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In a first , since 2011: Anti-aircraft missiles fired at Israeli jets conducting strikes in Syria

Syria should put officially itself in Russian protection only three states in world can take on Israel head on pakistan China and Russia Israel is weakest nation just need few blows on a place where it matters hit them hard their so called weapons are nothing
its not russia interest to go to war with israel
Syria should put officially itself in Russian protection only three states in world can take on Israel head on pakistan China and Russia Israel is weakest nation just need few blows on a place where it matters hit them hard their so called weapons are nothing
The Syrian Army says Israeli military jets hit a “military target” near Palmyra in a raid overnight. In retaliation the jets were targeted by Syrian anti-aircraft missiles.
According to a Syrian Army statement, a total of four Israeli jets breached Syrian airspace on Friday morning, Reuters reports. Syria's air defenses shot down one of the Israeli jets over "occupied ground" and damaged another.

The Israeli Army confirmed it had conducted airstrikes on several targets in Syria, Israel National News reported. However, the IDF insists that none of the jets was harmed.

"At no point was the safety of Israeli civilians or the IAF [Israeli Air Force] aircraft compromised," an Israeli military spokesman said.

Following the breach of the country's airspace, the Syrian Army warned Israel of "direct" retaliation "with all means at its disposal," Haaretz reports.

Earlier, a spokesperson of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) told Sputnik that Israeli military jets were targeted by anti-aircraft missiles after they struck several targets in Syria.

“I can say that the sirens were the result of the incident," an Israel Defense Forces spokesperson told Sputnik, referring to the launch of missiles at Israeli planes that carried out attacks on targets in Syria.

After Israeli Air Force planes struck several targets in Syria on Thursday night, Damascus retaliated by activating its air defense systems and firing a number of missiles at Israeli jets, according to Haaretz.

None of the missiles struck the jets, but one was intercepted by a missile defense system north of Jerusalem, Haaretz reports, adding there were no Israeli casualties in the incident.

"Overnight IAF (Israeli Air Force) aircraft targeted several targets in Syria. Several anti-aircraft missiles were launched from Syria following the mission and IDF (Israel Defence Force) Aerial Defence Systems intercepted one of the missiles," the military said in its statement, as cited by Reuters.

A rocket siren was heard at around 3:00am Friday morning in the Jordan Valley area, after which witnesses heard an explosion.

The IDF later confirmed that the sirens were a result of Israeli airstrikes on several targets in Syria, Israel National News

The latest incident is the third time that Israel has bombed targets in Syrian territory. In mid-January, Israeli forces hit the Mezzeh Military Airport west of Damascus, with the facility rocked by several explosions. On December 7, the state agency SANA reported that multiple surface-to-surface missiles had been fired by the IDF from the Golan Heights. Syrian authorities have repeatedly accused Israel of endorsing terrorism by carrying out the attacks.

Regarding the strikes, Israeli authorities previously said they were targeting positions of Lebanon’s Hezbollah group inside Syria. Israel views the organization as enemy militants.

There is no single photo from that silly UAV u launched at Israel. All u can show is lame computer animation for retarded kids. You are so proud that it was shot down lol.
lol, you said yourself that cowards don't publish the wreckage, so go and ask your coward commanders why they didn't show that drone's wreckage.

You are funny girl. They made same exactly claim (that they shot down Israeli jet) in September 2016:


As usual no proofs.
There was a time that even 80% of the damascus was held by your terrorist allies. even Seyyed Hassan Nasrullah's estimation was that Syria is gone. those days are over, now you have to deal with Syrian missiles in your own airspace.
so enjoy it.
these cheap suicide drones belongs to 2006, no footage has been shown after Hizbollah's sophisticated drone "Ayoub" humiliated all of your super duper radar and defenses.

We bury our martyrs proudly unlike your scum pilot who wont even have a funeral for you to attend.

he is a false flag Zionist.
U make me puke
That's what happen when you are not united. A city like israel will hit you and you won't be able to retaliate.
Syrian Air Defense Shoots Down Intruder Israeli Warplane, Hits Another One

The Syrian air defense shot down an Israeli warplane and hit another one after four aircraft had breached the war-torn country's airspace and attacked government troops near Palmyra, the Syrian Army said on Friday.
"Our anti-aircraft systems reacted and shot down one of the planes in the occupied territories. Another plane was also hit, the rest flew away," the army command said in a statement obtained by Sputnik.

