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Imran Khan's should get a Political Lobbyist in Washington DC before US visit


Apr 14, 2019
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Imran Khan's high time to get Political Lobbyist in Washington DC before US visit

Lobbying, any attempt by individuals or private interest groups to influence the decisions of government; in its original meaning it referred to efforts to influence the votes of legislators, generally in the lobby outside the legislative chamber. Lobbying in some form is inevitable in any political system.

Foreign policy, A country's foreign policy, also called foreign relations or foreign affairs policy, consists of self-interest strategies chosen by the state to safeguard its national interests and to achieve goals within its international relations. The approaches are strategically employed to interact with other countries. With Pakistan unfortunately due to traitors of likes of Zardari to Nawaz there was no minister set in last 33 years era specifically in last 10 years of pmln.

Indian lobbying in USA.
The Economist referred to USINPAC in May 2015 as "the main political lobby for Indian-Americans in Washington." USINPAC is involved with the annual US business delegation to India to meet with Indian politicians, businesspeople, and newsmakers. There are numerous Indians lobbyists inside Washington from India where we Pakistani don't even have considered yet for position.
Founder: Sanjay Puri
Wiki link https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_India_Political_Action_Committee

Pakistani interests in America's capital :
One major country such as important as Pakistan needs to have a voice in Washington DC. Without it the concerns of Pakistani government establishment won't be been heard.

It doesn't matter if China Pakistan relations are strong, okay, you always need US Pakistani friendship at all costs. Even at a time of America leaving Afghanistan scenerio. You cannot afford to lose America at any time.

Let's say you as Pakistan minister in Islamabad wants to get your point over some subject across to Washington DC but you don't have Pakistani lobbyist there? What do you do? You don't just approach from your Pakistani ambassador in Washington DC to make that action possible because he is not capable of reaching out to jurisdiction of all levels of government inside Washington. He is only civil servant at the most.

This is exactly where lobbyist is needed. Let's say we want to reach out to Pompeo and only way possible is through political lobbying and even that doesn't guarantee but it's way possible for anything concrete. So I rest my case for Pakistan for not even having a minister yet alone lobbyist, it is high time for Imran Khan Pm to reconsider a political Pakistani origin lobbyist as permanent position in Pakistan diplomatic channels.
Imran Khan's high time to get Political Lobbyist in Washington DC before US visit

Lobbying, any attempt by individuals or private interest groups to influence the decisions of government; in its original meaning it referred to efforts to influence the votes of legislators, generally in the lobby outside the legislative chamber. Lobbying in some form is inevitable in any political system.

Foreign policy, A country's foreign policy, also called foreign relations or foreign affairs policy, consists of self-interest strategies chosen by the state to safeguard its national interests and to achieve goals within its international relations. The approaches are strategically employed to interact with other countries. With Pakistan unfortunately due to traitors of likes of Zardari to Nawaz there was no minister set in last 33 years era specifically in last 10 years of pmln.

Indian lobbying in USA.
The Economist referred to USINPAC in May 2015 as "the main political lobby for Indian-Americans in Washington." USINPAC is involved with the annual US business delegation to India to meet with Indian politicians, businesspeople, and newsmakers. There are numerous Indians lobbyists inside Washington from India where we Pakistani don't even have considered yet for position.
Founder: Sanjay Puri
Wiki link https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_India_Political_Action_Committee

Pakistani interests in America's capital :
One major country such as important as Pakistan needs to have a voice in Washington DC. Without it the concerns of Pakistani government establishment won't be been heard.

It doesn't matter if China Pakistan relations are strong, okay, you always need US Pakistani friendship at all costs. Even at a time of America leaving Afghanistan scenerio. You cannot afford to lose America at any time.

Let's say you as Pakistan minister in Islamabad wants to get your point over some subject across to Washington DC but you don't have Pakistani lobbyist there? What do you do? You don't just approach from your Pakistani ambassador in Washington DC to make that action possible because he is not capable of reaching out to jurisdiction of all levels of government inside Washington. He is only civil servant at the most.

