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I don't give a shit where your political alligences lie or the rhetoric associated with it but calling our men on loc bikhari is absolutely not on
@waz @LeGenD @AgNoStiC MuSliM
Please look into it, this crap needs to stop

Somethings are not what you do politics with

Im guessing you are one of those people who blindly love the army and worship our Generals. The OP used Bikhari tongue in cheek, after all that is what Pakistan has become. Everyone should be able to see that now.. Our "leaders" are all slaves to $.... in turn pakistan relies on foreign funding heavily.. we can't even make a foreign policy that caters to us.

Fact of matter is everyone respects our common soldiers regardless of what political party you support. So that anger that you have, you should direct it to those who deserve it. Bajwa, and other golf loving Generals, whose kids study and live abroad.
Im guessing you are one of those people who blindly love the army and worship our Generals. The OP used Bikhari tongue in cheek, after all that is what Pakistan has become. Everyone should be able to see that now.. Our "leaders" are all slaves to $.... in turn pakistan relies on foreign funding heavily.. we can't even make a foreign policy that caters to us.

Fact of matter is everyone respects our common soldiers regardless of what political party you support. So that anger that you have, you should direct it to those who deserve it. Bajwa, and other golf loving Generals, whose kids study and live abroad.
if you respect then show it by not calling them bikhari not just by saying it
simple as that - I don't know the issues with this? why are yall so goddamn cultish where this cant be called out?
I don't know the issues with this? why are yall so goddamn cultish where this cant be called out?

Because you are misdirecting your anger. It was Cherry Blossom who said the whole nation is bhikari. Soldiers are part of this nation. If you are outraged, then you should be protesting against him.
Establishment is friend of US and India is friend of US. Establishment, India and US share a bond that IK refuses to kowtow to them, unlike Showbaz.

It's called democracy and the freedom to be self-critical. This concept will be alien to Indians drowning in the jingoistic Indian media.

On the contrary, the Indian operation went exactly to plan. Shooting down one Indian airplane in friendly fire and losing another one to Pakistani missiles was all part of The Plan.


Indian media told me so.

Establishment is not a fried of US, it needs the US because their sons study there, their money is parked in the US and US is their final retirement destination.

Because of this, US has incredible leverage over the Establishment.

So while china can sing songs about "iron brother", US has something better in its tight grip.

China now has woken up to this reality and recognize this fact.

Establishment needs the India boogeyman to retain its grip on power. So India is always going to be the "bad guy".

IK was in bed with the establishment in the past, now Shahbaz is now in bed with the establishment.

In the end its the establishment that will call the shots in pakistan. So anyone who is against the establishment is a friend of India.

And for now that looks like IK.
if you respect then show it by not calling them bikhari not just by saying it
simple as that - I don't know the issues with this? why are yall so goddamn cultish where this cant be called out?
On the contrary, you are someone who is acting like he belongs in a cult. You fail to see the problem and are showing blind love for these corrupt Generals. Noone here has anything negative to say about the army has a whole. But unfortunately there are a few bad eggs at the top that have caused this current situation of Pakistan being held hostage by crime minister showbaaz and his crew of 40 thieves.

OP didn't call our Jawans bikhari, he called all of us bikhari's. After all didnt, showbaaz say "beggars can't be chosers."
Establishment is not a fried of US, it needs the US because their sons study there, their money is parked in the US and US is their final retirement destination.

Because of this, US has incredible leverage over the Establishment.

Friend, slave, to-may-to, to-mah-to.

Establishment needs the India boogeyman to retain its grip on power. So India is always going to be the "bad guy".

I am sure it has nothing to do with Indian atrocities in Kashmir, Indian support for terrorism in Pakistan, Kulbashan Yadhav, etc. etc. It's all just an imaginary bogeyman dreamt up by the establishment.

IK was in bed with the establishment in the past,

He did not go out of his way to anatagonize them to score political points as PMLN does. It does not mean he was subservient to them, which is why establishment was never happy with him.
Dr Moeed Pirzada: Another youtuber trying to get views on youtube with his conspiracies theories. .

If it will happen, we will know. Why spread rumors now ?
Calling them out in advance may prevent it but even if they do do something, the whole country will know Modi kis ka yaar hai aur Modi ka kaun yaar hai.
I am sure it has nothing to do with Indian atrocities in Kashmir, Indian support for terrorism in Pakistan, Kulbashan Yadhav, etc. etc. It's all just an imaginary bogeyman dreamt up by the establishment.


Their "heart bleeds" more for kashmir than pakistan ? lol.

Kulbushan jadav at worst is a Spy, at best he is a victim. Nothing new nor is it something pakistan does not do to India or china does not do to pakistan. All countries spy on each other, especially on friends.

Kasmiris are Indian citizens as per Law and Indian constitution. Their rights are protected by the Indan Courts, not pakistan army. And even the establishment knows this.

India does not want to attack pakistan any more than it wants to attack bangladesh. Pretty sure the Establishment knows this too.

He did not go out of his way to anatagonize them to score political points as PMLN does. It does not mean he was subservient to them, which is why establishment was never happy with him.

Establishment realized IK was incompetent and was dragging them down along with the country. It was prudent of them to cut him loose.

