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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

He never listens to law still law is relaxed for him to bring him into senses. LHC has relaxed it again for a breather.
lol the law that gave clean chit of 16Bn rupeees money laundering case to Incompetent Shebaz shareef, the law that is dictated pig of High Brass generals?

Wow now All Khakis chaddis and their lovers talk about law but when they they break their OATH that is fine ?
Chutyas of the higest orders they will be put in their place,
@PakFactor said it best, ride the wave, which this ill-educated establishment incorrectly read the room.
Duffer hi rahe, acha hai. Keep doing these own goals.

Easy to point fingers at the establishment. Would YOU sit and watch and not panic while someone was burning down your empire? :D
The scene is changing now, not of Zaman park but this stunt of IK. He never listens to law still law is relaxed for him to bring him into senses. LHC has relaxed it again for a breather.

The changing scene is that he is now being seen as a dangerous customer for Pakistan by Military and ISI. They haven’t been part of this stunt but have watched closely.

Firstly, 90% chances that in his case of becoming PM, they will intervene so he doesn’t become PM. They have started to consider him dangerous in destabilising Pakistan and its affairs. Secondly, bright chances that he will be assassinated somehow sooner or later.

This Zaman park incident has made the civilian bureaucracy hate him too. They consider him mentally unstable to run country.

Let’s see what happens next but this psycho khan thinks he has played a politically perfect move instead he is being highly disliked by making a mockery of law (whatever is left of it in Pakistan) and also trying to destabilise the country. As a politician he is seen a trouble maker.

This country was made by civilians for civilians not some 22 grade corrupt general to come have his way.

And who exactly is a general to decide anything who is okay and who is not when they are the most corrupt and 2 number themselves? This is like Sunny leone judging people for their character. Military after commiting genocide , corruption & coups are nobody to decide anything as people have had enough.
Establishment fanboys still missing the bigger picture, just like their boss Asim Munir.

This is no longer about IK, his a rally call for all the corruption, kidnappings, torture, killings, which have been plagueing pak all with the support and deliberate blindness of all institutions in the country. The police, military, sitting governments all been involved on making pakistan a failed state.

The common person now see the army and its leader for what they are, corrupt and also part of the problem. They are no longer the blue eyed poster child which was respected and defended the masses see them more like the green eyed monster.

The irony in all of this is you find PDM, the army with the coas blessings on one side, the masses with PTI on the other.

Your backing the wrong horse....but make your mistake it will be costly.
They consider him mentally unstable to run country.
Nor Kahki Chaddis or Harami Bureacy has say in this, IT IS Normal citizens of Pakistan that have the right to vote, YOur post is clear example of that mental disorder that everyone in Khakkis chaddis suffers from, far from reality, hypocrite and extremely priviliged at the expesne of nation,
Easy to point fingers at the establishment. Would YOU sit and watch and not panic while someone was burning down your empire? :D
Empire that they’ve usurped for the past 75 years. Hard to gauge, how does it feel when one starts losing an empire he/she earned in haram ways.
Empire that they’ve usurped for the past 75 years. Hard to gauge, how does it feel when one starts losing an empire he/she earned in haram ways.
I'd wager it hurts more than when you lose halal earning. Because then you can trust in Allah that you will be reimbursed handsomely come Judgement Day. But, haram jese aata he, wese hi jata he. No insurance claims for the hereafter.
Ive said this countless times on here and my troll account got banned lol.

Of course they. Why do you think they’re sending these poor soldiers without much protection. It’s win win for the GHQ, get rid of a troublesome ethnicity by depleting their fighting age men in a vicious war. The Americans did the same across the Middle East.

She’s not. She’s a lawyer based out of the US and is one of those inferiority stricken apologetic Pakistani that has loudly proclaim they’re not extremist, and are pro democracy to fit in.
Basically a female version of Vcheng.
These elite educated class is a mental slave. They’ll shun islam in order to not be associated with “regressive” practices.
There is no explanation for why cheap MRAPs were not procured. The only explanation is military want brownie points.. I mean if you rule out all other causes it's only logical to assume the possibility left no matter how wild it is

Anyone has an explanation why? Even those that USA donated were withdrawn and not deployed (max pro)
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