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Imran Khan or Taliban Khan?

To all the brave generals, liberals and those with 'balls', who want to crush TTP, I ask what is wrong with this statement from PTI?

I m not PTI at all. But their logic appeals me and thats why I m convinced their approach must be given a chance, which in this sold out muk-muka PMLN govt, I highly doubt.


PTI Core Committee met today and reaffirmed PTI's position on the continuing terror attacks by the TTP which are killing innocent citizens and our soldiers. PTI also showed great concern on the government’s continuing vacillation on giving a clear cut counter terror policy, are both destroying any hope for peace through dialogue.

Press release: PTI position on Dialogue and Military Operation

The PTI Core Committee met today and reaffirmed the following:

The continuing terror attacks by the TTP, which are killing innocent citizens and our soldiers; and the government’s continuing vacillation on giving a clear cut counter terror policy, are both destroying any hope for peace through dialogue.

PTI’s principled position on dialogue was premised on the strong logic that one must divide the adversary so that those who are prepared to dialogue should be separated from the hardcore groups. This position is part of the PTI Manifesto also.

A military operation is always a last resort option and must always have political ownership and guidance so as to give the military national support. We cannot allow our military, whose soldiers have always laid down their lives for Pakistan, to be left isolated without political ownership.� PTI has always recognized the tremendous sacrifices of its soldiers.���

Almost 9 months on, the PMLN government has yet to put in place a cohesive counter terrorism policy and state clearly whether the APC mandate for dialogue was ever operationalised or whether it has never been attempted.

PTI also feels the US successfully sabotaged the peace process with its droning of the peace talks when they were about to commence.

PTI asks the following questions from the government:

Why has PM Nawaz Sharif and his �government failed to evolve a definitive counter terrorism policy almost nine months after coming to power?

Why has the government not given a clear position on status, or lack thereof, of dialogue? In this connection,� PTI� has expressed grave concern over Maulana Samiul Haq’s statement that the government was not serious about dialogue and, what is even more disturbing, his claim that the PM asked him to plead to the Taliban to “spare us (Punjab)”.��

Why is the government abdicating its political responsibility by asking various leaders of political parties to “dialogue” with the TTP when it knows only the government has the legal sanction to do the same?

What has the government done to stop US drone attacks so far despite its own electoral promises?

PTI demands the following from the government:

It must immediately brief the NA on what is the counter terrorism policy and the position on dialogue and/or the possibility of an impending military operation. PTI’s concern over military actions is based on Pakistan’s tragic past record of such actions.

It must also hold an in-camera briefing for all the political leaders about the current security situation, including on the talks and time lines of any planned military operations. In case of the latter, PTI also demands to know the parameters of such a military operation. Already disturbing reports are coming in from NWA where aerial bombardment has left the local people shelterless and many, including children, have died in this attack already.� At the very least, the government should have evacuated the area of civilians before allowing any military operation or aerial bombardment.

Dr. Shireen Mazari,

Central Information Secretary

PTI Core Committee reaffirms PTI's stance on terror attacks; Shows concerns on govt's indecision
Already disturbing reports are coming in from NWA where aerial bombardment has left the local people shelterless and many, including children, have died in this attack already.� At the very least, the government should have evacuated the area of civilians before allowing any military operation or aerial bombardment.
Dr. Shireen Mazari,
Central Information Secretary

Some one tell this bibi to STFU !!!
Its not the time for political point scoring
life of our 26 soldiers was worth more than life of thousands of such Taliban supporters
So the PM/premier has no faith in army? Why our federal gov is hesitant to devise and put anti TTP policy in action? By the way army is also under Federal control so even if IK wanted he will have to go through PM. Blaming IK for all the evil is not going to get us anywhere apart from some sort of personal satisfaction, perhaps?

Can you please explain a little more on why NS cannot give the army go ahead? You also mentioned NS cannot see the army winning the hearts and minds, how so? And then later on you are saying IK never praised army on the swat operation?
Please shed some more light on what is the point here?

