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Imran khan openly calls out Biden administration for regime change in Pakistan

It is of course up to Pakistanis to determine the path they wish their country to go forward upon. Nobody can force them to take any particular direction, except themselves.
75 years of our existence.
Same thing over and over again.
If people's will is respected and if people's are considered important then do you think Pakistan would reach these path. Do you think if west Pakistanis knew about situation in east Pakistan. Do they let east Pakistan seperate from us? They would protest in favour of mujeeb and make him pm. And solve the issue.

In our history our generals have not considered us humans to make our own decisions. The political setup that has been made is such that no natural organic politician come forward. All are ghq approved or ghq disapproved. The disapproved struggle not to get the people's favour but instead try to woo ghq. This is the rot in the system.
Thats why balochistan people doesn't have trust in the pupet stood by army.

Army should let people rule. People would vote them out if not good.
Somehow Pakistan good politicians would be more caring towards Pakistanis as they need votes and favour of the people. Then the army who try to solve every thing on gun point.
75 years after loosing Bangladesh, areas of azad kashmir and gilgit baltistan, siacheen glacier, 80 k men lost, economic loss, hamd over our daughters like afia siddique to america for dollars. Policies that our army muaharaff and zia ul haq made radicalised people, help in the creation of ttp and tlp and thousands of terroist organisations that fight Pakistan still. While we are comfortable in lahore.
Atleast 3 to 4 foji die every day. From last 3 months when regime change was happening 120 foji died and generals are responsible for them.

Awam ko yeah generals kuch nhn samajhta. Yeah bhi aik bought buri adat hai.
75 years of our existence.
Same thing over and over again.
If people's will is respected and if people's are considered important then do you think Pakistan would reach these path. Do you think if west Pakistanis knew about situation in east Pakistan. Do they let east Pakistan seperate from us? They would protest in favour of mujeeb and make him pm. And solve the issue.

In our history our generals have not considered us humans to make our own decisions. The political setup that has been made is such that no natural organic politician come forward. All are ghq approved or ghq disapproved. The disapproved struggle not to get the people's favour but instead try to woo ghq. This is the rot in the system.
Thats why balochistan people doesn't have trust in the pupet stood by army.

Army should let people rule. People would vote them out if not good.
Somehow Pakistan good politicians would be more caring towards Pakistanis as they need votes and favour of the people. Then the army who try to solve every thing on gun point.
75 years after loosing Bangladesh, areas of azad kashmir and gilgit baltistan, siacheen glacier, 80 k men lost, economic loss, hamd over our daughters like afia siddique to america for dollars. Policies that our army muaharaff and zia ul haq made radicalised people, help in the creation of ttp and tlp and thousands of terroist organisations that fight Pakistan still. While we are comfortable in lahore.
Atleast 3 to 4 foji die every day. From last 3 months when regime change was happening 120 foji died and generals are responsible for them.

Awam ko yeah generals kuch nhn samajhta. Yeah bhi aik bought buri adat hai.

Whatever the history, the fact remains, like it or not, Pakistan has the system that it clearly has, for better and for worse. And it is likely to continue for the foreseeable future.
75 years of our existence.
Same thing over and over again.
If people's will is respected and if people's are considered important then do you think Pakistan would reach these path. Do you think if west Pakistanis knew about situation in east Pakistan. Do they let east Pakistan seperate from us? They would protest in favour of mujeeb and make him pm. And solve the issue.

In our history our generals have not considered us humans to make our own decisions. The political setup that has been made is such that no natural organic politician come forward. All are ghq approved or ghq disapproved. The disapproved struggle not to get the people's favour but instead try to woo ghq. This is the rot in the system.
Thats why balochistan people doesn't have trust in the pupet stood by army.

Army should let people rule. People would vote them out if not good.
Somehow Pakistan good politicians would be more caring towards Pakistanis as they need votes and favour of the people. Then the army who try to solve every thing on gun point.
75 years after loosing Bangladesh, areas of azad kashmir and gilgit baltistan, siacheen glacier, 80 k men lost, economic loss, hamd over our daughters like afia siddique to america for dollars. Policies that our army muaharaff and zia ul haq made radicalised people, help in the creation of ttp and tlp and thousands of terroist organisations that fight Pakistan still. While we are comfortable in lahore.
Atleast 3 to 4 foji die every day. From last 3 months when regime change was happening 120 foji died and generals are responsible for them.

