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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

They haven’t been part of this stunt but have watched closely

Hahahahah when plan backfires
Just disown it

It's the same as military disowning soliders as kashmiri mujahdeen in kargil.

It's same as saying we were neutral in VNOC.

Khan have clearly said it's army chief behind this trying to fulfill his promise to nawaz shaiff
I wonder if this person has any life, any time you log on this forum, this guy is always there spewing same nonsense.

Call centres shutting down and these clowns are crawling everywhere.

It is worst combination between bhakt and unemployed bum.

Actual working, mentally competent Indians hate these types too, so PDF unfortunately has become this type's refuge (along with other similar social media hangout spots indulging, gestating and formenting them) where they can do their projection escapism....given what virtual anonymity provides in the end for it (and the skewed system to tolerate this crap by forum administration here for whatever reason this long).

Here it just takes a dhimmi complex, there's other complexes in other places depending on the void and timepass needing to be filled for a fascist loser clown.

They end up being karens for some agony aunt trolling crap that goes on here (theres a whole ecosystem of other related types from other countries too, the Indian one here is just extra cringe given its literal fascists trying aman ki asha and end up being trannies).

That @Skull and Bones character larps as some DARPA dude while literally spending every waking moment here too. Like sure pal *pat pat* lol.

Not the foggiest clue what ex-PDF Indians have openly expressed about them about a basic reality check.

Because reality checks have long been psychologically anathema to these deluded bratty tranny girls to begin with...

Then the other so called "nicer" ones all indulge and encourage all these effeminate idiots too.... while trying to project something else elsewhere conveniently.

A real Fascist karen crap sandwich. Hindutva sewage online lol.
that is true, you are good at what you do.
I was just doing randi rona, lol

Speaking the truth is a luxury very few afford here. I am one of the lucky ones. :D

Back on topic, it will be morning soon in Lahore. Let us see what happens today. Both sides will keep the start of Ramadan in mind too.

Bigger question is- why is he turning black day by day? He was much lighter couple of years ago.
The scene is changing now, not of Zaman park but this stunt of IK. He never listens to law still law is relaxed for him to bring him into senses. LHC has relaxed it again for a breather.

The changing scene is that he is now being seen as a dangerous customer for Pakistan by Military and ISI. They haven’t been part of this stunt but have watched closely.

Firstly, 90% chances that in his case of becoming PM, they will intervene so he doesn’t become PM. They have started to consider him dangerous in destabilising Pakistan and its affairs. Secondly, bright chances that he will be assassinated somehow sooner or later.

This Zaman park incident has made the civilian bureaucracy hate him too. They consider him mentally unstable to run country.

Let’s see what happens next but this psycho khan thinks he has played a politically perfect move instead he is being highly disliked by making a mockery of law (whatever is left of it in Pakistan) and also trying to destabilise the country. As a politician he is seen a trouble maker.
Man, you are losing little bit respect you had in members eye post by post. My sincere advice , stick to military stuff.

Bigger question is- why is he turning black day by day? He was much lighter couple of years ago.
His true face is coming out

Pakistani awam to Hafiz Wiskey and Dirty Harry
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