Only IK too that personally and started attacking the very hand that Fed him. If history is any judge, things will end very badly for IK. Remember what happened to Bhutto senior ? Remember what happened to NS ? Leaders who go up against the Establishment do not survive very long in pakistan.

And yes, IK dubbed himself the "ambassador of kashmir" , rather than the PM of pakistan. And that is what he ended up being. A self fulfilling prophesy.
On the contrary, the Indian operation went exactly to plan. Shooting down one Indian airplane in friendly fire and losing another one to Pakistani missiles was all part of The Plan. Abhinandan was on a secret mission to sip some Pakistani tea.


Indian media told me so.
LOL! You surely jest.

You see here why i am against this crowd now. This lot has stooped lowest depth of indecency in their political fight. Cultists

Although I dont have a stake in this, this is really very sad and unfortunate

Their "heart bleeds" more for kashmir than pakistan ? lol.

The Pakistani public supports Kashmir. The establishment is irrelevant and does not need to create any bogeyman, as you claimed, to show India's evil nature.

Kulbushan jadav at worst is a Spy, at best he is a victim.

He is a terrorist.

Kasmiris are Indian citizens as per Law and Indian constitution. Their rights are protected by the Indan Courts, not pakistan army. And even the establishment knows this.

Kashmir is disputed territory. They do not want to be Indian citizens; they are hostages and prisoners of the Indian occupation force.

India does not want to attack pakistan any more than it wants to attack bangladesh. Pretty sure the Establishment knows this too.

India does not dare attack Pakistan, except in Bollywood surgical strikes. Even then, they end up shooting down their own planes and dropping in uninvited for tea and scones.

Establishment realized IK was incompetent and was dragging them down along with the country. It was prudent of them to cut him loose.

You claimed the establishment were controlled by the US. They should be happy that Imran Khan was, according to you, dragging Pakistan down.
If the Pakistani establishment supports Shabaz, then Indian interest will align with helping Imran Khan in every way possible. An internally divided enemy is the best case scenario for any nefarious external player. Imran Khan's crusade will be in India's interest for the short term at the very least :pop:
The Pakistani public supports Kashmir. The establishment is irrelevant and does not need to create any bogeyman, as you claimed, to show India's evil nature.

pakistani public is free to support kashmir.

They are even free to support India and Indians.

Why would we object to that ?

Establishment needs a boogeyman to corner Lion's share of pakistani budget. They run the largest conglomerate in pakistan. They are untouchable "holy cows" and that would not be possible without the "Indian boogeyman".

He is a terrorist.

Then why is he denied a Fair trial in open court ? This would be the perfect opportunity to 'expose" India and Indian "terrorism". Why try him under the secretive "army court" ?

Your argument is self defeating.

Kashmir is disputed territory. They do not want to be Indian citizens; they are hostages and prisoners of the Indian occupation force.

Yes, all of kashmir including pakistan occupied kashmir and gilgit baltistan is Disputed territory.

If they were indeed hostage and prisoners, they would have tried to escape into pakistan, the way Tibetans try to escape into India or HK tries to escape into UK or US.

Sadly there is no report of any such mass migration out of kashmir except for kashmiri Hindus.

India does not dare attack Pakistan, except in Bollywood surgical strikes. Even then, they end up shooting down their own planes and dropping in uninvited for tea and scones.

We have dared multipole times, we just don't have the intention since there is nothing India stands to gain by an attack.

Even the establishment is on record saying that their Western borer was more dangerous than the Indian border.

You claimed the establishment were controlled by the US. They should be happy that Imran Khan was, according to you, dragging Pakistan down.

pakistan will continue to get dragged down, irrespective of who is in power.

The financial loot of revenue by the establishment have already ensured that.

Out of a budget of 45 Billion $, 12 Billion is taken away just by the army. A couple of few billions is taken away by rest of the establishment that include senior bureaucrats, Judges, Businessmen who get "subsidy" etc.
That leaves around 29-30 Billion $ to "build" pakistan.
7.4 Billion $ of that goes into Debt Servicing.

That leaves roughly 22 Billion $ to spend on education, health care, roads, railways, ports, administration , water, gas etc.

UP state with a comparable population and size has a budget of 71 Billion $.

All of which to be spent on public spending.

Do you see it ? or do I have to paint a better picture ?
pakistani public is free to support kashmir.

They are even free to support India and Indians.

Why would we object to that ?

Establishment needs a boogeyman to corner Lion's share of pakistani budget. They run the largest conglomerate in pakistan. They are untouchable "holy cows" and that would not be possible without the "Indian boogeyman".

You are contradicting yourself, or perhaps you like to type the word 'bogeyman' for fun without understanding what it means.

Since the Pakistani public knows India's evil acts in Kashmir, the establishment doesn't need to prop up any bogeyman.

Then why is he denied a Fair trial in open court ? This would be the perfect opportunity to 'expose" India and Indian "terrorism". Why try him under the secretive "army court" ?

His trial was conducted in the same manner as similar trials of terrorists in Western countries.

If they were indeed hostage and prisoners, they would have tried to escape into pakistan,

Why should they abandon their homes and lands just because an occupying army has invaded? It is the occupying army, not they, who should leave.

We have dared multipole times, we just don't have the intention since there is nothing India stands to gain by an attack.

You tried. You are welcome to try again if you want some more tea.
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