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Imran Khan taking workers' opinion on Amir Muqam (Video)


I know the first CEC meeting of PTI held in Presidency and Imran greatly owe to the general but still i support Imran in refusing that offer from Musharraf in 2002 around.

No one in sane wants to be used continuously as “rubber stamp” with zero political future. That suicidal mission can only be taken retards like Chds., now look at them, they are just politically dead, sitting as refugees in enemy’s land and all who refuses are thriving in their own kingdom.

I bet if the circumstances known to you even you refuse it out rightly. It’s not for Pakistan, its solely for general, bcz he only want a dumb A$$ which can be used against public ire every now and then, while his fort remains intact with full authority and decision making. Future event confirms these aspects as well, He still has the opportunity to leave honorably in Dec-2004, the valid SC limit but he chooses to linger on un-necessarily taking all the toll on his head stubbornly & arrogantly just for self esteem.

No doubt, he was TITANIC when he eventually sinks….!!

You people think of pakistan as someone else's bi---tch. The day the pakistanis learn that it is not someone else's bi-tch, that it is your bi-tch---that day you will treat your mother land with respect and dignity and honor that it deserves.

Would you---if you owned a billion dollar factory---let your hired general manager run it down to the ground---knowing that he is doing it---and at the end of the day, you will be penniless and a pauper---not a single one of you would let it happen----but you want to do it to the nation.

I keep telling you adult pakistanis----you people have thinking like innocent children---without any experience---but extremely vicious---.

With how you treat your nation and the way that you want to approach the problems---the mentality that you people have, you really don't deserve a nation---. Your mental capacities and capabilities have not evolved enough for you people to deserve it.

I know the scenario first hand out of the 'horse's mouth'---. Imran Khan did the cricket thing----what the autralians stated about pakistan----he didnot like the pitch he said---'I am not going to play'---.

Musharraf did not sink---it was the supreme court that sunk and with it is sinking the nation of pakistan----. This judge Chaudhry is the biggest 'duffer' that pakistani court system has produced---.

He interfered with the sale of steel mill----the steel mill is doomed----because it was worthless.

He interfered with NAB who had contacted u s attorney in getting stolen money back to pakistan---the judge didnot like the fees being paid to the american legal firm---he stopped that---pakistan lost that money as well---.

Name a single entity that this person has provided justice to in all these years----he is just 'bi-tching and moaning about police not doing its job---nobody listens to the courts---it is because of him nobody listens to the courts---.

Didn't he know when he hooked up with Aitzaz Ehsan and Gilani what would be coming to pakistan. Pakistani supreme court is a travesty---it is pathetic---it does not know its right hand from the left. Passed a ruling here passed a ruling there---so what's the big deal---.

In case of a storm---you need to know to ride the wave---otherwise the wave will smash you---that is what it does---that is what happened with the pakistanis---they were dealing more with the intricacies of A GENERAL IN POWER than the reality---the reality is the even in diversity---you keep on chugging along---other wise the consequences are terrible and horrendous---.

You cannot keep building from scratch every single time----you cannot allow it to be destroyed completey and then say we will build it up----.

You kids---open your minds---open your eyes---what I am saying here is listen----. Don't give me your feed back and keep telling me the things and ideologies that you have lived with all your lives---which, incidently your parents and mine have lived as well----because your ideologies are a failure.

You are the products of a failed nation---you know why, because what ever you have thought and done for your nation has failed miserably---. You people are pretty much clueless to do what in order to bring a change---you people have no basics---no fundamental principals to stand upon----you have no foundations to build upon----.

You keep on arguing with me and keep on going in circles---expecting a different result---and when you get the same result---you start all over.

Musharraf gave every one of his partners more freedom than any other democratically elected political party. People's party is run like a dictatorship---PML N is run like a dictatorship----Imran Khan---he is so clueless---you people deserve your leaders---.

If I ever get expelled from the U S---I guess I would be one amongst you as well ( I doubt it very much ).
Not a subscriber to "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger?"

In my experience, sure the part where you face adversity seems grueling, but you know the very moment - the very second you overcome that adversity, you feel you have far exceeded the point where you were when there was no adversity.