The Syrian Army claimed the Israeli Air Force had targeted government troops near Palmyra.

Earlier in the day, the Israeli military told Sputnik that its combat planes were targeted by missiles after they had attacked targets in Syria. However, the incident allegedly did not result in any damages or casualties on the Israeli side, according to the source.

According to Israeli Channel 10, Israeli planes were targeted by the Syrian government forces using S-200 surface-to-air missile systems, also known as SA-5.

After the statement by the Syrian Army, Israeli military reiterated that that none of its planes had been damaged.

Last month, it was reported that Israeli military aircraft conducted an airstrike on the Syrian government forces stationed in the western countryside of Damascus near the Lebanese border.

How Territorial Dispute With Israel Could 'Kill the Peace Process in Syria'
In January, Israel bombed a military airport near Damacus. A Syrian official told Sputnik that it was done "to encourage and support terrorists". Damascus vowed repercussions.
In December, Syria allegedly downed an Israeli warplane and an unmanned aerial vehicle over the southwestern province of Quneitra. The IDF denied these claims.

In November, the IDF said a missile believed to be launched from Syria, hit the Israeli-controlled Northern Golan Heights without resulting in any casualties. The IDF responded with retaliatory fire.

The civil war in Syria has been lasting for around six years with government troops fighting against numerous opposition factions and terror organizations such as al-Nusra Front and Daesh, outlawed in Russia.

The nationwide Syrian ceasefire regime was introduced on December 30, 2016. Terrorist organizations are not part of the ceasefire.

Syrian Air Defense Shoots Down Intruder Israeli Warplane, Hits Another One

The Syrian air defense shot down an Israeli warplane and hit another one after four aircraft had breached the war-torn country's airspace and attacked government troops near Palmyra, the Syrian Army said on Friday.
"Our anti-aircraft systems reacted and shot down one of the planes in the occupied territories. Another plane was also hit, the rest flew away," the army command said in a statement obtained by Sputnik.

The Syrian Army claimed the Israeli Air Force had targeted government troops near Palmyra.

Earlier in the day, the Israeli military told Sputnik that its combat planes were targeted by missiles after they had attacked targets in Syria. However, the incident allegedly did not result in any damages or casualties on the Israeli side, according to the source.

According to Israeli Channel 10, Israeli planes were targeted by the Syrian government forces using S-200 surface-to-air missile systems, also known as SA-5.

After the statement by the Syrian Army, Israeli military reiterated that that none of its planes had been damaged.

Last month, it was reported that Israeli military aircraft conducted an airstrike on the Syrian government forces stationed in the western countryside of Damascus near the Lebanese border.

How Territorial Dispute With Israel Could 'Kill the Peace Process in Syria'
In January, Israel bombed a military airport near Damacus. A Syrian official told Sputnik that it was done "to encourage and support terrorists". Damascus vowed repercussions.
In December, Syria allegedly downed an Israeli warplane and an unmanned aerial vehicle over the southwestern province of Quneitra. The IDF denied these claims.

In November, the IDF said a missile believed to be launched from Syria, hit the Israeli-controlled Northern Golan Heights without resulting in any casualties. The IDF responded with retaliatory fire.

The civil war in Syria has been lasting for around six years with government troops fighting against numerous opposition factions and terror organizations such as al-Nusra Front and Daesh, outlawed in Russia.

The nationwide Syrian ceasefire regime was introduced on December 30, 2016. Terrorist organizations are not part of the ceasefire.


