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Imran Khan unacceptable

In Pakistan, generally, whosoever puts a Cross/Kata on Imran Khan is most likely to be stamped with a Cross/Kata by the people. The reason this huge support base of IK has flabbergasted the once powerful Estab. mafia, turned them into maniacs and morons.

They, the Fauji generals/Estab. are cut to size and put in place by the people, IK is the catalyst, people are the force behind.

And people are not willing to be the Ghulams of the Ghulam, the PDM who are the slaves of the Estab. and the Estab.who are the slaves of the US.

A case of Ghulam ibne Ghulam not acceptable.
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we need to come out this trying to be under amrikan influence. the GCC has done it. they are changing their policy, but a few harami have decided to drag pakistan under amrikan rug.

sadly the quom is busy chasing a bag of flour to care about its rights so it dont matter.

slavery mubarak pakistan.
True, but no talk is making IK their enemy.
True, but no talk is making IK their enemy.
He should be using the services of Pakistan Americans to this effect. PDM combines won't even have a quarter of the overeas support he had, I would assume. So, the any lobbying against him will be indian, and our own protectors (case in point bajwa )
People need to mobilise in the masses protesting against PDM, using violence is counter productive and would hurt us more than help us

But you must make it known that these corrupt individuals are not accepted by the nation.

We need reforms on dual nationals in the government and generals settling abroad after retirement
a pal of mine who is a very successful biz owner here in Dallas area was talking to this ex-military officer from US Army. So this guy must ve been in intel or something. He says , well we can work with the likes of Nawaz Sharif ( as he is corrupt & vulnerable)but ppl like IK is not acceptable to us ( as he is honest, not a crook etc.) and our interests and we do whatever it takes to remove obstacles to our interests! I am rephrasing and giving ya' all of the gist of the convo. This was like 4 months ago here in Carrollton TX. Go figure!
Universal truth ... corrupt man can easily be blackmailed, especially where there are personal and family interests in the West. But Nawaz is not healthy enough to participate in Pak politics.
People need to mobilise in the masses protesting against PDM, using violence is counter productive and would hurt us more than help us

But you must make it known that these corrupt individuals are not accepted by the nation.

We need reforms on dual nationals in the government and generals settling abroad after retirement
- People will keep buying expensive atta/roti/cars etc.
- They won't come out even if IK is killed, the so called 'hamari red line' (maybe for a while)
- Poor begs and gets the money from rich in Pakistan, this way rich stays power and in control, poor says i got what i needed, roti/money etc (by lying or being maskeen) same happens on international level, jokers go out to beg and do what world powers say.
- On one side, donations by Pakistani rich/middle class is good, but this is also killing the self esteem, which keeps needy under the influence of powerful and rich.
- Mullas/Ulmas will keep doing the same thing, so that nobody could access the deserved education

So all will stay happy...
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- People will keep buying expensive atta/roti/cars etc.
- They won't come out even if IK is killed, the so called 'hamari red line' (maybe for a while)
- Poor begs and gets the money from rich in Pakistan, rich wants to be in power and control, poor says i got the money; same happens on international level, jokers go out to beg and do what world powers say.
- Mullas/Ulmas will keep doing the same thing, so that nobody could access the deserved education

So all will stay happy...
They would, but Pakistanis are sheep, they need someone to organise it for them and motivate them but I think eventually they would
Indian always in pain reminder 27 Feb ...
When this entire bakvas started, I had stated this many months ago that the external factor is the all important one.

IK chose to ignore the elephant in the room (our relations with the US) and actually snubbed the Americans by sticking his thumb in their faces twice (once on his own "Afghans have been emancipated" when staying quite was the absolutely prudent thing to do but he was too busy playing to his Taliban gallery, and second time it was based on consensus ala trip to Russia).

In this regard, my take is that the establishment was correct in appreciating the situation for Pakistan with regards to multiple dependencies i.e. trade, loans through IMIs, security relations, brokering with India, threat from ISIS in the region etc. etc. This is also the reason the establishment has stuck to its guns come what may.

IK had no alternates to this predicament that Pakistan finds itself in and this is the one issue over which the establishment and IK moved to different pages. This was also the reason for IK/PTI to reach out to the Americans in meetings and also via public statements but all of that has been too little and too late.

So despite all the nonsense here about "ji hazoori this and that", apni auqaat samajhna is not a bad thing despite the hurt it gives to our egos.

There is populism and then realism. I would always go for realism in policies. Populism gets the crowds out but does nothing to further the interests of the country.

and hafiz said ji hazoor ji hazoor :yes4:
What about when IK was doing "ji hazoori" with the Saudis, Emeratis, Russians and the Chinese? Woh bhool gayay? Let's be fair at least. I don't fault either of them for doing this because it is for the country and not for their own pockets even though it is a despicable act of asking.
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How many Muslim leader stood up against the west and met their end MOST RECENTLY MATHIR MOHAMMED (Malaysia)IMRAN KHAN, SADAM HUSSAIN, MUMMAR GADAFFI ,President MORSSI ,President Omar Bashir
Its about survival now

Army knows the whole core may end ip in jail.

So there only three possible put comes
1- keep the fascid and PDM comes back in power and IK dies of old age
(Most likley out come)

2- kill IK and replace party with someone else(minus 1 formula)

3- people just bring a revolution(least likley possibility)
Its about survival now

Army knows the whole core may end ip in jail.

So there only three possible put comes
1- keep the fascid and PDM comes back in power and IK dies of old age
(Most likley out come)

2- kill IK and replace party with someone else(minus 1 formula)

3- people just bring a revolution(least likley possibility)

1 most likely.

There will be no revolution

Pakistanis must build their lives within the Status quo
Only nadeem anjam need to be fix. If people of pak fix this son of h.... 90 percent things will be on track. He is lep dog of international establishment and indians has good hold on international establishment.
He just didn’t want he’s countrymen being drones bombed by Americans .

They killed thousands of innocent Pakistanis with the go ahead given by Pakistan army . He said it so many times .

Imran Khan values a Pakistani and saves Pakistani lives .

Simple English he said
Get up stand up , stand up for your rights .

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