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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

لاہوریوں اور پٹھانوں نے تاریخ بنادی۔
صبح کی کرنیں پھیل رہیں ہیں، اور غدار ابن غدار ریٹائرڈ جنرل حافظ وہسکی عاصم منیر اور اس کے کتے خاسر و مردود ہوکر جی ایچ کیو میں واپس چھپ چکے ہیں۔
I did not expect that Pakistanis will defeat this traitor army again after 1971.
شاباش پاکستانیوں
شاباش بنگالیوں۔
They seem quite well organized and very determined, even in the face of a bit of police brutality, tear gas etc..

new people must have come in now to do duty and relieve the night shift guys

there's also protests in other cities, think they were marching on GHQ too, were they ?

IK should ideally surrender and take on them in their supreme court with the best lawyers he can find, maybe get away with a fine and get bail..

if all or most ok Pk awam is as passionate as the protester folk in Zaman park, he's a shoe in to regain the crown.. man will prolly win a historic landslide.

srsly impressed and surprised by their zeal and passion for Mr Khan.. sure puts us "bhakts" to shame, eh ?

He will likely be tortured or at least kept in jail for a long time and declared unfit for election etc.

IK or whoever a great leader in Pakistan is, they need to go Sheikh Mujib way or the Turkish peoples' way. Pakistanis don't like this statement but it's the only way to put this military on a leash.
لاہوریوں اور پٹھانوں نے تاریخ بنادی۔
صبح کی کرنیں پھیل رہیں ہیں، اور غدار ابن غدار ریٹائرڈ جنرل حافظ وہسکی عاصم منیر اور اس کے کتے خاسر و مردود ہوکر جی ایچ کیو میں واپس چھپ چکے ہیں۔
I did not expect that Pakistanis will defeat this traitor army again after 1971.
شاباش پاکستانیوں
شاباش بنگالیوں۔
Soon, twits and messaging to US congressmen and senators will be activated for the preservation of democracy and rights for the people of Pakistan and tagging IMF.
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Mutiny, or any such activity, has far reaching consequences.

1- The chain of command gets broken down. Who then obeys whose orders?

2- You remove the COAS, then what? Who leads? There is great potential for infighting.

3- Future decision making processes become open to interpretation. Once a precedent is set, then a group of PSO's every other day can get up and disobey decisions.

What needs to happen within the military is something similar to like how it happened to Mushy, PSO's tell the man at the top that your time is now up, but all that is done internaly and in a drawing room, not over PASSCOM (or now whatsapp :P).

I heard a couple of weeks back, and Wajahat Khan also reported, that ex senior officers including Kyani have told the current COAS to sort things out internally and end this mess.

Guess that message didn't go down so well!

I have not been talking to people in the know these days, but I refuse to believe that this action does not have approval from the powers that be. Rangers awayeen helicopter nikal kar nhn phirti.

Secondly, as is now common knowledge (and you may recall my discussions in Aam Guftugu), Bajwa had a deal with PML that NS will be back and they will sort IK out. Then NS was told to focus on government and leave IK to the boys. Ab jab pallay aur kuch nhn hai, aur elections sar par hain and a way out seems unlikely without an even bigger mess, they want to arrest IK takay kuch to hath aye. It's all connected, that I am sure of.

Pakistan could either go the Iranian way or the Turk way. I believe IK wants to go the Turkey way, use the people power to neutralise the generals. Even India which was ruled by Congress (secular) was overtaken by BJP (RSS Hindu nationalist party), no revolution took place but they used people power to take control and no one can do anything about it. Pakistan is still alot behind Turkey, Iran and India.

Mutiny in the army would destroy the nation, our army officers go west for training, they lead very secular lives so they don't mind how things are continuing and working with west. I agree a policy change is needed and for that IK needs to hold a dialogue but then Zardari, Mqm and others will start to protest and make threats of rebellion.

If Pakistani people come out in very large numbers to take their country back from the crooks, I think it's a possibility that an Operation Searchlight type operation will be carried out. Pakistanis need to take their country back from the crooks, there is no other choice but sacrifices. I wish good for Pakistan and pray that Allah enables them.
Just sitting and watching this Bajwa ka khota v more corrupt Dallas fight.

Got no dog in the fight but damn these mofos can go to any level for the kursi.

Army ‘not available’ for election duty due to security situation, ECP told

Irfan Sadozai Published March 14, 2023 Updated about 8 hours ago

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) was informed on Tuesday that the Pakistan Army will not be available for poll-related duties due to the prevalent security situation within the country and on the borders.
Over the past few months, the law and order situation in the country has worsened, with terrorist groups executing attacks with near impunity across the country. Since the talks with the banned militant group Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan broke down in November, the militant group has intensified its attacks, particularly targeting the police in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and areas bordering Afghanistan.
Separately, provincial elections for the Punjab Assembly are scheduled for April 30 while KP Governor Haji Ghulam Ali said earlier today that he has suggested May 28 as the election date in the province.
A press release issued from the electoral body said that three important meetings were held today under the chairmanship of Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Sikandar Sultan Raja.
The press release said that in the third meeting, Defence Secretary Lt Gen (retd) Hamood Uz Zaman Khan and Additional Secretary Maj Gen Khurram Sarfraz Khan briefed the CEC and ECP officials on the country’s prevalent situation and the military’s deployment within Pakistan and on its borders.
“They said that the army attaches importance to its basic duties, in which the security of the borders and the country is its first priority. They said that the army is not available for election duty at this time due to the present situation in the country,” the press release reads.
The defence ministry officials said that the current economic situation of the country was also affecting the army.
However, they added that in the end it would be the government’s decision whether it kept the military restricted to its primary duties or appointed it for secondary tasks such as election-related duties.
“They also clarified that in case of election duty, the army can be deployed in quick reaction force mode but it is not possible to perform duty in static mode,” the press release reads.

Good decision

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