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IMU cleric urges Pakistanis to continue sheltering jihadis in Waziristan.


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IMU cleric urges Pakistanis to continue sheltering jihadis in Waziristan
November 23, 2011


A top ideologue for the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan urged Pakistanis living in Waziristan to continue to shelter jihadists, and said the Pakistani state has done the most damage to terror groups operating in the region.

Abu Dher al Barmi, an Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan cleric and spokesman who is also known as Abu Dher Azzam, delivered the sermon on Sept. 30, according to the SITE Intelligence Group, which provided a translation. The sermon was videotaped at a mosque in Pakistan and distributed by Ummat Studios to jihadist websites on Nov. 14.

He said that the "the mujahideen of Islam emigrated to the land of Waziristan after the fall of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan" and sheltered with the Pakistani people, but are now being punished by both the US and Pakistan for doing so.

"Today, the helpless and poor people of Waziristan have helped to defeat the so-called superpower..." he said. "For harboring the mujahideen, they are being killed and targeted by the [US] drones, by the apostate Pakistan Army, by the ISI [Inter-Services Intelligence] and tribal militias, but people of Waziristan are facing these hardships with unprecedented courage and faith."

Al Barmi said that Pakistan's government is deceiving its people into believing the US is preparing to invade Pakistan.

"They are telling us that America intends to invade Pakistan, but this has already happened with the consent of the Pakistani government. Who is carrying out these drone strikes? Who is providing the Americans ground intelligence? In fact, America invaded Pakistan ten years ago, and that's when we started jihad against America, against the occupiers, against the system in Pakistan, against the armed forces of Pakistan, and this jihad will continue, Allah willing."

Al Barmi said the IMU would "never forget the sacrifices of our hosts" and the "Red Mosque's martyrs," a reference to the jihadists who fought at the Lal Masjid is Islamabad in July 2007. "We will never let go to waste the blood of Kashmiri mujahideen and Afghan mujahideen."

"Our objective is to enforce Allah's system in Allah's universe," he said.

He said the IMU would fight for the imposition of Sharia law in Pakistan and the destruction of the "brutal end of Pakistani security and secret services," and avenge "the killing of martyrs."

Background on the IMU in Pakistan and Afghanistan

The IMU's leadership cadre is based in Pakistan's Taliban-controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan, and operates primarily along the Afghan-Pakistani border and in northern Afghanistan. According to one estimate, more than 3,000 Uzbeks and other Central Asian fighters are sheltering in North Waziristan.

The US ramped up airstrikes against the terror groups in North Waziristan between September 2010 and January 2011. Many of the strikes targeted cells run by the Islamic Jihad Group, which were plotting to conduct Mumbai-styled terror assaults in Europe. A Sept. 8 strike killed an IJG commander known as Qureshi, who specialized in training Germans to conduct attacks in their home country.

In South Waziristan, the IMU's former leader, Tahir Yuldashev, was killed in a US Predator airstrike in September 2009. Yuldashev sat on al Qaeda's top council, the Shura Majlis. He has been replaced by Abu Usman Adil.

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan fighters often serve as bodyguards for top Pakistani Taliban and al Qaeda leaders. The IMU fights alongside the Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and has stepped up attacks in Central Asian countries as well. Recently, the IUM has claimed credit for suicide assaults in Panjshir and Parwan provinces in Afghanistan.

Earlier this year, ISAF identified several locations of safe havens and training camps in the north for the Taliban and the allied Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. Both terror groups maintain a strong presence in the northern Afghan provinces of Badakhshan, Baghlan, Balkh, Faryab, Jawzjan, Kunduz, Samangan, Sar-i-Pul, and Takhar, and have established suicide and military training camps in the north over the past several years. As the two groups expand their presence in the region, top leaders of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan have integrated into the Taliban's shadow government in the northern provinces.

ISAF has identified the presence of suicide camps in Sar-i-Pul and Samangan provinces. On March 22, a special operations team captured an IMU commander who ran camps in Samangan. In addition, several other commanders who aid in suicide attacks have been targeted in the north.

ISAF and Afghan forces captured the IMU's senior leader in Afghanistan during a raid in Kunduz province in April. He served as "a key conduit between the senior IMU leadership in Pakistan and senior Taliban leadership in Afghanistan," and aided in suicide, IED, and other attacks by the IMU in the north. He was freed from a Pakistani jail in 2010 and immediately returned to lead forces in Afghanistan [see LWJ report, ISAF captures Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan's top commander for Afghanistan].