On Mullah Radio; IK need to go on TV and specifically mention Mullah Radio's name? Isn't condemning TTP by name enough? We are not fighting one man - we are fighting an organisation!!!

Sir G, what would you want IK to do?

get his Sick *** out of Pakistan or Shut his F*cking mouth , or if nothing he can do than commit suicide ...
that will be enough for us :)
Damn I just posted this thread and went out for 3 - 4 hours and damn, look what we've got here.. :lol:

First of all, I don't know who wrote this piece. I just find it interesting as it has some logical points which make some sense so I posted it here for further discussion. Its just from some fan so its not official.

@FaujHistorian and others, no need to get personal with me for posting this here, I'm free to share anything here as far as its not against forum rules. And just to clear, I do not completely agree with everything said in this article. Peace talks and army operation both are needed, break their backs, make them weaker and then talk to them and see if anyone want to disarm.

So what i get from this article is that

1 First we should hold sincere talks with TTP
2 Then even after dialogues TTP due to its nature would continue Pakistanis
3 So after that we should start military operation against terrorists

So we should wait TTP thugs to kill 400-500 more Pakistanis after which we should conduct military operations against the terrorists. Like the death of 50000 Pakistanis isn't enough. Good. I can see the genius who wrote this article. Might be Imran Khan himself. Only he can come up with such great logic.

Lets put aside this thread and PTI for a while and think about today's development. PM and army chief today have decided to hold peace talks with talibans and start targeted operations against them. The plan is to do air strikes and targeted operations against them to make them weak and peace talks will be done with anyone who is willing to lay the arms and is ready to talk. Now tell me what is the problem with this? Isn't this almost exactly what PTI has been saying since ages?
get his Sick *** out of Pakistan or Shut his F*cking mouth , or if nothing he can do than commit suicide ...
that will be enough for us :)

Please spare me the rants and hold some constructive discussion.
Some one tell this bibi to STFU !!!
Its not the time for political point scoring
life of our 26 soldiers was worth more than life of thousands of such Taliban supporters

Life of people is more important. How many Pakistanis you want killed? You will only take action when soldiers are killed?

This is not point scoring. Read it without biased political context you are putting here and she is very right.

How can a jet fighter bomber exactly identify it is killing a militant? Which technology you have that Americans dont?

Plus, do you realize what are you doing with FATA by bombing your own people? If someone flares up pakhtoon nationalism in the region telling them that its the Pakistani state thats killing you, how will you stop uprising in the region?

Military use without political backing has not succeeded. Despite spectacular military successes in FATA and Swat, its has been proved time and again, the problem is not going away.

By the way, attack on military enrages you as it must. Wait for a couple of weeks for another attack, then another retaliation, a condemnation, condolences and this cycle continues. Good luck with your war!
Life of people is more important. How many Pakistanis you want killed? You will only take action when soldiers are killed?

This is not point scoring. Read it without biased political context you are putting here and she is very right.

How can a jet fighter bomber exactly identify it is killing a militant? Which technology you have that Americans dont?

Plus, do you realize what are you doing with FATA by bombing your own people? If someone flares up pakhtoon nationalism in the region telling them that its the Pakistani state thats killing you, how will you stop uprising in the region?

Military use without political backing has not succeeded. Despite spectacular military successes in FATA and Swat, its has been proved time and again, the problem is not going away.

By the way, attack on military enrages you as it must. Wait for a couple of weeks for another attack, then another retaliation, a condemnation, condolences and this cycle continues. Good luck with your war!

Sir everything aside, the statement of Shireen Mazari that govt / army should evacuate the area and let civilians out before conducting aerial strikes is plain stupid. Its like announcing on loud speaker about what you are gonna do next.. :lol:

We are in a war, and collateral damage is part of every war. I personally am fine with few civilian casualties as far as high value targets are achieved and a deadly punch is delivered.

@Azlan Haider
Life of people is more important. How many Pakistanis you want killed? You will only take action when soldiers are killed?

This is not point scoring. Read it without biased political context you are putting here and she is very right.

How can a jet fighter bomber exactly identify it is killing a militant? Which technology you have that Americans dont?

