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Imran Khan detained at Airport, off loaded from plane !!

What makes you think a second rate player of the world's stupidest "sport" is gonna rate special treatment?:what:

Second rate? He was one of the greatest players of all time. And cricket >>>>>>>>>baseball.
why is this pro- Talib Imran going to US to beg for US dollars?? He should go to Kabul to raise funds for his election or better FATA
America is like a cheap wh...re.. that portrays itself as a virgin , of course my comparison is very very crude but this is what it is

They will let a group of 30-40 white guys go thru with out a single question in morning flights
but as soon as they see a Pakistani etc or Muslim suddenly they will send him in room for questioning for 30-90 minutes

The funny thing is , that inside USA there are drug dealers, rapist , pedophiles etc you name the crap it exists in that country but they want to feel special and big so they degrade others

I mean really ... you look at all the psychopaths that end up killing people in USA :sick: you really wana laugh at the insecurities they have ....most of the psychos they have are either christians or white trash , blacks they just get thrown in jails left and right ...

:lol: Pathetic country

I mean it was built on stealing land from Native Indian what to expect from a country built on stealing lieing and murder of natives

The funny thing is many Indians are also in the detention booths but they are normally there for other reasons ...
On what grounds have they pulled him off the plane? This is American fascism at best!

actually there is a bottom line difference between views of Pakistanis and Americans/Canadians/British. that is, they think its right to kill 1-2 militants even if few civilians are also scored in parallel, while a Pakistani think that Al Qaeda are mainly Arab origin terrorists so why drones drop bombs on the civilians of Afghan/Pakistan, in search of those Al Qaeda terrorists who might be hiding there? Pakistanis also believe that Taliban are pushtun and they are fighting for Afghanistan while the 9/11 was done by Arab Origin Al Qaeda who are based in more than 50 countries of world, so why only Pakistani and Afghan civilians are being bombed in search of those Arabs who in fact have more close terms with US itself.?

in short, Mr I.Khan can't understand why his civilians would be bombed in search of 1-2 militants while Western nationals can't understand why they won't be bombed if there is always a possibility to kill few militants by every drone attack? Pakistani rulers frequently say that drone attacks 'multiply' Pushtu militants as they are then more willing to take revenge of their family members who get killed in these attacks, as we do know that 1 out of 2 drone attacks are done mistakenly, and mainly they bomb on the residential areas.............
I agree with Imran Khan

a) Stop Drone
b) Protect Local Airspace
c) Make it clear to USA you have out lived your welcome , get lost
Aren't you talkin about same sport which the baseball is a major ripoff of. The only reason it's not hated in USA is cuz it derivative form of cricket, invented by Americans with silly rules and it's mostly for people that can't last for more than a day in the field!

Cricket - (tea and cucumber sandwiches) + (beer and hot dogs) = baseball
^^^ And cheerleaders with mini skirts...
Forget about mr.Juice .. Looks like he was high on donuts or peanut butter while commenting...
According to #ARY Imran Khan had heated exchange with US officials .IK said will continue to raise voice against #Drones no matter what.

Was this before or after his detention, i.e. was this the reason for, or reaction to, his detention?

If it's the former, then it's unfortunate since the US officials are just itching to make an example of him anyway and would have used this as an excuse.

It the latter, then it's just juvenile bullying by the US and will backfire by making Imran Khan a martyr.
^^^ And cheerleaders with mini skirts...
Forget about mr.Juice .. Looks like he was high on donuts or peanut butter while commenting...

Lol, don't eat many donuts, and peanut butter is not high on my list either. All the beer, maybe?:cheesy:
America is like a cheap wh...re.. that portrays itself as a virgin , of course my comparison is very very crude but this is what it is

They will let a group of 30-40 white guys go thru with out a single question in morning flights
but as soon as they see a Pakistani etc or Muslim suddenly they will send him in room for questioning for 30-90 minutes

The funny thing is , that inside USA there are drug dealers, rapist , pedophiles etc you name the crap it exists in that country but they want to feel special and big so they degrade others

I mean really ... you look at all the psychopaths that end up killing people in USA :sick: you really wana laugh at the insecurities they have ....most of the psychos they have are either christians or white trash , blacks they just get thrown in jails left and right ...
I mean it was built on stealing land from Native Indian what to expect from a country built on stealing lieing and murder of natives
The funny thing is many Indians are also in the detention booths but they are normally there for other reasons ...