The IMU has established camps in Kunduz province, a Taliban commander from Baghlan named Mustafa told the Asia Times earlier this year. The Taliban commander said that jihadis from Central Asia, including "Chechnya, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Russia," make up a significant portion of the fighters in the Afghan north and that they are setting their sights on the neighboring country of Uzbekistan.

"I can tell you that there is an active connection between the Central Asian command and the Taliban in northern Afghanistan and they often join us, but how they connect, this is beyond my level," Mustafa told Asia Times. "Our superior commanders are in touch with their counterparts in Central Asia and if somebody arrives in Afghanistan or goes to Central Asia from Afghanistan, it is arranged at a senior leadership level."

The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and the Islamic Jihad Group, an IMU splinter faction, are also known to operate in the southeastern Afghan provinces of Khost, Paktia, Paktika, Ghazni, and Zabul. The two groups work with the al Qaeda-linked Haqqani Network [see LWJ report, ISAF detains senior Haqqani Network leader linked to the IMU].
This guy certainly don't look Uzbek. Even the name doesn't sound like Uzbek because they have Russianized last name like Kardirov, Karimonv, Sultanov etc. His complexion resembles more like Pakistani or Yemani.
for information he is the same guy who entered in a debate with pakistani soldier
his origins are unknown according to IMU experts probably a pakistani of bengali or may be burmi origin who has studied in pakistani madrassah as from his fluent urdu and latterly joined the jihad consequently finding himself with uzbeks
for information he is the same guy who entered in a debate with pakistani soldier
his origins are unknown according to IMU experts probably a pakistani of bengali or may be burmi origin who has studied in pakistani madrassah as from his fluent urdu and latterly joined the jihad consequently finding himself with uzbeks

no that guy was a pashton, his accent and his whispers in pashto to another guy while answering the soldier suggested a local person from KP. his name is mullah Khanjer or something. and is a known TTP leader from Sawat, an ex- lashker jhangvi or Sipah sahabah guy.
for information he is the same guy who entered in a debate with pakistani soldier
his origins are unknown according to IMU experts probably a pakistani of bengali or may be burmi origin who has studied in pakistani madrassah as from his fluent urdu and latterly joined the jihad consequently finding himself with uzbeks
Well the Burmese origin jihadi could be true. There was this recent report which said in the Express Tribune
On the bright sunny afternoon of September 2, 2011, a few dozen tribesmen of Waziristan gathered in a small local mosque to offer Friday prayers. Like anywhere in the Muslim world, Friday prayers are usually held following a speech by the local prayer leader.

However, today the Imam cut his speech short and dedicated a major part of the sermon time to an unfamiliar guest speaker. Uneasy with the presence of a stranger the locals had no option other than to listen to him. Though, the stranger did not bother to introduce himself to the audience, he was later identified as Abu Zar, a Jihadi ideologue belonging to Myanmar who relocated to Waziristan following the fall of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Usually, these foreign Jihadis present in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) seldom make public appearances. However, dire circumstances forced them to nominate Abu Zar to address the locals who had been becoming extremely hostile to these un-wanted guests due to the increasing number of drone strikes and military pressure from the Pakistan Army.

A tall, skinny, and dark Myanmari clearly stood out amongst the local tribesmen who had a fair complexion and very different features. His tone was emotional and the content of his speech focussed on resonating Al-Qaeda’s agenda of pan-Islamism and global Jihad. He was perhaps tasked to win-back popular support in Waziristan through skilfully manipulating Islamic history and its teachings. For Abu Zar, the best way to accomplish this goal was to exploit the religious sentiments of his audience. He reminded them:

“We are no strangers to each other. What brings us together and makes us the same is the Kalimah, the book, the Prophet, the religion. Your objective is Shariah and we are also striving for the enforcement of Shariah. So when our Quran is the same, our God is the same, our Prophet is the same, our objective is the same and our destiny is the same how can the enemy set us apart? Allah has enriched your hearts with the love for Mujahideen of Africa, America, Russia, Turkistan, Arab and many other parts.”

In an effort to dissuade the locals from supporting the Pakistani government, Abu Zar tried to portray the government and the Armed Forces as a bigger evil then the US, which has caused more damage to the “Mujahideen” than any other country in the world.

“Today, after the US if there is some force that has harmed and damaged the Mujahideen on a huge scale, it is the government of Pakistan, its Armed forces and the ISI….. Tragedies such as Red Mosque were caused by the Pakistani government and its Armed Forces. Even the US and Afghanistan’s puppet governments have refrained from attacking mosques in such a manner. But these apostate soldiers killed our sisters, our elders and teachers. They humiliated our students and Mujahideen. They sell our Mujahideen brothers to the US.”

