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Imran khan participating in a ball to save Asian elephants.

Elephants for Elephants.

Kaptaan on vacation.... had this message had been given earlier.. it would not be that bad and these guys would be ganging up on him.

Interestingly.. NO one said that PTI supporters would protest , or scream..
straight away the point is on the pity and pathetic language that is now associated with them permanently now.
All politicians are same..... fraudsters and foreign agents.
Pakistanis are being fooled in noora kushti of political parties on media, while no opposition can be seen in assembly.
Whereas, Imran Khan has drilled in an image of democracy, where free food is available from govt. and parliament members $hit gold and life is luxury.
Noting surprising at all for those who know this frown .i look forward for more idiotic and shameful things in near future by this over smart idiot IK n PTI... he didn't want to come join APC but yet went to prince charles naked party and had drinks just day b4 Ramazan :hitwall: Lanti insan
PTI which gain the whole Govt. of KPK should try to work on building Dams, Run of River electricity and other renewable resources like Solar and Wind farms in KPK along with smart Grids installation with Foreign companies so that they can produce much needed power. Also they require to build hospitals and Schools, Colleges and Universities for Male and Female Separate through out the whole province that includes FATA as well.

I would like to suggest one thing that he should build some industrial zones in KPK which will be tax free for the next 5 years and bring companies from Japan and Korea like Sony, Samsung and LG to build up their plants where they will produce each and every product they make and could also export it to other countries as well.
IK wanted to stay and join the APC but no date was confirmed to him. Mean while he already had appointment for his Med checkup and seein his kids. Whats wrong in that ??

Now while on vacation, if you are invited to join a social gathering (Royal Invitation) where you get to exchange ur views and listen to other ppl (no mater what the context of gathering is) why on Earth will you decline such an invite ?? And if fello pakistani's are offended by watching IK drink water in a pic .. then you guyz truely deserve Zardari and Nawaz Ganja ..
I personal dont mind that, but it is sure kina funny...lol..saving fat elephants...lol, by the way it was a good opportunity for Imran Khan to talk with the higher official of the British government and other influential people. he is able to get his word across, regarding drones and Altaf. I think it would not have been possible if Imran khan, tried to get an individual appointment with all of the people he i terraced with there. Smart move by imran, but I imagine, his opponents would try to take advantage of that and would make cheap shots at him, kina like how they did with Benazir Bhutto, and the heinous thing they said about her...to assassinated her character...shame

Imran khan is like a super hero, savings fat elephants every where....lol..
Yaar koi achay kaam ke liay hi pohncha hua hai. Schmoozing with the movers and shakers is important as well.

You can still see he is standing with the support of his jacket.
The thing is he did not went there because he just decided to go there, he was INVITED, can you imagine any other politician who would be invited to such a gathering of higher officials and influential people of Britiain? I doubt that. Imran took this opportunity, do you think he would Only be talking about Fat Elephants there? No,he would be talking about drones, human rights violation and of course, a bit of Altaf.

I can imagine how panicked MQM would be right now. This shows the strength of PTI, and how much access PTI has to the British government. Can you imagine Altaf ever being any where near the royal family of Britain?

Next time Altaf tries to speak against PTI, he would think twice...

Of course, PML-N would try to make cheap shots at Imran Khan and PTI, they did not even spare a Lady like Benazir Bhutto. Do you think imran khan would be spared by their cheapness?
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