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Imran Khan warns UN of potential nuclear war in Kashmir

India doesn't threten Pakistan with nukes like IK does
:lol::lol::lol: what lie you have, your every govts threaten Pakistan to wipe out Pakistan from the page of the world since our independence (1947), your country believes in lies/deception but not our preaches to speak lies @Soumitra
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:lol::lol::lol: what lie you have, your every govts threaten Pakistan to wipe out Pakistan from the page of the world since our independence (1947), your country and religion believes in lies/deception but not our preaches to speak lies @Soumitra

My humble request to you is not to target anyone's religion.
Weak nations doesn't hve any rights to ask any questions, all what thy hve is jst to request!
Thts what our PM is doing now, and according to him, India is a huge power and we should not fight with it, we need to give it what ever it wants, our economy is not good so forget about kashmirs in IOK, our economy isn't good so forget about AJK and GB?
OUR economy isn't good pls trump help me?
Our economy isn't good, we not want war pls take what ever u want????
When u hve tht mind set then u hve not right to ask crapy questions, this world runs on power not on morality, and India and Israel has the power so bow down to them cause u don't hve good economy??? Lolzzx
you might be pro NAWAZ/ZARDARI TATTO, that's why you're living in Thailand (Escape from Pakistan) thanks to your beloved ZARDARI/NAWAZ corruptions that would take Pakistan to current weak financial crises, and where IK govt telling the world that take AJK/GB from us, but attacking India/IOK is not wise decision @batmannow
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Weak nations doesn't hve any rights to ask any questions, all what thy hve is jst to request!
Thts what our PM is doing now, and according to him, India is a huge power and we should not fight with it, we need to give it what ever it wants, our economy is not good so forget about kashmirs in IOK, our economy isn't good so forget about AJK and GB?
OUR economy isn't good pls trump help me?
Our economy isn't good, we not want war pls take what ever u want????
When u hve tht mind set then u hve not right to ask crapy questions, this world runs on power not on morality, and India and Israel has the power so bow down to them cause u don't hve good economy??? Lolzzx

Actully not, ur economy isn't good and ur PM not war and he is begging whole world to stop india taking AJK and GB , how come u can think off dam nucks which u already promised to give up
we don't a good or any economy to luanch nulcear weapons. we just need 1 reason and he will be having many reasons when and if we launch them but peanut brains won't understand it.
How many missiles will you send in first strike? 50? 100? Do you know the location of all our missile silos? Maybe we have some in Assam? Or Andaman Nicobar Islands? How will you account for INS Arihant?
If you say you will hit Delhi to kill Modiji. Do you think he will be sitting around in the open? He will be in underground nuclear proof bunker.
We are not sending any stop reading Modi's fascist blood thirst!
What u say appears to be most plausible happening right now. An action like Kargil or something can be attempted irrespective of results. The only thing is every one must be expecting something because after winters it will be business as usual happening subsequent to 1990.
He is right. Basically what IK is doing is “ see we told you, don’t blame us” we are justified in use of unconventional force to protect the life and liberty of 8 million people.
My goodness child. Listen to yourself.

If we nuke India (why nuke Kashmir?). ...India won't exist to do any retaliation. I believe that type of thinking is above your imagination

I think India because of its size will survive for some months, until the radiation and nuclear winter will kill many of them in slow death, of course they will have a second strike chance, the same will faessible for Pakistan . We both die, but India will have more dead cause of its large population and radiation will move through winds , killing people , animals and destroying corps and live stokes .
India should avoid violations of human rights in kashmir. Any event can trigger war and once war starts, it will go out of hand. Pakistan as 7 times smaller country, & if india try to drag us on corner, there is possibility of nuclear war. Weapons both countries have, it will have consequences far from border.

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