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In Germany, are anti-Muslim terrorists the real threat? - Washington Post


May 6, 2013
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In Germany, are anti-Muslim terrorists the real threat?


While U.S. agencies continue to focus on anti-Western Islamist terrorists, their German counterparts have recently been forced to investigate the opposite: anti-Muslim terrorism.

On Wednesday, authorities raided homes across Germany and took four anti-Muslim terrorism suspects into custody. They are accused of having planned attacks on mosques and asylum seekers.

The suspects — who had recently founded a group called "Oldschool Society" — are believed to be right-wing extremists. "The four arrested procured explosives for possible terror attacks by the group," a statement by German police authorities specified. According to Germany's Der Spiegel magazine, a first terror plot on a refugee housing center might have been imminent.

This would not have been the first anti-Muslim terror attack in Germany

Germany is still dealing with the fallout of anti-Muslim terror group National Socialist Underground (NSU) which killed 10 people – most of them Turks – between 2000 and 2007. Back then, investigators had blamed Germany's immigrant community for most of the deaths and portrayed them as the result of infighting and organized gang crime.

Two of the suspected terrorists later killed themselves; a third, Beate Zschäpe, is currently on trial in Munich. Their attacks have led to deep mistrust between Germany's large immigrant community and state officials: The country's intelligence services stand accused of having deliberately ignored hints that the attacks had been committed by right-wing extremists.

Speaking about Wednesday's arrests, German interior minister Thomas de Maiziere said: "If the allegations are true, this would be the first group of its kind following the NSU."

Contrary to Spain, France or Great Britain, Germany has been spared from an Islamist terror attack on its soil and targeting German citizens in recent history. Investigators do say that they have prevented numerous attacks: Last weekend, authorities cancelled a popular bike race in western Germany because they feared an Islamist attack.

Are German authorities 'blind on their right eyes'?

It seems striking, however, that the only terror group which was able to kill without being held accountable for years was not an Islamist organization but a right-wing extremist German group, primarily targeting Muslims.

In recent months, new details emerged which have led to questions whether Germany's ignorance of the far-right threat might be even bigger than first assumed.

After the NSU group's alleged crimes were revealed, a review of thousands of cases brought to light that 849 more people than originally thought could have been killed by right-wing extremists since 1990. Critics say that authorities ruled out right-wing extremism as a motive for those killings, despite evidence suggesting otherwise. Whether or not those incidents could now be categorized as victims of right-wing terrorism is uncertain, though.

Some Germans draw parallels between the most recent attacks and the early 1990s, when a wave of attacks hit centers and houses for foreign workers, as The Post's Anthony Faiola reported in April.

“They don’t belong here,” Ronny Seyfert, a 39-year-old part-time gardener in Tröglitz, told The Post earlier this year -- echoing an anti-immigrant sentiment that has worried politicians and civil society leaders alike.

Germans, like many other Europeans, are increasingly opposed to the rising number of immigrants seeking asylum in their countries.


Other countries have also dealt with incidents of anti-Muslim attacks, although it is disputed to what extent they would be categorized as terrorism. In July 2013, for instance, a nail bomb exploded in front of a mosque in Tipton in the West Midlands. Although nobody was injured, the BBC quoted police official Gary Cann describing the incident as an "act of terrorism."

In January, The Washington Post reported that French Muslim leaders had counted more than 50 anti-Muslim attacks within the week following the attacks on the editorial offices of Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket in Paris.

The number of French saying that their country should accept fewer immigrants amounted to 57 percent in a 2014 Pew Research Center survey. Forty-four percent of Germans agreed, whereas in Italy and Greece, anti-immigrant sentiments were especially high, with 80 and 86 percent respectively.

Contrary to other incidents reported throughout Europe, German right-wing groups have operated with shocking precision and long-term planning.

In Germany, right-wing extremists seem to be especially well connected

According to investigators, German right-wing extremists rely on a network which has grown over decades. German intelligence services are believed to have hired some of the extremists as double agents, which has led to an explosive intertwinement of state authorities and criminals.

The revelations have so far not significantly lowered the risk Muslims and other immigrants might face in Germany: In 2014, refugee centers were attacked about 150 times in the country, according to a recent report by the Amadeu Antonio foundation. In April, unknown suspects burned down a house in eastern German Tröglitz which was set to become an accommodation for asylum-seekers. Compared to 2013, violent crimes by right-wing extremists were up 22.9 percent in 2014. Anti-Semitic attacks also increased.

