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Imran Khan says Pakistan was 'humiliated' over Osama bin Laden, and his kil

Sir I disagree with you here...

Firstly, we need to put an end to this WOT... if we have problems with Kharaji elements we should deal with them on our own terms... no drones nothing should be tolerated... to be honest with you I would have no sympathy for a fat General to be butchered at the GHQ by a terrorist op (even though I disapprove of it) because I know that it is their actions which is creating this cycle of violence... You allow killing of someone's child in the tribal area and then think that the tribes wont retaliate in some manner??

The cycle of violence for Pakistan is about establishing its sovereignty from the TTP. And targeted operations where militants groups are located or have basis is part of this. The PA/ISI leadership made a mistake of allowing the Al Qaeda/Taliban remnants to sneak into Pakistan after 2001 and violate its sovereignty in the tribal areas and now there is no way out but to re-establish its sovereignty.

This also means targeting their agents in populated cities like Karachi Lahore or wherever they are including militants of groups like LeT e.t.c. which are now increasingly against the Pakistani state. Its the govt.s duty to protect their citizens and not let them be abused the way it waited till the last minute in swat for example.

Secondly what you are saying about the clergy... this has already been done with people like Zaid Hamid etc... the problem there is unless people see something happening at the top i.e an accountable Islamic government implementing Islam being setup... people soon lose heart and dont pay attention to these people anymore thinking they are taking money from the government to say such things...

Sorry when has ZH categorically said that suicide bombings is not allowed including against non-muslims? Many clerics in Pakistan have initially said this but many were killed or have been silenced and now there is hardly any sustained voice against this.

The main issue here is you can't say its ok to do "Gazhwa-e-Hind" in Kashmir because the head of state is a puppet or the same in Afghanistan using the same excuse and then say that those rules don't apply in Pakistan. Zardari is probably more of a puppet of the US than others.

What is needed is clear cut lines drawn. No fake "Jihads" in Kashmir or Afghanistan and no roundabout theological justifications to do so either. Until that is done, and the army does not go after those groups who refuse to stop these fake "fasads", the problem will not be solved in Pakistan. Economy e.t.c everything else comes afterwards.
The cycle of violence for Pakistan is about establishing its sovereignty from the TTP. And targeted operations where militants groups are located or have basis is part of this. The PA/ISI leadership made a mistake of allowing the Al Qaeda/Taliban remnants to sneak into Pakistan after 2001 and violate its sovereignty in the tribal areas and now there is no way out but to re-establish its sovereignty.

This also means targeting their agents in populated cities like Karachi Lahore or wherever they are including militants of groups like LeT e.t.c. which are now increasingly against the Pakistani state. Its the govt.s duty to protect their citizens and not let them be abused the way it waited till the last minute in swat for example.

Sorry when has ZH categorically said that suicide bombings is not allowed including against non-muslims? Many clerics in Pakistan have initially said this but many were killed or have been silenced and now there is hardly any sustained voice against this.

The main issue here is you can't say its ok to do "Gazhwa-e-Hind" in Kashmir because the head of state is a puppet or the same in Afghanistan using the same excuse and then say that those rules don't apply in Pakistan. Zardari is probably more of a puppet of the US than others.

What is needed is clear cut lines drawn. No fake "Jihads" in Kashmir or Afghanistan and no roundabout theological justifications to do so either. Until that is done, and the army does not go after those groups who refuse to stop these fake "fasads", the problem will not be solved in Pakistan. Economy e.t.c everything else comes afterwards.

The problem with your post is typical of your Indian mentality and I don't mean in a bad way, what I merely mean is that everything comes down to Kashmir, even matters related to Pakistan's internal problems. We don't suggest that you solve problems in more than 70% of your country that include more than half a dozen separatist movements for permanent solution to Kashmir!

Now we can either proceed on Kashmir or the fight against terrorism in Pakistan. The Kashmir issue will invariably include BLA and problems for Pakistan being created in Baluchistan/NWFP by India and also in Afghanistan! Terrorism in Kashmir will cease the day you realise that it is actually your side committing majority of the terrorist acts and recall your military back to leave Kashmiris to determine their own fate!

But the most important thing that you, being the bigger and more influential neighbour, need to understand is the 'fact' that peace, harmony and excellent relations with your neighbours as well as stability of your neighbouring countries is in India's own interest. Stable neighbours mean stability and peace in the region, which means trade and economic increase by many fold. Peace and stability in our region is in all our interest but can only be achieved by some radical, courageous decisions by both sides.
Maverick he does have a point... Unless we sort out our government (Oh God I must ve said this a million times on this forum by now... is anyone listening)... unless we sort out our problems/government/corruption in the Army/decide once and for all what are we going to be... Islamic or Secularist... Is it going to be the oxymoron that we have today i.e an "Islamic" Republic or a Caliphate? Until that time... anyone talking about Ghazwa e Hind or sending jihadis inside Kashmir to kill people is nothing but a Fitnah maker and Fasadi... you get your act right... and then you have hujjat/proof/evidence against others to sort out the issues also... with Zardari and Kiyani as our leader... Khak Jihad karain gay hum?
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