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Imran Khan full speech in National Assembly !!


Sep 7, 2010
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Imran Khan Chairman PTI took oath today and addressed the Parliament. He congratulated the Speaker on his electoral success and congratulated the Prime Minister.

He said he was speaking not as an opposition leader but as a Pakistani. He talked about the time when Pakistan was one of the leading developing states of Asia - a model for others to follow. And he asked the question "where did we go wrong"?

Quoting from the Quran about God abandons those people who don't follow the right path. He referred to the Madina. Charter and its focus on Insaf. "We lost 2ast Pakistan because we denied the people Insaf. The poor Baloch sitting on the streets outside the Parliament want justice." He referred to the people in developed welfare states who were satisfied because they know they have access to justice.

Imran Khan went on to talk about the budget and how it is going to cause utter distress specially amongst the poor and the middle class. He also referred to the difficulty of retaining qualified professionals because of the unfair burden placed on them.

Khan condemned the whole tax regime being propagated as being premised on injustice. That is why there is no tax culture established in Pakistan despite the fact that Pakistanis are leading charity donors.

Imran went on to highlight the lavish official lifestyles reflected in the government houses and other public symbols and asked how on earth we could justify all this.

Imran then went on to talk of terrorism as the main scourge being faced by Pakistan today across the whole country. He referred to the different types of terrorism confronting Pakistan today.

He stated PTI's solutiion to terrorism focusing on root causes. For 9 years he said we have focused on only a militaristic approach and we know the result of that.

Khan said the whole "war on terror" has been fought by Pakistan on a lie! For dollars Pakistani govts lied to its people.

He spoke about the lie centring on drones. Anyone killed was labelled a "foreign militant" including innocent children.

If Pakistan has to win this war against terror it has to take ownership and that means asserting its sovereignty. Drone attacks link Pak to the US War and anytime there is a chance of peace talks, drones rain in.

Drone attacks need to be stopped not just because they are against int law etc but also because they link Pak with the US war.. Khan said we need to delink and disengage from this war to rob militants of their narrative of jehad.

Khan said if there is any agreement on drones it should be brought before the nation. He suggested Pak needs to go to the anti drone lobbies in the US as well as the UNSC. "Shooting a drone is only a last option".

"We need a comprehensive policy to stop drones and then move on to a national truth and reconciliation. We need a comprehensoive counter terrorism policy against this number 1 scourge against the country.

Imran Khan then went on to talk of the critical problem of corruption. He demanded NAB be totally indpendent and said in KP the provincial govt will do this with the prov equivalent of NAB.

Khan then demanded a conflict of interest law so that ministers, 0pm etc separate themselves from their businesses. Khan stated that the KP government is going to do exactly this.

He also demanded decxlaration of assets and confiscation of assets discovered not to have been declared.

He went on to the issue of governance and said unless civil service and police are depoliticised governance cannot be rectified.

Also, as Khan pointed out we need a proper local government system. Where power devolves to the villages. Again he said KP will be doing this shortly and will try to have elections through biometric system.

Finally Imran KHan spoke about elections. He explained why PTI did not join Tahir ul Qadri because PTI had hope in fair and free electionsM But he admitted perhaps Dr Qadri was right and what was needed was electoral reform. He pointed out how every Party claimed rigging somewhere or the other in Pakistan after the last elections. People for the first time came out on the streets to protest rigging.

Khan said we need to move forward. He demanded that the CEC and SC investigate what happened in the elections. We want an independent investigation and use of verification by thumbprints. EC needs to be totally depoliticised. We saw new voters and a heavy turnout but if these voters lose faith in elections Pakistan's ddemocracy will suffer.

Khan ended by appealing to the CJ and the support PTI had extended to the dream of an independent judiciary, including Imran himself going to jail. He requested the CJ to take notice of the election irregularities as there has been a theft of the electoral mandate. Start with KP if u must. As Khan said, if we expose the truth, we will move on and not repeat our mistakes. We should have made public the Hamoodur Rehman Commission Report as well as have had a commission on Kargil and the US war on terror" so we could have learnt from our mistakes!

