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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

I used to be a Imran Khan supporter, or at least ambivalent. But looking at this thread, I think Imran Khan and its consequences have been a disaster for Pakistan. All this ethnic strife, outright hatred, incivility and extremism on the rise, muhajirs crying once again, etc etc. It pains me. I hope a competent, uniting leader emerges and takes Pakistan out of this dark age.

You were about Imran Khan @Sharma Ji.
If anything it's the napak fauj and PDM causing the division, the scenes on the street is people of all ethnicity standing shoulder to shoulder against these crooks.

I am very disappointed in how easily people are falling for the trap PDM is setting on ethnicity lines here on PDF.
I used to be a Imran Khan supporter, or at least ambivalent. But looking at this thread, I think Imran Khan and its consequences have been a disaster for Pakistan. All this ethnic strife, outright hatred, incivility and extremism on the rise, muhajirs crying once again, etc etc. It pains me. I hope a competent, uniting leader emerges and takes Pakistan out of this dark age.

You were about Imran Khan @Sharma Ji.

Shut the duck up. People are debating, it is sign of healthy society. Nobody cares about ethnicities and races in real life in Pakistan, no too many to give you an orgasm.
I used to be a Imran Khan supporter, or at least ambivalent. But looking at this thread, I think Imran Khan and its consequences have been a disaster for Pakistan. All this ethnic strife, outright hatred, incivility and extremism on the rise, muhajirs crying once again, etc etc. It pains me. I hope a competent, uniting leader emerges and takes Pakistan out of this dark age.

You were about Imran Khan @Sharma Ji.

How is this different to the mass toxic hate amongst Indians, Sikhs v Hindus, Indian Muslims v Hindus extremists, love jihad, land jihad constant bile coming out of indians??????

We are doing it because we want change in our country and have been pushed to the wall,,

Your guys in India are doing it because indians hate each other and should never have been a single state
So, Imran Khan called for another rally on Wednesday. IK is still playing by the book, as if elections are happening in a few weeks and PTI will be allowed to win and take power.

On the other hand, the generals and their pet criminals are playing dirty. They’re going around raiding homes and kidnapping, torturing and killing people. In full view of the world they’re trying to kill IK and crush PTI. Can they be stopped by holding rallies and giving speeches?

As long as Asim Munir is the COAS the situation won’t improve. There only seem to be two solutions in my view. One is that a revolutionary organization appears that leads an armed rebellion, including leading a march on GHQ. Second is an an internal change in the military.

If everyone keeps sitting an watching, and doing nothing then we only have to wait a few weeks. The country is about to go bankrupt and there will be severe hardships. Maybe that will compel people to act.
کل صبح کے وقت زمان پارک میں آپریشن ہوگا نفری بلا لی گئی ہے ٹئیر گیس شیل حوالے کر دیے گئے ہیں

ٹئیر گیس کے ساتھ OC Balls بھی استعمال ہوں گے یہ شملہ مرچ کس بنایا گیا oleoresin capsicum پاؤڈر ہوتا اسے کل بھی زمان پارک میں استعمال کیا گیا تھاے

They created hurdles on the way to my reaching the court. They raided my house.

Rally on Wednesday.

Talking like a true stupid waterboy. Pashtuns have never been extremists but this napak pigs had to serve their white masters against USSR and made 70,000 madrassas and brainwashed poor ppl. Kept the masses poor so they cant afford school and send kids to madrassas where they became mujahideen first, then taliban and now TTP. But i doubt ur peasized brain can ever see that. Better stick with waterboy level stuff, keep ur research to cleaning water bottles.
I know your mind is a closed sealed off pot but anyways the thing is Afghan Mujahideen factions were 99% afghans. They were not educated in Pakistani Madrissas. They were from your country rural population.
Venting out frustration on outsiders is the easier way out i can understand.
Your bad blood with Pakistan is fault of your own leaders who kept demanding Pakistan sovereign territory in absurd demands of Pashtunistan even though more pashtuns lived in Pakistan then Afghanistan and Afghanistan was predominantly persianised culture. They even kept on meddling in Pakistani Politics by funding certain Politicians and targeting others.
But regardless What destroyed your country was

