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Imran Khan welcome President Putin's statement which reaffirms that insulting Holy Prophet PBUH is not " freedom of expression"

The striking difference between Russia and the West is that Russia is not an arrogant state, nor is it hostile toward Islam. Whereas the West has been waging 20 years of War on Terror, and the terror is associated with Islamist Terrorists. It is also the West and not Russia who drew and published caricatures claiming their version on the Prophet of Islam. Similarly with the Hijab Ban, the ban on Muslim women forced to wear bikini swimwear. Incidentally, the word "Bikini" comes from the South Pacific Island who population was unilaterally removed from their homes, transported out so that the good ole U.S of A can conduct nuclear tests. Once the tests concluded, the American government lied to the people of Bikini Island that it was safe to go back home. The consequences of their (American) actions are felt to this day by the people of Bikini Island.

The striking difference between Russia and the West is that Russia is not an arrogant state, nor is it hostile toward Islam. Whereas the West has been waging 20 years of War on Terror, and the terror is associated with Islamist Terrorists. It is also the West and not Russia who drew and published caricatures claiming their version on the Prophet of Islam. Similarly with the Hijab Ban, the ban on Muslim women forced to wear bikini swimwear. Incidentally, the word "Bikini" comes from the South Pacific Island who population was unilaterally removed from their homes, transported out so that the good ole U.S of A can conduct nuclear tests. Once the tests concluded, the American government lied to the people of Bikini Island that it was safe to go back home. The consequences of their (American) actions are felt to this day by the people of Bikini Island.

pakistanis should try living in Russia if they can and see how it goes
The striking difference between Russia and the West is that Russia is not an arrogant state, nor is it hostile toward Islam. Whereas the West has been waging 20 years of War on Terror, and the terror is associated with Islamist Terrorists. It is also the West and not Russia who drew and published caricatures claiming their version on the Prophet of Islam. Similarly with the Hijab Ban, the ban on Muslim women forced to wear bikini swimwear. Incidentally, the word "Bikini" comes from the South Pacific Island who population was unilaterally removed from their homes, transported out so that the good ole U.S of A can conduct nuclear tests. Once the tests concluded, the American government lied to the people of Bikini Island that it was safe to go back home. The consequences of their (American) actions are felt to this day by the people of Bikini Island.

You should research Russia and it's society...
pakistanis should try living in Russia if they can and see how it goes

Have you lived in Russia? Where are you from? If you have not lived in Russia, then you have no right to speak of another country of which you have no living experience of.

Pakistanis should try to take their country out of the Western sphere of influence, by uniting as one people, working hard to get Pakistan out of IMF claws of debt, regulate and hold all it's politicians and bureaucrats accountable for their actions and stand fast on the pillars of honesty, dignity and integrity of Islam.

Russia like any other non-western country, has its challenges and its moments of hardship. But Russia is NOT arrogant, nor does it impose it's will on other states, nor has Russia bombed, killed and invaded Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Granada, Vietnam, Korea, Somalia nor Yugoslavia.

Russia is NOT the one imposing crippling economic sanctions on states who choose to exist independently. Russia isn't the one who murdered 50000 Iraq children through its punitive economic blockade of Iraq.
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I have been doing so for many years now. Anything in particular you want to discuss?
and RW is pretty powerful in Russia and Muslims are their targets especially the central Asian ones, chechan etc
The striking difference between Russia and the West is that Russia is not an arrogant state, nor is it hostile toward Islam. Whereas the West has been waging 20 years of War on Terror, and the terror is associated with Islamist Terrorists. It is also the West and not Russia who drew and published caricatures claiming their version on the Prophet of Islam. Similarly with the Hijab Ban, the ban on Muslim women forced to wear bikini swimwear. Incidentally, the word "Bikini" comes from the South Pacific Island who population was unilaterally removed from their homes, transported out so that the good ole U.S of A can conduct nuclear tests. Once the tests concluded, the American government lied to the people of Bikini Island that it was safe to go back home. The consequences of their (American) actions are felt to this day by the people of Bikini Island.

Yes - Chechnya happened in Africa and the serbs were supported in their massacre of muslims by the Australians. Not to mention the entire ban on religion altogether where muslims had to pray in closets also happened in the US.
Instead of jumping to conclusions, I would request my colleagues here to study the history behind the animosity between the Slavic nations and Muslims of Turkic ethnicity.

Muslim identity is hijacked by those who masquerade as being the defenders of Islam, yet their actions are far from being anything Islamic.
Instead of jumping to conclusions, I would request my colleagues here to study the history behind the animosity between the Slavic nations and Muslims of Turkic ethnicity.

Muslim identity is hijacked by those who masquerade as being the defenders of Islam, yet their actions are far from being anything Islamic.

USA murdered tens of millions of people, but US trolls doesn't care. They only care about Chechnya. It's typical tactics of US trolls - blowing some things out of proportion while totally ignoring others.

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