania is not an ethnic monolithic state,there's the Hungarian minority and you can check about that bad blood and the crimes perpetrated against each other in the past.WW2 was specifically brutal ,they butchered us,we butchered them.Still,there was some violence in the 90's but we worked it out in the end.And there's the gypsie minority,now those are so hated that they even managed to make the Romanians and Hungarians unite when they burned down gypsie homes in the early 90's.But,again,we sat down and despite grudges present even today we're managing it out without slaughtering each other.
Most people don’t know or care about politics. People who care are fringe but a vocal group even the most vocal person about immigration in the West here doesn’t even live there. Western Europeans are living a good life until that changes I don’t see anything happening.
Most people don’t know or care about politics. People who care are fringe but a vocal group even the most vocal person about immigration in the West here doesn’t even live there. Western Europeans are living a good life until that changes I don’t see anything happening.

Except that tha good life is ever more distant,high unemployement,the threat of terrorism,the changing of their countries.This is why people are ever more concerned but you like to see it as "me moaning".This is an internet debate,you can move on thinking i'm exagerating things.No problem.The thing is that despite of what you think Romanians aren't even a problem in this.Having not been afected by mass immigration there's no nationalist party in our Parliament for example,make that no extremist one of importance to speak off.
Except that tha good life is ever more distant,high unemployement,the threat of terrorism,the changing of their countries.This is why people are ever more concerned but you like to see it as "me moaning".This is an internet debate,you can move on thinking i'm exagerating things.No problem.The thing is that despite of what you think Romanians aren't even a problem in this.Having not been afected by mass immigration there's no nationalist party in our Parliament for example,make that no extremist one of importance to speak off.
The world is becoming globalised I think it's time for you to get used to it and I’m talking about real economical deprivation which I doubt is going to happen in my life time.
No,Romania is not an ethnic monolithic state,there's the Hungarian minority and you can check about that bad blood and the crimes perpetrated against each other in the past.WW2 was specifically brutal ,they butchered us,we butchered them.Still,there was some violence in the 90's but we worked it out in the end.And there's the gypsie minority,now those are so hated that they even managed to make the Romanians and Hungarians unite when they burned down gypsie homes in the early 90's.But,again,we sat down and despite grudges present even today we're managing it out without slaughtering each other.

I understand but the fault lines are far deeper in Iraq and I already went into the more catastrophic event of the invasion and destruction of the state machine. In Romania you evolved in Iraq they have gone through rupture and destruction. Revolution of sorts rather then ordered evolution. At all times the Romanian state remained intact. Also your minorities are I suspect just that minorities whereas in Iraq the three communities are almost matched.

In addition there has been the wise tempering hand of EC and NATO in the background to prevent things sliding however in Iraq the neighbours Turkey, Iran and Saudia are all involved in carving out domains for themselves. this situation is more akin to the more raw, unsophisticated Europe of 1930s without any single power group like NATO/USA or EC to temper and calm things.

You know what chaos happened in Europe in 1930s and WW2. That bloodbath helped to configure a new european order that still evolves in Europe today like EC or NATO. Europe today is largely a product of post WW2 order mainly crafted by USA.
The world is becoming globalised I think it's time for you to get used to it and I’m talking about real economical deprivation which I doubt is going to happen in my life time.

Nobody has to get used to anything.Save this one for when somebody floods Pakistan with Europeans or when China,Korea,Japan open the gates like Europe.Yours is a naive outlook,expecting people to get swamped in their homes.
Except that tha good life is ever more distant,high unemployement,the threat of terrorism,the changing of their countries.This is why people are ever more concerned but you like to see it as "me moaning".This is an internet debate,you can move on thinking i'm exagerating things.No problem.The thing is that despite of what you think Romanians aren't even a problem in this.Having not been afected by mass immigration there's no nationalist party in our Parliament for example,make that no extremist one of importance to speak off.

That did occur to me. From limited info I have of Romania I did not think it was subject to much immigration less so even Muslim immigration.
Nobody has to get used to anything.Save this one for when somebody floods Pakistan with Europeans or when China,Korea,Japan open the gates like Europe.Yours is a naive outlook,expecting people to get swamped in their homes.

Before I go I let us be realist. Nobody would like their country get swamped and changed beyond recognition. some immigration is expected but that should never be beyond that countries ability to absorb it or not change it.

I have to agree there has to be upper limit which is better for the host and indeed better for the guest as it leads to peace and tranguilty.
That did occur to me. From limited info I have of Romania I did not think it was subject to much immigration less so even Muslim immigration.

Not that much but Romania is linked heavily with Europe now,free borders and all.You get in a car and you're in Germany in a few hours and honestly people see Western Europe as something installed for them in the near future and they don't like it.Plus there this new wacky ideea from the EU of immigrant quotas for each EU member.Now,that's not "cool" with us.
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