Awam ko yeah generals kuch nhn samajhta. Yeah bhi aik bought buri adat hai.
There was a son of another retired General who complained to Bajwa about jawans dying on front lines (critical of Pak-jawans not using technology, air support etc)- the post was on pdf but I assume it was taken down - Bajwa had the son arrested & given a 2-3 years jail term.
There was a son of another retired General who complained to Bajwa about jawans dying on front lines (critical of Pak-jawans not using technology, air support etc)- the post was on pdf but I assume it was taken down - Bajwa had the son arrested & given a 2-3 years jail term.
Ehsas kahin bhi nhn hai dude.
Do you remember that man killed in wedding and people are eating feast while his dead body is lying in front of them. Nobody bother to cover it or close his eyes.
They have killed him for a purse theft, why would they?
This is our national attitude. The insensitivity with which we deals matters in this country is beyond anything.
If in any self respecting country one suicide bomb attack take place or 1 or 2 people died. The whole nation mourn.
Our soldier dies Daily. The public goes on with their life laughter, attending weddinga concerts etc etc.
Similarly generals who are responsible for the institute are insensitive of this issue. Men are cheap in Pakistan. A 25k soldier is almoat disposable. One die you hire new. These generals and this public has almkat accepted the fact. No one tries to solve the issues with neighbouring countries if they are involved. But let our people die.
Similarly people die in balochistan daily in target killing, operations or terrorist activities. Now fc has shot truck driver and let him die in the desert. Later when people were protesting. They shot at at least 15 people.
Who does that. How can there be calm? How can Pakistan be at peace. Trust me those 15 people that fc shot would never accept Pakistan by heart.

With the same insensitivity they treat Bangladeshi.
Seriously read history. There is a conspiracy. There is india involved. Our people are involved. Bengalis are angry.

But one touch of love ans kindness ans bengladesh would never come into being. Who shot their own people? Who? Who kill their own people. Army waa holding Bangladesh and they would forever.
But they dig their own grave by killing people. Even if some are killing army they should still not attacked general public and make them anti Pakistan.

Bangladeshis didn't made Bangladesh. West Pakistan insensitivity and generals trying to solve everything through power made Bangladesh.
And still they treat everyone with insensitivity.
No value of life.
No value of soldier life.
Mo value of innocent kids who took militancy due to bad policies of our army and governments.

No one ia healing this nation and the generals would one day say we have successfully destroyed what we so desire to protect.
Whatever the history, the fact remains, like it or not, Pakistan has the system that it clearly has, for better and for worse. And it is likely to continue for the foreseeable future.
I am not one of those that require revolutions and a complete change.
But let the system work for once.

For once in 75 years let it work.

If nawaz sherif want to declare loc as permanent border and make friends with india let him do it.
The people would judge him. If they dont like they would vote him out.

The generals sitting in ghq wont tell the pm even he is the corrupt and worse pig that ever walked the earth.

Similarly if imran khan wanted to fight kashmir diplomatically and put a pre condition of restoration of article 370 for talks. Let him be.
People would decide his policy is good or bad in elections not the generals sitting in ghq.
They forced imran khan to start back channel dialogs, and withdraw the condition of article 370 and only put the condition of restoration of state assembly.
The removed nawaz sherif for india love several times.
And muaharaff that removes nawaz sherif follows same nawaz vajpayee formula into musharaf vajpaee formula and wanted to sign it.
India skipped it at the last moment.

The army is not happy with a pro india or anti india leader. They want the conflict to go on. So Pakistan would remain a security state.
And Pakistan would always need an army and generals would always stay relevent. And control everything as they do.
This being in the middle or travelling in 2 boats is destroying Pakistan day by day and it seems beyind repair.
The army has to stop. Let people elect a politician through free elections.
Help anyone who come in power follow their own policies. Assist them not to kill opposition or to serve their purpose. But in better running of country and let them solve issue with neighbours once and forall.
And people would decide if the policy ia right or wrong and they would make the decision.
The generals sitting at the desk of ghq, wont decide. Which leader is popular or which is not. Or whose cases should proceed or whose cases should stop.
Or what policy they should follow or what policy they shouldn't.
Haven't they destroyed the country enough.
You cannot decide to remove leader of Pakistan because americans told you so. If you decide not to remove imran khan on americans orders. Americans would have called you back in few days. You are too important for them fo ignore. Now you are their slaves and they would ignore you after tossing few scraps to their fav poodle.
But let the system work for once.

For once in 75 years let it work.

I understand what you are saying, but please know that the system is working as effectively now as it has for the last half-century to deliver the results it is designed to achieve. And it will endure.

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