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Imran Khan's Illegitimate Indian Kids.....


Aug 24, 2015
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Reham Khan's tell-all book on Imran Khan: Illegitimate Indian kids, liaison with a bollywood actress, PM Modi and more...

Imran Khan, the flamboyant talisman who led Pakistan to the famous Cricket World Cup triumph in 1992, has been accused of living "a bizarre life". The former wife of the cricketer-turned-vociferous politician has alleged that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader was fond of ?sex, drugs and rock ?n? roll? and a father of "illegitimate children", including a few Indians. Imran Khan's second wife Reham Khan, whom he divorced 10 months after tying the knot in 2015, has made these startling claims in her autobiography titled "Reham Khan".
Notably, the book also features Prime Minister Narendra Modi and makes a tangential reference of him, according to an IE report. The startling allegations come days ahead of the Pakistan parliamentary and provincial assembly elections, which are scheduled to be held on July 25, 2018. Imran has claimed that his party has good chances of emerging victorious.

Take a look at Reham Khan's book

It's out! Available in paperback in the UK and select territories. Available worldwide in Ebook format at https://t.co/h7hzkZFePdhttps://t.co/h7hzkZFePd

? Reham Khan (@RehamKhan1) July 12, 2018

Earlier, Reham had accused Imran of cheating on her with Bushra, whom the legendary cricketer married after divorcing her. Imran's first wife was Jemima Goldsmith. In her autobiography, Reham alleges that Imran can't read the Quran and even believes in black magic. Reham further said Imran himself had confessed to her that he has illegitimate children, ?five in total?, from India, the eldest of them being 34 years old.

Reham also wrote in her book that she had cited the example of PM Narendra Modi to Khan when it was clear to Imran that he was not going to dislodge Nawaz Sharif through street protests. ?I would gently and repeatedly give the example of Modi, the Indian Prime Minister, who was chief minister of Gujarat State for a decade and then elected to the top job, because of his seemingly strong governance record, despite all the negative baggage.?

Reham has also claimed that Khan told her about a liaison with a Bollywood star of the 1970s. The Bollywood star, who is not named in the book, but described as the ?sexiest star? of that decade and a ?bombshell?, had apparently dismissed her experience with Khan as ?naam baray aur darshan chotay?.

Reham, a former journalist, vividly talks about an array of issues, ranging from Imran?s eating habits to his purported sexuality. The book talks about Imran's fondness of black magic in detail how Imran rubbed ?black dal? all over his body because he had been advised to do that by a ?pir?, and how the drawers in his Bani Gala residence in Islamabad were full of amulets and other ?voodoo? stuff.
Many of Imran’s stories left my childhood memories of well-loved stars utterly tainted. He went on to tell me how one of the most beautiful icons of our time, a young singer, was the most boring **** he had ever had. He found it odd that she not only chose to get involved with him, but that her own brother would bring her to meet Imran. He described his distaste for the family and their value system, and at how she was constantly trying to get Imran to set up a business with her father. I found his comments quite hypocritical since it takes two to tango, and pointed it out to him, but his logic was, ‘I am a man, and a demi-god at that. The same rules do not apply’. As always, I would later be told an entirely conflicting version by others. A friend of the family in question explained that it was actually Imran getting involved, using their cars and wanting to be a part of the business while romancing the young star. The father put his foot down and the relationship was nipped in the bud. After hearing all these stories, I didn’t know what the truth was, but I certainly didn’t accept my husband’s skewed version of events.

Could this a reference to Nazia and Zohaib Hassan?
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The sexy bombshell of the 70s had described the interaction with our mutual friend rather disparagingly (in her filmy words) as, “Naam baray aur darshan chotay” (the hype was bigger than the rather small package on offer)”. Perhaps that was the root of the insecurity complex Imran had. I suppose many women are misled by the utter myth of big hands and feet suggesting a bigger package elsewhere too.
:lol: She seems really pissed and wants to hurt his ego. This surly is an Ex from Hell for khan:agree:
This is just tabloid junk... This woman has lost her mind..
Look at her latest video now trying act like Imran's current wife
.. something is mentally wrong with her..

He should stick to the old adage of FANTA (Fcuk And Never Touch Again). He has opted to getting married and then divorced often instead. In that, you might get a whistle blower for a wife of which Reham Khan seems to be the case.
Hanif Abbasi, s investment destroyed sadly he will see her fall after he goes to jaill :-(
Chill @Zibago ! It's not time for politics right now. Get into the gist of the moment for a bit.
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