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Imran khan exclusive interview with piers Morgan

The EVMs do not matter as long as the Umpire remains the same. It will call the innings as it deems suitable. As always.

USA has nothing to do with this regime change. Mere claims by the ousted PM are simply political pandering to the gullible. The Army installed him, the army kicked him out. No foreign intervention necessary.

The Umpire and the Puncture Fixers will make sure that the votes are counted just as they always have been, according to the situation.
It is all in the open now. Visit what bajra said during Islamabad security dialog. The cipher was given and ncm was hot on the Table.
It is all in the open now. Visit what bajra said during Islamabad security dialog. The cipher was given and ncm was hot on the Table.

ROFL. Neither the cipher nor the demarche is response are in the open. Only one-sided self-serving political claims are.
With such an impressive record of economic achievements, and given the relatively poor performance of the current government, PTI should have no problems in winning the next elections, one may presume.

Their is a reason why they are running away from elections because Bajwa need to do certain things.

1) Finish corruption cases.
2) Fund media on national exchequer.
3) Electoral fraud. ( The votes of pti are thrown in miles away, members of the same family living in the same location scattered all across in different polling stations). Compromised election commission. Overseas Pakistanis not able to cast their vote. No EVM so casted votes can be destroyed and bogus votes casted).

Whatever illusion of democracy we had is gone.

Pakistan is now officially an occupied territory.
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ROFL. Neither the cipher nor the demarche is response are in the open. Only one-sided self-serving political claims are.

The joke is on you if you deny their existence. How lame can one be.

You strike me as a brown person with white inferiority complex.

There were many like you who said the same thing ( until their mouths were foaming, there was no external interference) when the first NRO was done. Guess what Condoleezza Rice openly defeated in your mouths when all was revealed in her book 'No higher honour'.

Do you know which institution was at the forefront in doing American bidding. None other than the army.
Their is a reason why they are running away from elections because Bajwa need to do certain things.

Or may be they know that they have the rest of the term according to the Constitution, and that it is their legal right to avail any, or all, of it.

The joke is on you if you deny their existence. How lame can one be.

You strike me as a brown person with white inferiority complex.

There were many like you who said the same thing ( until their mouths were foaming, there was no external interference) when the first NRO was done. Guess what Condoleezza Rice openly defeated in your mouths when all was revealed in her book 'No higher honour'.

Do you know which institution was at the forefront in doing American bidding. None other than the army.

Ad hominem attacks and wattabootery does nothing to help your point of view.

The FACT remains that neither the cipher nor the demarche is response are in the open. Only one-sided self-serving political claims are.
I think last time I checked imran was the person in favour of open ballot in senate but all this PDM and establishment was against it how would they control this democracy. No EVM so elections are going to be rigged.
He was talking about the 2018 general election which was rigged to bring PTI in as a participant in the hybrid governance model.
Apart from Imi, Pak do not have a charismatic leader who can communicate so well internally and externally both with Pak and non pak citizens. This doesnt necessarily = great leader or the right leader. But it does show how pathetic Pakistani governance is.
He was talking about the 2018 general election which was rigged to bring PTI in as a participant in the hybrid governance model.
I think the biggest beneficiary of rigged election has always been PMLN. They have biggest specialty in Boot licking no wonder they have got 2/3rd Majority in Parliament multiple times. People who have worked with Nawaz have always complimented him with most empty headed person
Nice wattabootery! :D
How much did you get from cia? Super powers always have proxies everywhere. Are you the one of proxies of them like bajwa. Atomic powers dont fight wars on battlefield. They play with each other with proxies. Pakistan is country usa canot afford to lose. 230 millones and geographically a Phenomena on the world map. For understanding this all you need to have brain. As I see your comments. I can tell, you carry the brain size of chicken 🐔.
Pakistan is country usa canot afford to lose.

Really? After defeating USA in Afghanistan, Pakistan is already lost to USA, it seems to me, given its Iron Brother relationship with China.
Really? After defeating USA in Afghanistan, Pakistan is already lost to USA, it seems to me, given its Iron Brother relationship with China.
This round belongs to usa. I have no problem to accept this fact. But situation do change in war.. This rule applies on many games.. but v chang if i am not mistaken. You used have indian flags in your dp. Correct me if I am wrong. If that is the case. I am surprised Indian nationals are defending pak army chif...
You mean USA lost this round, right?
They won this round while ousting khan and destroying Pakistan army imagen with in Pakistan. Pakistani army was pride of Pakistan. When you destroy the pride of a nation then the nation is done.. bajwa has done more damage to army then any of its enemy
They won this round while ousting khan and destroying Pakistan army imagen with in Pakistan. Pakistani army was pride of Pakistan. When you destroy the pride of a nation then the nation is done.. bajwa has done more damage to army then any of its enemy

Wait a minute. The same leadership that orchestrated the US defeat in Afghanistan and was venerated by its people for that success is now the villain for them simply because IK could not keep his shaky coalition together? That simply does not make sense, and indeed unfair.
Agreed masaer g
Because he would also have to increase fuel prices. Plus palm oil products are going towards record high. You will be buying Ghee and Oil 800+ PKR in a month. Very shocking! If only 2 things Crude Oil and Palm oil prices in international market decreases 50% inflation will be gone in few weeks. Every one will get a sigh of relief. Please pray for it! Poor are living very miserable life in this country.
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