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Imran Khan welcome President Putin's statement which reaffirms that insulting Holy Prophet PBUH is not " freedom of expression"

USA murdered tens of millions of people, but US trolls doesn't care. They only care about Chechnya. It's typical tactics of US trolls - blowing some things out of proportion while totally ignoring others.

The proponents of the West seem to think that the world has slept through the last 30 years. They justify their wickedness by pointing the finger at others. I believe the expression goes as "shift the blame to put the spotlight on others" this is so they can legitimize themselves as being righteous.
Have you lived in Russia? Where are you from? If you have not lived in Russia, then you have no right to speak of another country of which you have no living experience of.

Pakistanis should try to take their country out of the Western sphere of influence, by uniting as one people, working hard to get Pakistan out of IMF claws of debt, regulate and hold all it's politicians and bureaucrats accountable for their actions and stand fast on the pillars of honesty, dignity and integrity of Islam.

Russia like any other non-western country, has its challenges and its moments of hardship. But Russia is NOT arrogant, nor does it impose it's will on other states, nor has Russia bombed, killed and invaded Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Granada, Vietnam, Korea, Somalia nor Yugoslavia.

Russia is NOT the one imposing crippling economic sanctions on states who choose to exist independently. Russia isn't the one who murdered 50000 Iraq children through its punitive economic blockade of Iraq.

I have been to Russia. I am a closet Russophile. Pakistanis do not mind emigrating to all the countries but no one wants to go to Russia. that speaks for itself. You are right that current Russia has not attacked countries save Ukraine or Georgia. that is because they lost their military strength. the old USSR did impose their will.
I have been to Russia. I am a closet Russophile. Pakistanis do not mind emigrating to all the countries but no one wants to go to Russia. that speaks for itself. You are right that current Russia has not attacked countries save Ukraine or Georgia. that is because they lost their military strength. the old USSR did impose their will.

If you have been to Russia, as you claim. Then you should know that the Soviet mindset and that of Russia, are opposite of each other.

Ukraine has historical fraternal connection with Russia and Crimea has been part of Russia from before the time America ever came into existence.

Today's Russia has not attempted to reconstitute the former Soviet Union, as Russia, Belarus and Ukraine signed into agreement the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Ukraine, Chechnya and Georgia were provocations.
If you have been to Russia, as you claim. Then you should know that the Soviet mindset and that of Russia, are opposite of each other.

Ukraine has historical fraternal connection with Russia and Crimea has been part of Russia from before the time America ever came into existence.

Today's Russia has not attempted to reconstitute the former Soviet Union, as Russia, Belarus and Ukraine signed into agreement the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Ukraine, Chechnya and Georgia were provocations.

the mindset of the elite has changed. the masses are the masses. I would say communist elite was more open minded in spite of hostility towards organized religion (ie Islam).

Ukraine (at least Ukranians) want to be a part of the EU. Tell me where Pakistanis migrate to (EU or Russia).
There is nothing Putin can do about it. Russia lacks the military strength to reconstitute the USSR
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