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In case of atomic attack cow dung can save you from atomic radiation- Indian Expert

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Cow is the factory or processing plant, you dont eat/consume or use the factory, you eat what comes out of it ...you do not know anything about science.

Scientifically speaking, if we accept the premise that the cow is such a miraculous animal it is quite reasonable to assume it may have other amazing qualities. The point of the miraculous cow-dung theory is not limited to the dung but meant to point to presumed overall miraculousness of the cow. I'm not sure why you're so eager to insult me but it's pretty sinful to insult Muslims.
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Scientifically speaking, if we accept the premise that the cow is such a miraculous animal it is quite reasonable to assume it may have other amazing qualities. The point of the miraculous cow-dung theory is not limited to the dung but meant to point to presumed overall miraculousness of the cow. I'm not sure why you're so eager to insult me but it's pretty sinful to insult Muslims.
I did not mean to insult you, if you felt it that way, i apologize.

My comment was not suppose to be taken seriously, I was trying to think like an Indian.
ah, okay.... it's easy to misread tone when it comes to text
you will get a hang of it, no worries.
India has some proven vedic medicines which can make your brain hyper active same like Majority Indians and then all the hidden universal secrets will present themselves to you.

again, no insults..just have fun..India has answer to everything...

Great. Add cow dung on the exterior of all nuclear reactor in India
a circle around the reactors will create a raksha kavaj..nothing can cross.
If this is true, imagine the benefits of actually eating the cow.

if you kill a cow you just eat it once, if you keep the cow you get dunk and muttar for the rest of its life so eat cow dunk and drink muttar and stay healthy for the rest of your like, see how healthy Indian people are.
No Indian poster has yet contributed to this thread.
No Indian poster has yet contributed to this thread.
i am trying my best to present indian POV.
But my non veg brain lakes the capability.

if you kill a cow you just eat it once, if you keep the cow you get dunk and muttar for the rest of its life so eat cow dunk and drink muttar and stay healthy for the rest of your like, see how healthy Indian people are.
India is working on overcome water shortage, and Cow mata is helping.
These Indian ministers are becoming a joke lately. If they represent the Indians, I can imagine the ordinary Indians thinking.
These Indian ministers are becoming a joke lately. If they represent the Indians, I can imagine the ordinary Indians thinking.

These represent the smartest of India. They need to work on more Boeing projects.
I put on some cow dung (round the chest) and I got someone to stab me, the blade just broke.
It's all true folk.
I wonder if the future NBC suit is going to contain cowcrap instead of of expensive materials like activated coal, rubber, lead and boron etc. ?
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If India put some serious marketing efforts in this regard, I am sure UAE will sign a billion dollar contract for cow-dung bricks and urine-heavy water.
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