Chairman PTI Imran Khan's oath taking and address to the Parliament > Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf > Insaf News

@nuclearpak @Jazzbot @Awesome :)

updated with the speech


full speech
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Now a second PTI legislator has been killed by militants, perhaps many more will have to die to allow IK to rethink his Taliban position, but by then perhaps the choice will be IK as PTI leader or a PTI without IK.
Now a second PTI legislator has been killed by militants, perhaps many more will have to die to allow IK to rethink his Taliban position, but by then perhaps the choice will be IK as PTI leader or a PTI without IK.

What do you suppose his position is?
What do you suppose his position is?

In his Speech before Majlis, he has called for action to stop droes from targeting Talib and associated enemies, he has also called for yet another APC to formulate a joint position -- this second move the call for an APC, suggests that the PTI may not be as unified on the issue of talks with the Talib as perhaps once thought, it appears that more PTI legislators may have to bear rhe brunt of IK's and JI's Talib position.
In his Speech before Majlis, he has called for action to stop droes from targeting Talib and associated enemies, he has also called for yet another APC to formulate a joint position -- this second move the call for an APC, suggests that the PTI may not be as unified on the issue of talks with the Talib as perhaps once thought, it appears that more PTI legislators may have to bear rhe brunt of IK's and JI's Talib position.

Since when are drones actions against Taliban?

By unclassified official Standard Operating Procedures, Drones are only attacking signatures. If I told you tomorrow to kill all black people (in a black neighborhood) because my study shows that most blacks are Taliban... Would a third person classify your actions as killing black people or killing Taliban?

You will occasionally get a few Taliban in your attacks against the black people, but more or less you'll kill just black people.

Imran Khan, who believes in prevalence of the justice system, in the code of innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, has simply found using signature strikes as unacceptable.

You are mistaken to think that even after the Taliban kill all PTI except Imran, that he would agree to the drone strikes.

The drones are striking Pakistan, not Taliban. A Pakistani should look at it no other way.

About talks with Taliban - now that's a whole different thing. He has said so repeatedly and I believe he just intends to separate the redeemable Pashtun folk from the irredeemable Taliban folk that are so intermingled within that area.

There will be SOME people he will agree to be handled militarily. He has said that. Recall his interview when he said he'd handle the terrorism issue in 90 days if he comes to power. Well he didn't but in that interview he says that whoever is still adamant to carry out attacks against us, we will fight them too.

But apnay dushman agar kam karsakte ho toh karo. Agar baat cheet se 10 bandon ki jaga 5 se larna paray toh yeh toh samaj daari wali baat hai.

But I underscore the pitfalls of merging talks with Taliban and drone issue together. If you have to support the right, then you have to go wherever it takes you. You can oppose some Taliban and you can oppose some America too as long you are right and they are wrong.
Now a second PTI legislator has been killed by militants, perhaps many more will have to die to allow IK to rethink his Taliban position, but by then perhaps the choice will be IK as PTI leader or a PTI without IK.

reading carefully or understanding the position from the point of the person himself is better than following critic's mindless mantra !!

p.s. in his parliamentary speech, he said that we have to make this war our own, we need to stop compromising on our sovereignty which is violated by drones, and act on our own !!

hope your children never live under this fear:

6 year Pakistani boy afraid of drones tells dad: "We cannot go home.We have 2 spend night in tree."

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/19/drone-signature-strike_n_3421586.html … …
reading carefully or understanding the position from the point of the person himself is better than following critic's mindless mantra !!

p.s. in his parliamentary speech, he said that we have to make this war our own, we need to stop compromising on our sovereignty which is violated by drones, and act on our own !!

hope your children never live under this fear:

6 year Pakistani boy afraid of drones tells dad: "We cannot go home.We have 2 spend night in tree."

Drone 'Signature Strike' Witness Responds To Obama Speech: 'I Don't Trust A Single Word' … …

Fair enough, however, tell me if I have this wrong, since we do not have the ability to decapitate the leadership, our so called "ownership" will in effect mean that Talib leadership can rest easy on that count? After all, perhaps you can efresh our memory, who, which leader have we been able to take out?