I don't know if you've been to the US and this post reflects your experience. But do allow me to explain a few things to you. Yes, there may be strict checking of muslims who's name come up on the list due to their contacts or suspicious behavior, BUT there are MORE while people that get checked than muslims. As muslims are a very small minority here. The purpose behind the TSA screening is to make travel safe for everyone (again, 95% Americans and non muslims) but not for just the muslims. I fly A LOT and it is what I've seen. Unless there is an issue with a certain name matching up with some secret list, TSA doesn't bother JUST muslims. If you pass screening and no siren rang, you are good to go.

Second, the muslims live a MUCH better life than they live in Pakistan. Your post just comes across silly and without a point. Do people leave India and Pakistan to go to the US or is it the other way around??? I let you face reality here.
In Pakistan, openly practicing different sects of Islam (sunni vs. shia) has been getting people killed. In America's history, when was the first and the last time you heard that sunni's and shia's fought ???? The American society has tolerance towards others. It respects the diversity and people's beliefs (so long they don't threaten the general American public).

Last, EVERY society has criminals, drug dealers, murderers and rapists. In the US, if you are caught, you'll have your day in the court. At which point, you'll regret your whole life for what you did and you'll be behind bars and you could be ANYBODY. In Pakistan or India, a LOT of rapes don't even become police cases as the people who committed it were rich so no action taken. Similarly, drug dealers and others have family members in the gov't protecting them. In the US, if there is ANY drugs found and you are captured. NO ONE is coming to rescue you even if you are the daughter of a president!! You can't compare the same societies as they are FAR APART.
About American Indians, it's been going on when people arrived around North America. Wasn't just the Americans who decided to kill the American Indians. But realizing that it was wrong, the gov't spends billions in dollars to make sure they provide grants, business opportunities and tax exemption to the American Indian community, just a way to show that what happened was wrong and that the people are commuted to America Indian's future growth in the American system!!
Please try to compare apples to apples next time.

about the American Indians,
yeah right after they confiscated most of the rich farm lands and hearding grounds and oil and gold fields , yes they felt sorry lol

Native Population went from 100% to 0.001 % or something ;) Please save me the whole justice notion ...

You make a small error they will choose a Jury from White trash , and next thing you know you are in prison for 30 years lol just ask any black man what do they fear most and most will say being convicted for a crime they did not commit

As for the people who are detained I have personally seen

Old people up to 50-60 years , pregnent women visiting relatives , and working class people with no criminal history what so ever

Bottom line is racial profiling is not approved of and specially stopping next Prime Minister of Pakistan hurts sentiments of Pakistanis..

Pakistan needs to shut down US embassy , and focus on its own national interest rather then allowing US embassy to setup terror networks inside Pakistan
^^^ I disagree..
USA has a policy of singling out muslums and disrupting their travel.
I was refused entry into USA in 1998 way before 9/11 and i was only flying from Panama to Dubai via Florida where the plane had to land for an hour and i had to remain seated in the plane anyway.
And due to them beung an arse..i had to remain stuck in Panana for a month as 90% of flights from central america are via USA.
Only after a month i could find a flight which didnt transit a US airport...
Later i applied for and got 5 year multiple entry visa....although never used it and made sure since then that any flight i book does not transit USA.
So there you go,US officials love to be a tit when it comes to muslims.
1.Muslims must understand clearly that the West led by USA is at war with us and Islam. The formal declaration was made by Bush bin Satan just after the 9/11 false flag op. It is not just Pakistan or Libya or Iraq or Afghanistan, it is the Muslims everywhere and Islam. India is going overboard in pleasing the new master America. But that hasn't prevented Shahrukh Khan being similarly harassed twice. Ex Prez Kalam was harassed similarly. The Sikh who represents India at UN was humiliated at the airport because he looks like a serious Muslim. And a massacre of Sikhs took place in a gurdwara for same reason.

2. Simple fact is that America is at war with us.
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