In the end, Abu Zar made a desperate effort to seek reinsurance from the tribesmen for the prolonged stay of “Refugee Mujahideen” in Waziristan.

“The way you have cooperated with Ansaar in the past, will you continue this? Those who agree please raise your hands.”

In response to the plea very few hands are raised. A disappointing response significantly changed the tone of Abu Zar and he dictated:

“Everyone must raise their hands.”

The speech delivered in September was released in October 2011 by Ummat Studio of Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, another indicator of close connections between international Jihadis hiding in FATA. The timing of the release was also crucial. Under intense pressure, thanks to the US drones and Pakistan’s precise military strikes, the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has offered peace to the government of Pakistan. Responding positively to the request, the Pakistani government appointed some local tribal elders and government officials to hold talks with the TTP. Recently, a spokesman of the group admitted to being in dialogue with the government and declared a ceasefire in support of peace talks. However, one must not forget that the TTP is not a unified and organized entity any more as it was in 2008. Therefore, the offer for peace from some commanders in the TTP may infuriate the more radical segment of the group and lead to another wave of infightings. As of today the talks have not yielded any breakthrough and both sides are exploring ways to end years of fighting.

The peace process with the TTP and its allies is not without precedent. In the past the two sides have struck a number of deals hoping to end the armed rebellion in FATA. These past agreements included the Shakai Peace Agreement with the Wazir Tribe (South Waziristan) in 2004, the Sararogha Agreement with the Mehsud Tribe (South Waziristan) in 2005, the Peace Accord with the Utmanzai Wazir Tribe (North Waziristan) in 2006, and the Wana Agreement in 2007.

Nevertheless, despite these concessions to the militant forces in FATA, the conflict has accelerated and, as a result, the country was set to witness a much more organized and lethal wave of militancy. One major factor defining the failure of peace talks with the TTP was the presence of foreign fighters who played an important role to persuade the TTP to breach the agreements and use peace time to reorganize its structure.

The stateless Jihadis largely from Uzbekistan, Tajkistan, Libya, Egypt and few from Britain, America, Indonesia, Philippines, Myanmar and Australia have no stakes in a peaceful FATA. Rather a militancy-free tribal area can put their survival at risk. In order to survive and flourish, these non-state actors will go to any extent to keep the pot boiling. For this very reason, Pakistan ought to realize that any such effort to talk peace with the TTP and other factions of Pakistani Taliban is going to be counter-productive unless the state institutions take effective steps to significantly reduce the influence of foreign Jihadis in FATA.
IMU cleric urges Pakistanis to continue sheltering jihadis in Waziristan
November 23, 2011


A top ideologue for the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan urged Pakistanis living in Waziristan to continue to shelter jihadists, and said the Pakistani state has done the most damage to terror groups operating in the region.

Abu Dher al Barmi, an Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan cleric and spokesman who is also known as Abu Dher Azzam, delivered the sermon on Sept. 30, according to the SITE Intelligence Group, which provided a translation. The sermon was videotaped at a mosque in Pakistan and distributed by Ummat Studios to jihadist websites on Nov. 14.

He said that the "the mujahideen of Islam emigrated to the land of Waziristan after the fall of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan" and sheltered with the Pakistani people, but are now being punished by both the US and Pakistan for doing so.

"Today, the helpless and poor people of Waziristan have helped to defeat the so-called superpower..." he said. "For harboring the mujahideen, they are being killed and targeted by the [US] drones, by the apostate Pakistan Army, by the ISI [Inter-Services Intelligence] and tribal militias, but people of Waziristan are facing these hardships with unprecedented courage and faith."

Al Barmi said that Pakistan's government is deceiving its people into believing the US is preparing to invade Pakistan.

"They are telling us that America intends to invade Pakistan, but this has already happened with the consent of the Pakistani government. Who is carrying out these drone strikes? Who is providing the Americans ground intelligence? In fact, America invaded Pakistan ten years ago, and that's when we started jihad against America, against the occupiers, against the system in Pakistan, against the armed forces of Pakistan, and this jihad will continue, Allah willing."

Al Barmi said the IMU would "never forget the sacrifices of our hosts" and the "Red Mosque's martyrs," a reference to the jihadists who fought at the Lal Masjid is Islamabad in July 2007. "We will never let go to waste the blood of Kashmiri mujahideen and Afghan mujahideen."

"Our objective is to enforce Allah's system in Allah's universe," he said.

