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Imran khan is ISI: Rumorville

iioal malik

Apr 30, 2009
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PTI Leader king khan..who couldn't talk about missing person yet again address to balochistan conference...Fool n final..ISI baby has born and ready to suck the blood of poor pakistani yet again:devil:
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PTI or Imran can never be ISI/army. Army thrives in Pakistan's corrupt political culture. It props up corrupt politicians to manipulate from behind the scenes. Just look at the list of people who serve under army governments and how much they benefit from that association.

NRO was given to corrupt politicians by the army to manipulate them from behind. Dont you think intelligence agencies know of the corruption of Zardari and his cronies? The y keep such politicians in the system to keep a hold on power structure.

Imran is no such person. If he was, he could have easily joined General Musharraf. He did not. This perception created by people that army is supporting him is absolutely nonsense. Army only supports and encourages corrupt politicans like Pervez Elahi/Shujaat or Nawaz/ Zardari Samjhota Express.
just close ur eyes and sleep as nothing is happening...He is ur god u won't understand :) Peace !!!

My eyes are wide open and I see 2 people who will spend eternity in hell and one guy who will be in the highest levels of heaven (inshallah)

The choice is easy for anyone who is not corrupted to the core.
I have seen Imran bringing up this issue many times. he actually doesnt spare a chance to criticize army and ISI right from the start of WoT to Lal Masjid and the drone strikes.

if one makes selected choices of facts to build up a case this is only called deceiving. its like taking a statement of a person who says

["I am against the people of Lahore who are too lazy to clear the rubbish & don't follow basic hygiene resulting epidemics "

now take the sentence only up to Lahore and tout it as a racist and derogatory remark towards people of Lahore and argue that thats what he said but withholding the rest of the qualifying statement is actually what is called deceiving and misinformation.
What is the big deal. If ISI Pakistani people and Imran agree on Pakistani policies
My eyes are wide open and I see 2 people who will spend eternity in hell and one guy who will be in the highest levels of heaven (inshallah)

The choice is easy for anyone who is not corrupted to the core.

You mean the person who's yet to clarify his stance on either the child who claims to be his or not will be in haven ??

Common don't bring these religious kind of lines into this..YOU are nobody to decide who will be in haven or hell.every1 in this world have to work for it U haven't got the secret key to heaven..... as i said all of u think he is God...That's why the worst came out of you and u took it little personal and deciding about hell and heaven ..
Time will be the decider in this timeless games who is trying to defend who !!
There is no doubt about it, army is trying back door for power.

Because it can't take the front as its lost credibility in the general pubic due to the army GHQ hostage crisis, regular drone attacks, Osama Operation etc. etc.
What is the matter with you guys. Lets take the example of drones. Most of our people if not all do not want drones killing our people. Lets assume ISI is against drones. So if IK happens to be against drones you will assume that ISI is backing IK??
my little advice to members plz dont reply to troll threads because these are invented in Raiwind and with the courtesy of paid person they are seeking attentions..
Imran is no such person. If he was, he could have easily joined General Musharraf. He did not. This perception created by people that army is supporting him is absolutely nonsense. Army only supports and encourages corrupt politicans like Pervez Elahi/Shujaat or Nawaz/ Zardari Samjhota Express.

You really think anyone would support IK if he joined with Musharraf?
That's why he didn't..

What is the matter with you guys. Lets take the example of drones. Most of our people if not all do not want drones killing our people. Lets assume ISI is against drones. So if IK happens to be against drones you will assume that ISI is backing IK??

But the ISI is not against drones.
Imran Khan "is" against them..for now, for his votes.
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