Germany's interior ministry released a report Wednesday which blames anti-Muslim movements such as PEGIDA for the rise in attacks. Indeed, Kathrin Oertel — one of the former heads of PEGIDA — recently apologized to German Muslims for causing a "campaign of hatred."

Link: In Germany, are anti-Muslim terrorists the real threat? - The Washington Post
Europe is losing its mind.

Maniacal Islamophobia is around, it's very common, it was there before, but over the last 3-4 years it's become acceptable in the political mainstream and a valid, non-fringe system of opinions.

It's still true, Europe is probably the most left wing, tolerant place on earth. What a shame it is.... Europeans feel their way of life under threat, so they abandon their own principals to combat those who seek to oppose said principles.

It's like having an irrational fear of being eaten alive by lions, so in order to save yourself, you put a bullet between your eyes. The lion threat here being Islam, the person being European liberal values, and the bullet, the right wing response.
Europe is losing its mind.

Maniacal Islamophobia is around, it's very common, it was there before, but over the last 3-4 years it's become acceptable in the political mainstream and a valid, non-fringe system of opinions.

It's still true, Europe is probably the most left wing, tolerant place on earth. What a shame it is.... Europeans feel their way of life under threat, so they abandon their own principals to combat those who seek to oppose said principles.

It's like having an irrational fear of being eaten alive by lions, so in order to save yourself, you put a bullet between your eyes. The lion threat here being Islam, the person being European liberal values, and the bullet, the right wing response.

I would not call it irrational. Sure, most Muslims live according to the rules and assimilate themselves. But once you have Muslim neighborhoods with their own "rules" and even idiots like the Muslim patrol in London or the sharia police in Germany which threaten people with their fanatic views, you dont have to be surprised that anti Muslim talks become part of the normal political life.

IMO, the straight thinking Muslims have to be the ones who make the loudest noise against those morons.
Europe is losing its mind.

Ofcourse,how dare they be upset on a policy that receives everyone fresh off the boat ? Even the article cites a gardener and his opinion that immigrants have no place like it's a direct holocaust.They should shut up and take it.

And yet even the article shows that Germany while having 1/4 of the US population receives 50% more immigrants.Don't get me started about Sweden.

Trust me with this but those who did this would shoot you also without any hesitation. You would stick out far more then Turkish Muslims in Germany. These extreme right wong groups are racist and do not delude yourself that if they find these Turks who are arguably more 'European' then you ever will be, will spare you because your a Hindu. These people are threat to everybody, Jews, Muslims, Indian and other non Europeans ....

If you do your kidding yourself. Go to Germany and find out ...

Ofcourse,how dare they be upset on a policy that receives everyone fresh off the boat ? Even the article cites a gardener and his opinion that immigrants have no place like it's a direct holocaust.They should shut up and take it.

And yet even the article shows that Germany while having 1/4 of the US population receives 50% more immigrants.Don't get me started about Sweden.

Yes we don't want to do that do we? This guy below says don't get me started either ....


Are you prepared to take back all the 300 million Europeans exported all over the world?


New Zealand
South Africa

and I won't bother with South America ....

Trust me with this but those who did this would shoot you also without any hesitation. You would stick out far more then Turkish Muslims in Germany. These extreme right wong groups are racist and do not even delude yourself that if they find these Turks who are arguably more 'European' then you ever will be will spare you because your Hindu. These people are threat to everybody, Jews, Muslims, Indian and other non Europeans ....

If you do your kidding yourself. Go to Germany and find out ...

Yes we don't want to do that do we? This guy below says don't get me started either ....


Are you prepared to take back all the 300 million Europeans exported all over the world?

Europeans conquered those places.Yes,they've conquered it because the others were weak.The immigrants didn't conquer anything ,they're pushed on peoples throats by their own goverments and they had enough.Now,they asked for this to stop,if it doesn't stop,they'll defend themselves and put politicians in power that will defend them also.The ones in your picture defended themselves also but they lost.

Trust me with this but those who did this would shoot you also without any hesitation. You would stick out far more then Turkish Muslims in Germany. These extreme right wong groups are racist and do not even delude yourself that if they find these Turks who are arguably more 'European' then you ever will be, will spare you because your a Hindu. These people are threat to everybody, Jews, Muslims, Indian and other non Europeans ....

If you do your kidding yourself. Go to Germany and find out ...

I was rather referring to the ordinary German who feels threatened by the radicals roaming around and telling them how to live and the formation of ghettos, not those few braindead right wing radicals which exist in every society (unfortunately).

