And US right wing nutjobs don't call for extermination of minority and then some people drunk on that cool aid really follow up on it? Are blacks not still discriminated against and killed rampantly?Yeah thats complete BS from jaishanker, "Christian Nationalist" as a term is used quite extensively to describe a lot of fringe people in the US, particularly the domestic terrorists that stormed the capital building. Thought I should point out as as bad as these people are in the US, even they don't go around holding pogroms and public lynchings and razing minority religious institutions or setting preachers people on fire and burning them alive in front of their wife and kids like the Bajrang Dal .
Didn't the US have organisations like KKK and still have those race superiority based groups?
Doesn't a shooting spree occur every now then in schools and other public places? or to target minority in robbery or hate crime cases?