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Imran Riaz Khan arrested from Islamabad toll plaza

These guys really need to get out of the boomer mentality, and come to terms with modern times. DG ISPR to Colonel say Maj Gen laga dia hai, but aqal abhi tak nhn ayi keh you cannot control narrative by force in modern times. You cannot stop a story from getting printed in a newspaper, or get it printed in a 4th page column 2 weeks after, or prevent the PTV newscaster from saying something. It isn't 1977, it's two thousand twenty fricking two...you simply cannot control media narrative now, unless you become China.

The goal here is not to stop the narrative from this one person, but to strike fear in the hearts of others who are contemplating similar narratives. Such indirect intimidation remains quite effective.
The more harrowing thing is, previously, it was nalamoom afrad doing it, in the middle of the night, masked up, blacked out, working in the shadows. Plausible deniability.

Right now, it is completely out in the open. Police arresting, harrassing. FIR's being registered. Names of officials being mentioned out in the public.

Ayaz Amir told that he got his phone back yesterday, and the only thing missing from his phone was a whatsapp conversation and contact details of a certain military official. On the day of his beating, N league was saying that this was PTI which did it, or perhaps some robbers or thugs. Plausible deniability, as has always happened. But what happened afterwards leaves no doubt as to who did it.

Police, not Rangers. Just heard the lawyer. Attock police arrested him.

Nothing new, the military have been doing the same in balochistan and than kpk for more than a decade. They have been shouting out with no avail from these same journalist who used to ignore because they used to be in good books of army, now they are tasting it themselves.

On the other hand, **** generals and those who them defend them should understand why do common balochs or tribal people have hatred for the army. Down the line the same will be happening with them in Sindh and Punjab, because there will be a segment in society who won't look at the way they used to and in extreme cases will become against them outrightly.
The goal here is not to stop the narrative from this one person, but to strike fear in the hearts of others who are contemplating similar narratives. Such indirect intimidation remains quite effective.

Don't know about that my Boomer mother has woken up and cursing Bajwa --
Good going.
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