He said the IMU would fight for the imposition of Sharia law in Pakistan and the destruction of the "brutal end of Pakistani security and secret services," and avenge "the killing of martyrs."

Background on the IMU in Pakistan and Afghanistan

The IMU's leadership cadre is based in Pakistan's Taliban-controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan, and operates primarily along the Afghan-Pakistani border and in northern Afghanistan. According to one estimate, more than 3,000 Uzbeks and other Central Asian fighters are sheltering in North Waziristan.

The US ramped up airstrikes against the terror groups in North Waziristan between September 2010 and January 2011. Many of the strikes targeted cells run by the Islamic Jihad Group, which were plotting to conduct Mumbai-styled terror assaults in Europe. A Sept. 8 strike killed an IJG commander known as Qureshi, who specialized in training Germans to conduct attacks in their home country.

In South Waziristan, the IMU's former leader, Tahir Yuldashev, was killed in a US Predator airstrike in September 2009. Yuldashev sat on al Qaeda's top council, the Shura Majlis. He has been replaced by Abu Usman Adil.

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan fighters often serve as bodyguards for top Pakistani Taliban and al Qaeda leaders. The IMU fights alongside the Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and has stepped up attacks in Central Asian countries as well. Recently, the IUM has claimed credit for suicide assaults in Panjshir and Parwan provinces in Afghanistan.

Earlier this year, ISAF identified several locations of safe havens and training camps in the north for the Taliban and the allied Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. Both terror groups maintain a strong presence in the northern Afghan provinces of Badakhshan, Baghlan, Balkh, Faryab, Jawzjan, Kunduz, Samangan, Sar-i-Pul, and Takhar, and have established suicide and military training camps in the north over the past several years. As the two groups expand their presence in the region, top leaders of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan have integrated into the Taliban's shadow government in the northern provinces.

ISAF has identified the presence of suicide camps in Sar-i-Pul and Samangan provinces. On March 22, a special operations team captured an IMU commander who ran camps in Samangan. In addition, several other commanders who aid in suicide attacks have been targeted in the north.

ISAF and Afghan forces captured the IMU's senior leader in Afghanistan during a raid in Kunduz province in April. He served as "a key conduit between the senior IMU leadership in Pakistan and senior Taliban leadership in Afghanistan," and aided in suicide, IED, and other attacks by the IMU in the north. He was freed from a Pakistani jail in 2010 and immediately returned to lead forces in Afghanistan [see LWJ report, ISAF captures Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan's top commander for Afghanistan].

The IMU has established camps in Kunduz province, a Taliban commander from Baghlan named Mustafa told the Asia Times earlier this year. The Taliban commander said that jihadis from Central Asia, including "Chechnya, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Russia," make up a significant portion of the fighters in the Afghan north and that they are setting their sights on the neighboring country of Uzbekistan.

"I can tell you that there is an active connection between the Central Asian command and the Taliban in northern Afghanistan and they often join us, but how they connect, this is beyond my level," Mustafa told Asia Times. "Our superior commanders are in touch with their counterparts in Central Asia and if somebody arrives in Afghanistan or goes to Central Asia from Afghanistan, it is arranged at a senior leadership level."

The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and the Islamic Jihad Group, an IMU splinter faction, are also known to operate in the southeastern Afghan provinces of Khost, Paktia, Paktika, Ghazni, and Zabul. The two groups work with the al Qaeda-linked Haqqani Network [see LWJ report, ISAF detains senior Haqqani Network leader linked to the IMU].
So this means that CIA is pretty much active in funding/training these terrorists to workout their business in the Ex-Russian states as well as in Russia....well done job USA...Excellent.Taking good care of ure old rival Russia through these agents..:smokin:
A top ideologue for the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan urged Pakistanis living in Waziristan to continue to shelter jihadists, and said the Pakistani state has done the most damage to terror groups operating in the region.

apostate Pakistan Army

A top ideologue for the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan urged Pakistanis living in Waziristan to continue to shelter jihadists

Schizophrenia perhaps ? :lol:
Instead of looking at whether he is Burmese or not, let's look at what he is saying. He says the maximum amount of damage caused to them has been by the Pakistan Army. There can be no denying this, in light of the facts that the Pakistan Army has killed countless Uzbek fighters in the FATA operations. Secondly, he says he is being aided by certain people. That isn't wrong either, considering the fact that the TTP have sheltered (& given refuge to) Uzbek fighters in certain parts of FATA. Reading Western propaganda (along with the LWJ reports), you would think that the Pakistan Army is directly aiding Al-Qaeda & the Taliban, this report proves their claims wrong.
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