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Imran Khan Orders to Launch E-Voting System for Next Elections

Imran Khan Orders to Launch E-Voting System for Next Elections

Posted 42 mins ago by Haroon Hayder


The PTI-led federal government is making efforts to introduce an e-voting system in the next general elections to ensure impartiality and transparency.

During a press briefing after a recent cabinet meeting, Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Shibli Faraz, said that Prime Minister Imran Khan has issued directions to concerned authorities to expedite efforts to introduce the e-voting system.

The Minister added that PM Imran also expressed his desire to include overseas Pakistanis in the next general elections because they have been central to the economic progress of the country.

While speaking about the upcoming Senate elections, the Minister reiterated that PM Imran’s open ballot efforts for Senate elections will ensure transparency in the electoral process.

In November 2020, PM Imran had announced electoral reforms for free and fair elections in the country.

The reforms included an e-voting system for general elections, open balloting through a show of hands during Senate elections, and allowing overseas Pakistanis to cast their votes.

Great job Electronic voting will be a political death warent for ppp & pmln mafias...
No no... So from previous reports they were going to take two steps. EVM for local voters and internet voting for overseas. My comment was for internet voting. EVMs have been used quite successfully in next door India as well and honestly we should have done it already too. Will stop the nonsense chants of dhandli dhandli after every election.

hopefully they will be able to use the EVMs for overseas voters as well
With the horrible state of cybersecurity in Pakistan I won't be surprised if it gets hacked by foreigners. I am specifically worried about Israel and Fazlur Rehman.
I have never understood why the election process can't be automated to eliminate all FRAUD? So here is what can be done to make this process fair and authentic once and for all.

Every citizen should be issued with QR code. This QR code would be listed on All NIC cards, Passports, Driver Licence, etc. QR code is linked to the Citizens BIOMETRIC DATA. Meaning finger prints of all fingers, facial recognition, and both right and left eye retina scans.

Now the election software system and all other Federal and Provincial systems are linked to all this information. Now when citizens go to vote, they simply go to the election vote centre. They walk into scan room where the system automatically scans them via their facial recognition. If there any problem with their facial recognition, the system can scan their NIC card or passport or driver licence to confirm their ID. The citizens then select the candidate whom they are voting for via the touch screen in front of them. Once done voting, the citizens simply walk out from the other end of the room exit. With such a system, No one can double vote. No Dead people can vote. And no other fraud can be done. The election results would be know within a few minutes and hours. In future, the system can be upgraded to enable people sitting at home to vote from their mobile phones and computers after biometric checks.

This type biometric recognition system has already been implemented at all airports in Australia and EU.
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What about overseas Pakistani voting rights.
If IK makes this possible then I'm sure 80% of Pakistanis will vote for PTI in next coming general elections.
Can we trust authority and ECP in online voting system? No we can't. Is their be any clean voting system possible under current authority? Absolutly a big NO
While the idea is good but no country in the world has internet voting. The reason being even the most secure servers are not a hundred percent secure and considering how regularly our 90s standard government websites get hacked I have alot of doubts on the capability of ECP and NADRA to develop an internet voting mechanism for overseas.

I do agree with you points and a part from that do all Pakistanis has access to internet ?
I hope they put strong firewalls to protect this system and the information of voters from hackers.
Can we trust authority and ECP in online voting system? No we can't. Is their be any clean voting system possible under current authority? Absolutly a big NO
Have the source code be viewed in an opensource repo (redact all IP's) and get it audited by a 3rd party consortium.
I do agree with you points and a part from that do all Pakistanis has access to internet ?
All Pakistani's aren't eligible to vote.
I have never understood why the election process can't be automated to eliminate all FRAUD? So here is what can be done to make this process fair and authentic once and for all.

Every citizen should be issued with QR code. This QR code would be listed on All NIC cards, Passports, Driver Licence, etc. QR code is linked to the Citizens BIOMETRIC DATA. Meaning finger prints of all fingers, facial recognition, and both right and left eye retina scans.

Now the election software system and all other Federal and Provincial systems are linked to all this information. Now when citizens go to vote, they simply go to the election vote centre. They walk into scan room where the system automatically scans them via their facial recognition. If there any problem with their facial recognition, the system can scan their NIC card or passport or driver licence to confirm their ID. The citizens then select the candidate whom they are voting for via the touch screen in front of them. Once done voting, the citizens simply walk out from the other end of the room exit.

This biometric recognition system has already been implemented at all airports in Australia and EU.
Pair this with IBM hyperledger and you've got a solution on your hands.
PTI does not have the intellectual capacity to legislate for such matter.
Legislation can wait. Politician's like Nawaz and Zardari have brought the collective IQ of this country to below a bacterium.

PTI is doing digitization just right:

While the idea is good but no country in the world has internet voting. The reason being even the most secure servers are not a hundred percent secure and considering how regularly our 90s standard government websites get hacked I have alot of doubts on the capability of ECP and NADRA to develop an internet voting mechanism for overseas.
They're moving all government stuff into local data centers

Dangerous for Pakistan if you ask me, given the low security standards that Pakistan has in general.

I won't even mention how this needs to be all underpinned by a secure blockchain ledger, etc ....... as i think the idea is so crazy.

This will get hacked, and you will find RAW deciding who the next PM of Pakistan will be.

I do think IK is wrong on this, and i dont think he truly understands the implications.

Not even the USA has this, and they even complain about Postal Votes (!!!!!!)....
This won't just be e-voting ONLY. Paper vote will be printed (& balloted) as well for counter verification of e-votes.
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