Plus, do you realize what are you doing with FATA by bombing your own people? If someone flares up pakhtoon nationalism in the region telling them that its the Pakistani state thats killing you, how will you stop uprising in the region?

Military use without political backing has not succeeded. Despite spectacular military successes in FATA and Swat, its has been proved time and again, the problem is not going away.

By the way, attack on military enrages you as it must. Wait for a couple of weeks for another attack, then another retaliation, a condemnation, condolences and this cycle continues. Good luck with your war!

Meray bhai it is a war !! Those who provide shelter to TTP and facilitate them in carrying out attacks against civilians and army
And dont worry , Pakhtuns have been the worst victims of TTP barbarianism , they will be happy about it
Life of people is more important. How many Pakistanis you want killed? You will only take action when soldiers are killed?

This is not point scoring. Read it without biased political context you are putting here and she is very right.

How can a jet fighter bomber exactly identify it is killing a militant? Which technology you have that Americans dont?

Plus, do you realize what are you doing with FATA by bombing your own people? If someone flares up pakhtoon nationalism in the region telling them that its the Pakistani state thats killing you, how will you stop uprising in the region?

Military use without political backing has not succeeded. Despite spectacular military successes in FATA and Swat, its has been proved time and again, the problem is not going away.

By the way, attack on military enrages you as it must. Wait for a couple of weeks for another attack, then another retaliation, a condemnation, condolences and this cycle continues. Good luck with your war!

Issue is that we miss the bigger picture and end-up in a mess!
....What i don't understand here is that we are so blinded by hatred that we keep condemning one person (IK), .

Agreed with the rest of your balanced post.

Just one comment.

IK name comes up because his followers keep on posting his name and his news and his $tupid views.

If Jahliyya fil Islam (JI) Mullah munawwar had such enthused posters on PDF, we'd bring his name up as well.

It really depends on the thread and subject line.


iss hammam main sub nungay hain :D

....First of all, I don't know who wrote this piece. I just find it interesting as it has some logical points which make some sense so I posted it here for further discussion. Its just from some fan so its not official.

If someone says 2+2=5, will you quickly post the darn thing without checking out the source and the logic?

If you have to post the fallacy, then at least add a disclaimer "Me the Jazzbot do not support this" or "do support this" and add one or two sentences.

@FaujHistorian and others, no need to get personal with me for posting this here, ....

Nothing personal. at least from me.
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Lets put aside this thread and PTI for a while and think about today's development. PM and army chief today have decided to hold peace talks with talibans and start targeted operations against them. The plan is to do air strikes and targeted operations against them to make them weak and peace talks will be done with anyone who is willing to lay the arms and is ready to talk. Now tell me what is the problem with this? Isn't this almost exactly what PTI has been saying since ages?

To be honest IK and PTI are not saying anything like this. They are opposing any operation against TTP. targeted or not. Any type of operations is opposed by IK. Visit PTI pages on FB. They are continuously busy spreading confusion and questions among the masses about Taliban and operation against them. Even today on some TV channels it was said that IK was upset with the operation in NWA and asked federal govt to clear that whether military operation against TTP has started or not!!!

IK is continuously busy confusing this nation. He is doing no service to his country by continuously opposing military operations against TTP.
To be honest IK and PTI are not saying anything like this. They are opposing any operation against TTP. targeted or not. Any type of operations is opposed by IK. Visit PTI pages on FB. They are continuously busy spreading confusion and questions among the masses about Taliban and operation against them. Even today on some TV channels it was said that IK was upset with the operation in NWA and asked federal govt to clear that whether military operation against TTP has started or not!!!

IK is continuously busy confusing this nation. He is doing no service to his country by continuously opposing military operations against TTP.


Check this BS from PTI. This is from the PTI official press release that has been posted by a member in this thread.

PTI also feels the US successfully sabotaged the peace process with its droning of the peace talks when they were about to commence.

Do you really think this is true? Did PTI said the same when General Niazi was killed? Did PTI said TTP is sabotaging dialogue process by killing General Niazi?

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