This isn't the first time this claim has been made...and Israel is denying it. So we'll have to wait for the crash site pics which in the past never materialized.

again jizzrael is going to deny and deflect like they always do, spin to media to their benefit (because they control it)

Israel intercepts missile fired at IAF jets by Syria
After Israeli jets strike targets in Syria, anti-aircraft missiles are sent from Syria to hit the Israeli jets; Israel manages to strike down Syrian missiles without casualties or damage, as Syria vows to .
Ynet & News Agencies|Last update: 17.03.17 , 14:59

IDF reported on Friday that it has shot down one of numerous anti-aircraft missiles launched Thursday night by Syria at Israeli F-15 fighter jets that had hit designated targets within Syria. Israeli Arrow anti-aircraft missiles were used to intercept a Syrian S-200 missile and protect its jets. Syria, in the meantime, described the Israeli strike in Syria as a "blatant Israeli act of aggression."

  • The IAF's F-15 fighter jets (Photo: EPA)

    An S-200 anti-aircraft missile (Photo: AP)

    An Arrow missile (Photo: Defense Department)

    Missile sirens had sounded in Israeli settlements in the Jordan Valley in the West Bank at 02:43am, with two witnesses hearing an explosion a few minutes later. The IAF's interception of the Syrian anti-aircrafts missiles, in addition to the resulting sirens, prompted the IDF to issue a response acknowledging the its strikes in Syria. Normally, Israel does not divulge information about such operations. This is the forst time the IDF confirmed the operational use of its Arrow ground-to-air missiles.

    The unidentified object that fell in Jordan

    The Syrian Army responded to the strike by saying, “This blatant Israeli act of aggression came as part of the Zionist enemy’s persistence with supporting ISIS terrorist gangs and in a desperate attempt to raise their deteriorating morale and divert attention away from the victories which Syrian Arab Army is making in the face of the terrorist organizations.”

    The Israeli Military said in its own statement that one of the anti-aircraft missiles launched against its planes had been intercepted, adding that all IDF jets had returned to Israel unharmed. The blast from the interception was heard as far away as Jerusalem, dozens of miles from the site. No casualties or damage were reported.

    The Israeli Jordan Valley Security Headquarters

    "Overnight IAF (Israeli Air Force) aircraft targeted several targets in Syria. Several anti-aircraft missiles were launched from Syria following the mission and IDF (Israel Defence Force) Aerial Defence Systems intercepted one of the missiles," the military said in its statement.

    Arab media reported that Israel had targeted a delivery of advanced weaponry to Hezbollah in its airstrike. Syria responded to the Israeli strikes with its its own missile attack, with the Syrian Army stating that it used S-200 anti-aircraft missiles against the Israeli jets.

    Israel has carried out dozens of strikes to prevent weapons smuggling to the Iranian-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah, which is fighting rebels alongside the Syrian army.

    Prior to the release of the IDF's statement, sources in Jordan were reported that an S-200 anti-aircraft missile fell Thursday night in the northern area of Irbid, following which security forces surrounded the area of descent. It is still unclear whether the object was the remnants of the missile intercepted by Israel, part of the IAF missile, or another object.

    Iran has been Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's staunchest backer and has provided militia fighters to help him. Israel is concerned Hezbollah, with which it fought a war in 2006, is trying to obtain sophisticated weapons it could use against Israel.

    Following the night's events, the air space above the Golan Heights was closed to flights.

    Last week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss what he charged were Iran's attempts to establish a permanent military foothold in Syria.

    Yoav Zitun, Roi Kais, Elisha Ben Kimon, Elior Levy & Roi Yanovsky contribued to this article.

    (Translated and edited by Gahl Becker)
Solomon2 comment: they get to watch cable TV while on duty? Anybody recognize the show?
If you want to or try to be honest, the wreckage is clearly of your arrow missile, S-200Missiles, even NATO still fears them, they are very potent missiles, if they were used they will certainly have downed some fighter aircrafts..

It is big news now because Syria was restrained of doing that by someone, in all the last Usraeli air attacks_we can count at least a dozen_, this is the first Syrian defensive retaliation with SAMs..

Which warplane was shot down?
Most probably an F-16, and to a lesser probability an F-15, F-35 they have only one or two, they won't risk it, and pilots need a lot of training just to get familiar with the platform and the new technologies..
It means Syria air space ain't no longer safe for aggressors ..
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