-First your Daud khan started fucking up the Afghan economy by ousting Zahir shah and going on Nationalization spree effectively incapacitative good business instotitions
-Then brutal Assasination of Daud khan and his whole family further fracturing the state
-Next Leader Taraki also assasinated by the state
-Next leader Amin. I dont even have words. Your own countrymen Invited Fuckin Soviet commandoes to come in your capital and Attack the presidential palace guarded by 300 Afghan soldiers.
And you people were supposidly OK with that.
You call that a country? a state?
All of the above, Pakistan was not even a party to. Your own elites canabalized your state. Pakistani Establishment only intervened when New communist regime went full retard against all anti soviet countries of region.And Not only Pakistan, China And Iran also supported Afghan Resistance against the communist regime.
What Pakistan did after fall of soviet union is a seperate debate and a very hot debate in Pakistan as well.
But what destroyed Afghanistan was not the maddrassa mayham of late 80s and 90s. It was your own people in 70s amd early 80s. Time for a little retrospect.
Pakistan hostility was earned by your own crackhead leaders who thought hey lets threaten and grab lands from internationaly recognized borders of our neighbor. we are sure after somehow taking those lands they will still be our friends. Seems history wasnt kind to your country.
I know what to expect from the Sharifs, they are a jahil low class family but I never expected the army to be so subservient to them. They are taking direct orders from NS.

If IK doesn't come in with a majority and clean up this mess then Pakistan will remain a dysfunctional 3rd world banana republic which will look up to 3rd world slumdog call centre scammer rapist Indians for the rest of their days. Can you imagine the world looks at them in disgust and Pakistan remains worse than India and they watch bollywood and sing their songs whilst their country plunges to new lows.

If that doesn't do something to Pakistani generals then I don't know what will.
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I know what to expect from the Sharifs, they are a jahil low class family but I never expected the army to be so subservient to them. They are taking direct orders from NS.
Actually they both are IK's enemy. So marriage of convenience at the moment. Establishment real project is installing Billu Rani as next PM under similar PDM like arrangement.
کل صبح کے وقت زمان پارک میں آپریشن ہوگا نفری بلا لی گئی ہے ٹئیر گیس شیل حوالے کر دیے گئے ہیں

ٹئیر گیس کے ساتھ OC Balls بھی استعمال ہوں گے یہ شملہ مرچ کس بنایا گیا oleoresin capsicum پاؤڈر ہوتا اسے کل بھی زمان پارک میں استعمال کیا گیا تھاے
for what now? warrants are cancelled rght?
Talking like a true stupid waterboy. Pashtuns have never been extremists but this napak pigs had to serve their white masters against USSR and made 70,000 madrassas and brainwashed poor ppl. Kept the masses poor so they cant afford school and send kids to madrassas where they became mujahideen first, then taliban and now TTP. But i doubt ur peasized brain can ever see that. Better stick with waterboy level stuff, keep ur research to cleaning water bottles.

afghans worship white masters. That is why afghans were prostitutes for americans/nation. Joining forces with them to kill their fellow afghans. NOTHING to do with Pakistan.
another load of diarrhea ridden dung and manure to start of your day on PDF. I guess calling hussain haqqani a traitor and using that stain to lobby against a sitting gov is going above the law and down right treachery. mir jafar and mir sadiq betrayed their own side for some reward. bajwa and all the junta did the same.

Making PDM and using PDM to garner yourself as a messiah backfired big time for bajwa and its ruined Pakistan and the phauj. how do you make excuses for the chor in PDM and the junta that is receiving lanat of the quom is your own prerogative.

I understand you have comprehension issues and need to be the court jester. :jester:so onto your next chawal yahvian and bongian.

You understand only one thing dear...Is that only Imran Khan is the solution to Pakistan's current issue. Typical attitude like this monkey. 🙈🙉🙊. If Imran Khan starts accountability via ISI (with no constitutional mandate) you guys will see it the most democratic thing. LMAO. !

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