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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

This might be a golden chance for some third party or agency to kill IK and never get blamed.
who's lite a fire up your rear?
The only ppl jumping up and down while police is giving chitters to these kanjars are yuthiye and their islamic touch leader .

TLP hates PMLN. Tlp movement started during the suicide bombings in Pakistan, when they targeting Masjids, Darbars etc but no party spoke for them, slowly this movement grew and became official party when Mumtaz Qadri was hanged, whilst all of the parliament is full of dacoits, corrupt people, murderers.
These ayaash worldly oriented ppl with their anti religious bias will never be honest . They have one rule for themself and their whitemasters and other for religious right.
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The only ppl jumping up and down while police is giving chitters to these kanjars are yuthiye and their islamic touch leader .
TLP is finished it was always a B team of noonies. Mostly TLP's own actions caused its downfall.

So only TLP are true Muslims, everyone else is kafir! sounds like the leader of JUIF.
Well they have been restrained, one Abrams tank and all these protestors wont be able to do much. Glad they didnt pull a Chinese style clampdown here.
The only sane ones? :D
None of them are insane. There are deep interests and political loyalties at play.

Anyway last 11 months have been highly educational for the nationalistic youth; one can only imagine what happened in 71 with a nation thought lesser than the ones on west side of the country. Pretty sure most horror stories about 71 which we dismissed as ‘hindu/yahoodi’ propaganda were not completely false after all.
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Part of me says that IK should give arrest. He would be out in 2 days and then he gets to score some political points.

Another part says that he shouldn't because

1- This has nothing to do with the law. It's all political.

2- Called it out way back that what the promise to Nawaz Sharif was (by Bajwa mind you), and now things are coming to a head.

3- Keep IK at bay for elections

4- A lawyer friend I was talking to, and on social media as well, everyone is saying that usually police does not arrest anyone for a court production order. They just talk with the guy and if the guy agrees then you just tell the court we had a bond. Moreover the police cannot keep the person in custody for 4 days under this pretense. (Now that IK has mentioned the specific clause, let me pull it out as well)

5- Finally, IK went to 4 different courts, not as if he is not going to any court. PTI says it talked to the IG ISB that day and told him of the specific threats they had in F-8 kacheri. PTI even requested the judge to have a hearing online or in G11. The guy who shot at IK is having zoom trial ffs.

Here it is

View attachment 920276

Issue here isn’t the arrest or court appearance. Issue here is the credibility of the Banana republic and it’s kangaroo courts.
here is the thing, TLP destroyed itself. TLP had massive support. no doubts. But after seeing the kartoot many have backed away.

They had people in there who never been in to politics or know what is diplomacy. Slowly they lost support. They had the people but not the leadership to win seats. I myself spoke to many people from Tlp, they dont know much about politics, plus as usual Pakistanis never question their leadership or have group discussion to come with a plan, instead the leaders think they know it all and people just follow and defend them even if they're in the wrong. I also had bad experiences with people using islamic slogans in politics because even if your wrong or make the wrong policy you will get away with it by shouting AllahuAkbar. Similar how Islamic political parties around the world use Islam as a tool, but then again secular and Liberal parties have their own slogans.

If only PTI or PAT had this amount of support, they would bring everyone on their knees.

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