PS: I am not Hindu and I did live in Germany for some time
In this age of communication, news travells really fast. It's not only Europe, it's world over phenomena . Daily dose of terrorist attacks in various part of global village is shaping up a non-muslims perception. World over right wing parties are gaining strength.
Europeans conquered those places.Yes,they've conquered it because the others were weak.The immigrants didn't conquer anything ,they're pushed on peoples throats by their own goverments and they had enough.Now,they asked for this to stop,if it doesn't stop,they'll defend themselves and put politicians in power that will defend them also.The ones in your picture defended themselves also but they lost.

Well news for you boy. This is conquest as well. In war there are no rules. It is war by other means ..
You did not spare any inch to those Natives did you?
Well now expect it back ..
Have a war ...
Happy now ...
I would not call it irrational. Sure, most Muslims live according to the rules and assimilate themselves. But once you have Muslim neighborhoods with their own "rules" and even idiots like the Muslim patrol in London or the sharia police in Germany which threaten people with their fanatic views, you dont have to be surprised that anti Muslim talks become part of the normal political life.

IMO, the straight thinking Muslims have to be the ones who make the loudest noise against those morons.
The concerns are somewhat justified, but the response, scales and the nature make it irrational.
For example, you'd be be frightened of a gigantic spider that was threatening to crawl towards you.
That's rational, now imagine you live where there's no such threat, but you fear, a giant spider will swim the pacific, and the Atlantic, to make it where you are, breed by it's thousands and attack your home in an organised assault. That is irrational.

And then to kill yourself over the fear is the kind of response from the far right in Europe.

Muslims threatening European values of tolerance, freedom speech, worship, expression, and other liberties? Get rid of Muslims (intolerance), silence them (kill freedom of speech), stop building mosques (kill freedom of religion).

So the values that they fight for, they end up destroying by their own way of defending. All from an over hyped and disproportionately small-'er' threat.

Also, the spook stories of Sharia zones in London are BS. London is playground, I should know. Some concerns about British Muslims are REAL, most exhibited by the far right are frivolous and ludicrous.

All the right in Europe serves to do is further divide people and alienate an already detached Muslim population.
Well news for you boy. This is conquest as well. In war there are no rules ..
You did not spare any inch to those Natives did you?
Well now expect it back ..
Have a war ...
Happy now ...

Well no,it's not a war as Europeans are doing this to themselves.When they'll have enough you'd see what a war means and all the crocodile tears in the world won't make it right again.Thanks for admitting that while hiding under their own liberal laws you're actually waging a war of extermination on Europeans.I knew it allready but it's nice to see a confession.
Well news for you boy. This is conquest as well. In war there are no rules. It is war by other means ..
You did not spare any inch to those Natives did you?
Well now expect it back ..
Have a war ...
Happy now ...

If i understand,you are a part of the "expect it back" ? Aren't you ?
Ofcourse,how dare they be upset on a policy that receives everyone fresh off the boat ? Even the article cites a gardener and his opinion that immigrants have no place like it's a direct holocaust.They should shut up and take it.

And yet even the article shows that Germany while having 1/4 of the US population receives 50% more immigrants.Don't get me started about Sweden.

Controlling immigration is completely separate from deionizing a specific group of people in your OWN country.
If people wish to control immigration, fine, leave the EU, close your doors.

My beef with it is, that almost ALL the parties that are anti-immigration are also far right in everything else...

Far right economic policy.
Hate rhetoric for immigrants (not just opposition).
Hate for some minorities.
Claiming to stand for freedom and civil liberties, while simultaneously asking us to remove such liberties for a specific group.
Some of them have links to Nazism, former fringe parties of the past.

Here's what part of that looks like:

National Democratic Party and Pediga (Germany), BNP - UKIP - EDL - Britain First (UK), Golden Dawn with ties to neo-Nazis (Greece), Freedom Party (Austria), National Front (France), Sweden Democrats (Sweden), Jobbik (Hungary), Geert Wilders PVV (Netherlands).

These all represent a seismic shift in European political spectrum. Most of the support is due to poor economic condition and easy scapegoats in immigrants, Muslims, the EU, etc...

Don't get me started on this.
If i understand,you are a part of the "expect it back" ? Aren't you ?

The guy practically admitted that this is a war of conquest and he is one of the liberals mind you.It would be nice on the European part if they didn't put a fight.Not very sportsmanship of him if you ask me.
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