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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

Scumbags use children as shield . . .
PMLN has killed kids in model town and injured many at PTI election rallies.

Don't forget, 5 kids were kidnapped by PDM police 2 nights ago and they are still in jail.

Any comment on these human rights abused?

The love for TTP in PTI is not new, PTI invested heavily for them, PTI provided 300 million to the Father of Taliban
Lies on a scale not see before on defence.pk.

Wonder why our admins are allowing this vile and racist abuse here??
While all these fun and games are going on there is a much bigger threat that is looming on the horizon. Haider Mehdi interviewed an economist and this is what he said.

Pakistan is on the verge of defaulting on its foreign loans. The IMF is demanding that Pakistan gets deposits from friendly countries before IMF will release funds but no one is willing to help. The political turmoil is scaring everyone away.

In case of default the economy will collapse. Prices will go up even more. Factories will shut down. Exports will go down. There will be mass unemployment. There will be shortages of petrol and other things. Electricity will run only a few hours per day. Value of rupee will go down a lot. Imported goods will disappear. There might even be food shortages.

What the economist didn’t say but I will is that there will be massive civil unrest. Crime will go through the roof. There will be terrorism and separatist movements.

It’s quite horrendous that Pakistan is on the verge of all this and the generals are playing games to save their luxuries.

For people living in Pakistan I would advise them to stock up on food, petrol and other essentials. Also, get guns and ammunition to protect yourselves from crazed, starving people going around looting and robbing.

I just returned from a visit to Pakistan. My observations are as follows:

1. The rich/elite are as always living life to the max. Driving around in their big luxurious vehicles. Eating good food. Wearing expensive clothes. I don't see the rich/elite affected.

2. The poor are scavenging and begging for money, but they don't look distressed to me. These people don't know any better and nothing has changed in their situation.

3. The middle class is feeling the hurt. These are the ordinary people that are feeling the brunt. Barely able to pay their checks and keep a roof over their heads. I fear for this group of people. I am afraid the middle class hasn't seen the worse yet.

4. The army which I have separated from the rest. The upper class segment of the army is living in a world of it's own. As I drove in their fancy neighborhoods, I realised that this particular group isn't affected by the economic turmoil. It keeps it's streets and neighborhoods 24/7 clean. There is an army of servants sweeping the streets. Beyond the security walls there is greenery and all luxury life has to offer. Big villas surrounded by various luxurious cars and security personnel to guard the belongings of the top echelon. The army has done well for itself. I can understand why the armed forces want the status quo to remain.

5. The judiciary and a few other influentual groups who think that they own Pakistan can be bracketed in the same position as number 4.

Crime has increased in Pakistan. People are more often resorting to crime to make ends meet. The businessmen are also very vulnerable to economic instability. The Pakistani state is poor along with the poor segment of society. The generals and other elites of society don't seem to be affected by economic instability. The middle class is the main loser.
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Military doesn’t care about law n order or ethics. Main object of any military is mission accomplishment. Whatever it takes. Troop welfare is even secondary to mission accomplishment. For that reason military judicial system is separate from civilians where situation dictates punishments to maintain discipline in ranks.

So civil law and order or ethics isn’t for military to

But establishment has lost so much capital, they are left with nothing. And this loss is irreversible. People will never respect them again.

View attachment 920629

But according to army fanbois this is fake and conspiracy.
Innocent children are the favorite shield of terrorists . . .
Man, you are one fked up donkey worshipper. You think regular families are now terrorist... this is why I don't trust the Napak fauj, and their supporters anymore. To them, love of Napak fauj is more important than love of our country.
Rolling back entirely or just a small percentage?

This news is so alarming. Could you post some links here.

If Dar is denying it then it must be true..
the reason why people are uneducated, no social welfare, and we are a third world country is down to all funds going to address payment of loans which are usurped by army and corrupt establishment and defence budget which is gobbled up to fund DHA’s and fauji enterprises and the benefits go to current and retired fauji and their families.
Only benefit for the poor is opportunities as sweepers and servants of the privileged officers… to maintain their golf courses and other amenities….
In 75 years these gernails have created their own provinces within provinces, and own self sustaining economy within the economy. All that’s left is their own airline and passport…
Man, you are one fked up donkey worshipper. You think regular families are now terrorist... this is why I don't trust the Napak fauj, and their supporters anymore. To them, love of Napak fauj is more important than love of our country.

This Hafeez Malik and the likes of him are a beneficiary of the corrupt system that I recently witnessed in Pakistan. I have observed in Pakistan that certain people think and behave individualistically. As long as my street and neighborhood are fine the rest I don't care about. I firmly believe the generals have also embraced a similar thought process.
Scumbags use children as shield . . .
Madar ood they are providing shield to their beloved leader , agar tum PMLN k supporters khasi na hoty to kia nwaza london ma is tarha zaleel ho k jata ? Woh bhi raywind ma dut jata aor tum forum pr bhonkny ki bajy usky gate par khary hoty
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