I'm a typical Pakistani, whenever I accomplish something difficult, I'm always like "Hun ferr tohn aa". The self-confidence and experience are quite invaluable.


No insults---end result is very painful---this must not be the mentality of a man to lead the nation. You must put yourself to be the future leaders of the country---that is how you are going to tackle the problem. Every pakistani must think that they would be the future leaders of the nation.

Who teaches you people this kind of thinking-----what schools you people go to that teaches this ideology---where do you people learn this kind of stuff---.

The self confidence and experience are valuable to you---only because you have not been really really smashed into a pulp yet---once that happens to you in real life----maybe first time you come out strong---maybe second time you come out strong---but as it happens often---it starts to tear you up---that is the way of nature---. There is no eternal hard-on in real life----. Age takes a toll on you---hard ships take a toll on you---that is how God has created mankind----there is no way around it.

Here is my favourite for you young pakistanis and the future leaders of the country:

Stages of Recovery

Stage 1:
I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I am lost. I am helpless. It isn't my fault. It takes forever to find a way out.

Stage 2:
I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I don't see it. I fall in again. I can't believe I am in this same place. But it isn't my fault. It still takes a long time to get out.

Stage 3:
I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it is there. I fall in...it's a habit...but my eyes are open. I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately.

Stage 4:
I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it.

Stage 5:
I walk down a different street.

Young and old pakistanis---this is you----this is your life---this is your past present and future---. You keep falling in the same hole again and again over and over---expecting that it will make you stronger----. It is only you who is the ignorant---the hole is is there---its function is---if you step into it---you will fall----now don't relate to getting out of the hole as something to get you stronger---you try it again---you will fall again----now some people seek pleasure in falling all the time---I can't say much about them---but if you are one of those---who want to succeed----take a different route.
Mastan, Just check how many “Yous” are used in your post.

If you are so reluctant to shows yourself from harm’s way anything goes in Pakistan than its better to just leave your personality totally outside. You didn’t know an inch about here but claims a lot daily & unnecessarily and whenever someone shows you the mirror or gets you across reality on “specifics”, you went sporadic in different directions, just to avoid it man-ly. Then you curse the whole system, the whole mentality, the whole Pakistan for your own ego.

Dear, we may be slow but we are not robots, aliens or copycats, we will adopt our own way of nirvana, maturity as per our circumstances and atmosphere as every nation makes it in history of mankind ever.

If you can’t make that flow easy, don’t make it hard at least.
Mastan, Just check how many “Yous” are used in your post.

If you are so reluctant to shows yourself from harm’s way anything goes in Pakistan than its better to just leave your personality totally outside. You didn’t know an inch about here but claims a lot daily & unnecessarily and whenever someone shows you the mirror or gets you across reality on “specifics”, you went sporadic in different directions, just to avoid it man-ly. Then you curse the whole system, the whole mentality, the whole Pakistan for your own ego.

Dear, we may be slow but we are not robots, aliens or copycats, we will adopt our own way of nirvana, maturity as per our circumstances and atmosphere as every nation makes it in history of mankind ever.

If you can’t make that flow easy, don’t make it hard at least.


Seems like you are a knowledgeable man----. A reporter asked the japanese ambassador to pakistan----what do you think of pakistan---what are the chances of it becoming a successful nation---this was during the time when paks economy was on the up and up---around 8 to 10 years ago----.

Normally ambasadors never answer this type of question---just go around it---but he must have really cared for pakistan---he answered NEVER----asked why---he replied---direction to success is this way---pakistan is travelling that way---itwill never get there.

Yes---it is all you's now---it used to be me---us---we---ours---mine. You tell me what is common between you and me and Asim or some others----. Except for pakistan being my motherland, just like your's---nothing else---.

Showing me the mirror ain't going to help you---for the moment---I am least bit effected by what happens to pakistan---.

Somebody has to put pakistan and pakistanis to shame---I believe more men and women of vision need to stand up and speak out in the open to shake up the soul of the people, to stir it up, to shake it up and make it active again---.

No, to say that ' we will adopt our own way of nirvana' is the ILLUSION that I keep talking about---that is the illusion that the pakistanis are living under---. That is the statement of a nation which cannot see the truth staring back at it---that is the biggest lie the nation is living with---that is an illusion created by the corrupt and dishonest, so that they can keep on doing what they want to and the nation keeps wandering around in circles.

