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Imran Khan taking workers' opinion on Amir Muqam (Video)

Well---he left the door open as well---that was a good move----PTI members need to understand that there are no sants around to fill in the gaps---you will have to consolidate forces to fight the bigger evil----otherwise the bigger evil will take you out one by one----.

That is something that is needed to be conveyed to Imran Khan as well---. Untill and unless youdon't have a force bigger the the forces of evil---you will not win---and anything less than winning is a loss now.
I think, If imran somehow accommodated this person, the complexion of his party broadens up to a great extent I/O giving up to the demands of a certain group swamping his party in KP at this moment.

His leadership role needed here but instead he chooses to follow sheeps, disappointing!!
What surprised me the most was when he made Hashmi the 'president'. I mean isn't that un-democratic? Shouldn't the party vote to decide this instead of Imran himself?
What surprised me the most was when he made Hashmi the 'president'. I mean isn't that un-democratic? Shouldn't the party vote to decide this instead of Imran himself?

Hashmi’s presidentship is more to internal party politics then to merit entirely, its a know fact.:)
Well---he left the door open as well---that was a good move----PTI members need to understand that there are no sants around to fill in the gaps---you will have to consolidate forces to fight the bigger evil----otherwise the bigger evil will take you out one by one----.

That is something that is needed to be conveyed to Imran Khan as well---. Untill and unless youdon't have a force bigger the the forces of evil---you will not win---and anything less than winning is a loss now.

Very wise words there MastanKhan Saab... and I'm sure Imran Khan knows what he is up against - greater the resistance the more high you fly.
Very wise words there MastanKhan Saab... and I'm sure Imran Khan knows what he is up against - greater the resistance the more high you fly.


Not really---it is better to have less resistance in your life----the reason being---everytime you face resistance---you lose a part of yourself---and if you keep on having too much resistance all thru your life---it really destroys you as a person---case in point---Javaid Hashemi.

Not really---it is better to have less resistance in your life----the reason being---everytime you face resistance---you lose a part of yourself---and if you keep on having too much resistance all thru your life---it really destroys you as a person---case in point---Javaid Hashemi.

I believe you are talking about "Resistance" specifically...here..!!

Hi......I'm Tameem....Let's try to be friend for once....:coffee:

Absolutely---people who can talk to each other---even after extreme disagreements---is what the country " pakistan' needs---and it needs them desperately----more so than ever.

I firmly believe that all the disagreements that Imran Khan had with Musharraf on what Musharraf did----the fact stays as such that Musharraf did it for the well being of the country---he may have erred---so, but just to condemn all the way is a folly in itself.

Imran must never forget that it him that Musharraf offered to take the nation forward----and Imran Khan must never forget that it was him who refused the offer.

Is Mushharraf responsible for all the problems---no---Imran holds as much guilt and is an equal partner.

Bottomline----it is Imran Khan's sin that is the CARDINAL SIN for not accepting Musharraf's offer---. What did Musharraf ask Imran to do---to be an honorable, respectable, insipiring leader of the nation.

Musharraf offered this job to the most honest politician of the country---he refused---he offered it to the most capable leader ( Shahbaz ) he refused---he then offered it to Amin Fahim---he refused----.

When the job was offered to the last---and the worst of them all---the Chaudhry family---they took over---they were not that bad---but did not know how to handle a crisis at the world level.

I don't know if any of you people have access to Imran Khan---please tell him---when Allah gives you the oppurtunity to lead his people---never ever refuse---because when the first good person does not accept the job, other good people in waiting also refuse to accept it just to follow your lead----then what is left---it is the scums of the earth.

Imran Khan----I wish you could know how much damage you done to the country.

About 'resistance'---you take your stand when you need to, but as long as you can take the easy road, never refuse the oppurtunity.
(Sorry for asking irrelevent question)

can somebody tell me how to post videos?
Finally Tameem not posting anti-PTI articles anymore :tup:

Not really---it is better to have less resistance in your life----the reason being---everytime you face resistance---you lose a part of yourself---and if you keep on having too much resistance all thru your life---it really destroys you as a person---case in point---Javaid Hashemi.

Not a subscriber to "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger?"

In my experience, sure the part where you face adversity seems grueling, but you know the very moment - the very second you overcome that adversity, you feel you have far exceeded the point where you were when there was no adversity.

I'm a typical Pakistani, whenever I accomplish something difficult, I'm always like "Hun ferr tohn aa". The self-confidence and experience are quite invaluable.

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