This is exactly where lobbyist is needed. Let's say we want to reach out to Pompeo and only way possible is through political lobbying and even that doesn't guarantee but it's way possible for anything concrete. So I rest my case for Pakistan for not even having a minister yet alone lobbyist, it is high time for Imran Khan Pm to reconsider a political Pakistani origin lobbyist as permanent position in Pakistan diplomatic channels.
His personality is all bigger then all lobbyists. Dont worry he is going to win hearts..
His personality is all bigger then all lobbyists. Dont worry he is going to win hearts..
Its not about personality, if government of Pakistan needs to get something done one needs to get their voice heard official way. Everything in Washington is regulated therefore you need people over there to get results. I am not undermining PM IK in any way but he needs to think differently when approaching the Donald Trump & US administration altogether.
Its not about personality, if government of Pakistan needs to get something done one needs to get their voice heard official way. Everything in Washington is regulated therefore you need people over there to get results. I am not undermining PM IK in any way but he needs to think differently when approaching the Donald Trump & US administration altogether.
This time they need Pakistan.. we are already out of their cover...they twisted us in every way even they let india attacked us..our last years was most difficult of our history..
It doesn't matter if Pakistan employs lobbyists or Imran Khan engages in a charm offensive to win American hearts and minds. The core problem in Pak-US relations is the divergence of interests between the two countries. This divergence has been growing since the end of the Cold War. 9/11 was only a temporary diversion.

Pakistan needs to define what its interests with US are. Forget about rekindling the bonhomie of the past, that is ancient history.

In addition, the problem with Pakistan in US has never been POTUS but both Congress and the media. This is where the efforts should be placed. Even if IK and Trump hit it off, it's Congress that will need more convincing.
This time they need Pakistan.. we are already out of their cover...they twisted us in every way even they let india attacked us..our last years was most difficult of our history..
No wrong again, we need them more than they need us, our economy is in shambles needless I say more so much even Indias economy is way ahead.
It doesn't matter if Pakistan employs lobbyists or Imran Khan engages in a charm offensive to win American hearts and minds. The core problem in Pak-US relations is the divergence of interests between the two countries. This divergence has been growing since the end of the Cold War. 9/11 was only a temporary diversion.

Pakistan needs to define what its interests with US are. Forget about rekindling the bonhomie of the past, that is ancient history.

In addition, the problem with Pakistan in US has never been POTUS but both Congress and the media. This is where the efforts should be placed. Even if IK and Trump hit it off, it's Congress that will need more convincing.
Totally agree with you on that for Pakistan interests in the bigger picture as far as Congress or US house of rep's are concerned or the local American for that matter.
Pakistan hasn't had a foreign minister in awhile.
Its time to re-think the whole scenerio with US as the rhetorical stand.
Meanwhile, Bilawal Bhutto is on sudden visit to US to lobby for his dad.
Alot of people will declare you a servant of gora and what not.

But I agree with your post. Many Pakistani people will disagree, but Pakistan can't afford to be on America's bad side.
Listen I hear you but the problem arises in both countries sitting down in a civilized manner dispite war on terror differences & work out the friendship between our Americans people & Pakistani People on the large away from the media etc.
There are huge number of Pakistani in Western countries & virtually no Americans inside Pakistan where tourism needs to be elaborated.
There are levels of communication gaps between American & Pakistani interests due to Afghanistan problem, so I think work needs to be done.
world politics has nothing to do with someone looks ... otherwise Justin trudo would not be in crises with turmp, world politics is bassed upon interests and right now Americans are in need of pakistan for afghanistan peace talks and for that purpose they are trying to overhaul relations with pakistan there are few other reasons for example pakistan has drifted toward china-russo block that Americans are sensing it badly, in region Pakistan is ignoring Americans interests etc...so it is time for pakistani foreign office to play its card sensibly they can fetch some good results at this stage
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