I cannot make this link appear as video? @nuclearpak help please?

Fair enough, however, tell me if I have this wrong, since we do not have the ability to decapitate the leadership, our so called "ownership" will in effect mean that Talib leadership can rest easy on that count? After all, perhaps you can efresh our memory, who, which leader have we been able to take out?

failure to do something doesnot mean, stop trying... once no option is left to fix them, then use force as last option.
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I cannot make this link appear as video? @nuclearpak help please?

failure to do something doesnot mean, stop trying... once no option is left to fix them, then use force as last option.

Alternately it means that we either do not have the capability or the will - which of these would you say characterize our behavior, and what doe sit say about how long this conflict will continue without such decapitation?? Were we able to get Fazlullah? even after unleashing the army on him? You say "once no option is left", are you therefore suggesting that 50,000 dead Pakistanis and their relatives are to be denied justice??? When will the option of the use of force be viable, at 100000 deaths, at 10,000,000?? Abnd do you think it a moral position??
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MashAllah,,, Whattay Speech by IK,,,, Chaa gaya hai Immi Bao!
@Pak-one listen what Imran khan said about War on terror and Talibs and FATA
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Alternately it means that we either do not have the capability or the will - which of these would you say characterize our behavior, and what doe sit say about how long this conflict will continue without such decapitation?? Were we able to get Fazlullah? even after unleashing the army on him? You say "once no option is left", are you therefore suggesting that 50,000 dead Pakistanis and their relatives are to be denied justice??? When will the option of the use of force be viable, at 100000 deaths, at 10,000,000?? Abnd do you think it a moral position??

dont get emotional... else half my family was slain back in 1857 war of independence,still half my family was slain during 1947 riots...

be rational and think in the strategic interest of the the State.. consider some international moves; post-Afghan quit strategy and the new American position in the region for starter.

if we could have killed them all, we would have done it in 9 years,no?

Also rationalize this our sympathizes are with the 50,000 slain Pakistanis, but unfortunately, not only in deprived FATA areas, but also in the heart of Lahore, majority of the people are either confuse or have sympathy for them.. imagine how to end this conflict which has even infected the very ranks of our own military, recently caught taliban Abdullah Umar is son to? and many more such cases......

you maybe okay in England to propose macho point of views, but we live here, and I seriously dont want to be blown up by some suicider or be killed in some cross fire or by a mistake by solider !!

anyway, as long as America plays its role, there wont be any peace at all....even if we kill all of them, they will be replaced by more or the snake will rise from else where, in another form, this is the price we have to pay when we allow other countries to play proxy war in our home !!
dont get emotional... else half my family was slain back in 1857 war of independence,still half my family was slain during 1947 riots...

be rational and think in the strategic interest of the the State.. consider some international moves; post-Afghan quit strategy and the new American position in the region for starter.

if we could have killed them all, we would have done it in 9 years,no?

Also rationalize this our sympathizes are with the 50,000 slain Pakistanis, but unfortunately, not only in deprived FATA areas, but also in the heart of Lahore, majority of the people are either confuse or have sympathy for them.. imagine how to end this conflict which has even infected the very ranks of our own military, recently caught taliban Abdullah Umar is son to? and many more such cases......

you maybe okay in England to propose macho point of views, but we live here, and I seriously dont want to be blown up by some suicider or be killed in some cross fire or by a mistake by solider !!

anyway, as long as America plays its role, there wont be any peace at all....even if we kill all of them, they will be replaced by more or the snake will rise from else where, in another form, this is the price we have to pay when we allow other countries to play proxy war in our home !!

I think this was a particularly regrettable post, you gone the denial route, citing "international moves" you ask "if we could have done, would we not have done it" -- and then yo offer to barter the writ of the Pakistani state and nation to any who may hold you hostage to do so -- I really think you had a case to make, but chose a very poor series of positions, because they are indefensible.

By the way you left out CIA, Mossad and RAW - You can and should do better
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