yes everthing is politics, that why you never mentioned the TALIBANs here, just take a look past 4 days, rangers got SS attack but even guys like yourself never like to writs the word TALIBANS, here why?
just because your KING KHAN supports them?
yes its is true that in karachi MQM, PPP, ANP they all hve some kind of armed activists but still none of them is capable of doing MEHRAN BASE, CID HEADQUATERs, & this very LATEST RANGERS ATTACK?
thts all dam politics, that this damo-crazy has divided us as a nation, & non of us hve courge to see beyond our political belifes?
if army have to do the clean up, why should it just take the dam karachi , why not the whole country?
if this damo-crazy cant give any poor, anything thn why we should hve this ugly, & fake damo-crazy itself?
this problm cant be solved by just a single measure , this dam system needs overhual , depoliticisation is just a step, but fedrl govt needs to ammend laws , they hve to give witness a real safe house, a real programe?
also fedrl govt needs to take serious actions like a surgical strike on terrosits like MULLA FM, who is sitting in afghanistan, govt needs to make it sure that no weapons & terrorists can come to bigger cites of pakistan , like karachi & lahore, peshwar, islamabad, queeta!