When a nation does not have the courage to see its own faults, the lies and deceits that it lives by, the deception that has become its way of life---yes---that nation does say that 'we will do it on our own pace'---. It is the current mentality of either it is my way or the highway---a good example---the mayoral system that was adopted 10 + years ago----an excellent system---people elected to work and develop their own communities---. It is gone and the old system of federation taking charge of the locallities is back---.

In the lives of nation---there is no such thing as ' our own way'---. If you are a man or a woman---you get up in the morning--take a sh-it, brush your teeth, wash your face, take a shower, dry yourself up with a towel or a piece of cloth, put your undergarments on, put on your trousers ( pants / shalwar except for dhoti )one leg at a time---then you are just like any other citizen of the world----.

Which mean that the laws that dictate the progress and forward motion of any successful nation will be the same laws that pakistan will have to follow to be in line with those nations---. To live the same lie over and over---you keep ending up in a worse place than ever before---.

You better be copy cats and robots---because whatever your stuff is, it is not working at all---and where is the shame in being a copy cat---is china ashamed---is india ashamed---is any nation ashamed which copies the japanese---please name one developed nation which says that I am ashamed to copy that successful nation, so that I can be like them---does south korea say I am ashamed---only failure nations say--I want it my way---.

This statement ' we want to do it on our own way ' is a new disease that has spread thru pakistan lately---. When I was younger---it used to be---look at the leaders of the world and try to adopt their successful ways of living---to make the life of the average pakistani better---.

This new phenomenon 'we do it our way' shows thick headedness, a lack of learning ability, a lack of peripheral vision, a lack of accepting the fact that we are ordinary people just like the rest of the world and we got to live by the rules and laws of decency that every progressive nation lives by.

" We do it our way " is akin to saying ---- Newton's laws do not work in pakistan --- Einstein's theories are not applicable in pakistani schools --- the laws of gravity and motion and relativity are diferent for pakistan --- a universal truth means a universal lie in pakistan --- when other nations exhale --- we inhale --- okay ---- I am going to go see into the mirror now.

Who walks at his own pace---someone who doesnot have much to do---what do you do when you walk at your own pace---you mosey around---you looking right and left---you stop at a paan shop and buy a bottle of soda---and then a paan----and then spit around----just a useless meandering around---with no focus---no direction---no urgency---no goal---no target----.

But on the other hand---what do you do when you run long distance---first of all---you have a goal---a target---how many miles and how many minutes---and all the time you are mentally preparing yourself to do more and more---beat the time---increase your running distance---increase your strength---you will pace yourself.

But how do you prepare to run---you have proper attire---when you are running---you are very conscious of your surroundings---you watch every step that you take---where your foot falls---you avoid any dips and ruts in the pavement---your foot avoids stepping on pebbles and stones in the way because you don't want to twist your ankle---you try to find a surface that is as much flat as it possibly can be---you may go up or down an incline but you will try to avoid the slope of a drive way---.

Why would you avoid such simple hurdles in a marathon---because each of these little hurdles--innocuous that they may look---may hurt you bad and trip you over---twisting your ankle does not make your ankle strong my little brothers---.

For a long distance runner---reaching the goal is always a fulfilling reward to the psyche and physical self---. While you are running---you are in a zone---your focus and energy is all narrowed down to lifting your leg up and putting it forwards--one foot at a time---one step more one step more one step more one step more---a little faster--- I can do it I can do it I can do it---that is my goal I am going to exceed it that is my goal I am going to exceed it that is my goal I am going to exceed it---.

Any of you who ran 5 or 8 or 10 miles or more---how did you bring your focus in your long distance running---. That is the same focus needed for building a nation.

Tameem----you have been lied to you by your elders----there is no such thing as building a nation at your own pace---. Nation building is a marathon race and unless you are not running---you can never catch up----.

The most fascinating reward of running is the build up of strength and character and stamina and perseverence and setting up goals and overcoming hurdles---.

Those who move at their own pace---they never see these fascinating things that make you shine above others.

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